Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Any vfl is supportive and appreciative of bray. I truly believe the only ones who aren't are either halfass bandwagoners or trolls. Gtfo if u have anything negative to say about him. Pisses me off! U don't represent even 1% of vol fans.
He wasn't on the field running around with his middle finger up. He got hit and turned around and gave a salute. Whether he knew exactly who hit him or not, he was responding to being hit with a cup of ice.

Quit pretending like it equates to taunting.

What about the Bama player giving the suck it sign to LSU fans after the winning TD last year? I'd consider that taunting
Titans could take him. Wouldn't be out of character.

Bray wouldn't fit on the Titans at all. A team that runs the ball 75% of the time. Rusty Smith may not be able to throw deep but he knows to give the ball to CJ.
With teams almost looking to be making an example out of Rogers/Bray, who's to say they would even be invited to camp as a UFA? Crazy as it sounds, it sure looks like a message is being sent.

Nobody is denying their talent so based on that I'm sure they both will be invited to somebody's camp.
Any vfl is supportive and appreciative of bray. I truly believe the only ones who aren't are either halfass bandwagoners or trolls. Gtfo if u have anything negative to say about him. Pisses me off! U don't represent even 1% of vol fans.

You are so dead wrong I am 100% a TN fan to the day I die. I will say whatever I please about Bray as a QB at TN, his time here was full of losing and that I don't like. I am a true Vol fan, because I expect us to have a winning record at the very least.
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He wasn't on the field running around with his middle finger up. He got hit and turned around and gave a salute. Whether he knew exactly who hit him or not, he was responding to being hit with a cup of ice.

Quit pretending like it equates to taunting.

Yes. I'm the one pretending.
Well I'm sure Jerry, and other coaches, respects his ramblings over the ones from randoms on a MSG board. But continue to bash the guy if it makes u feel better about yourself. :good!:

Wow. That was a brilliant retort. You forgot to add that since I've never coached an SEC football team (you assume) then I'm not entitled to an opinion on anyone who has or is coaching one.

You may notice, I'm not in the war room with him, so no, Jerry is not listening to my ramblings. As he shouldn't be listening to Dooley's either.
Care to elaborate?

I agree. There just seemed to be something about TB that made me question his leadership. It always looked like he did not respect his coaches. Even if CDD was a clown Bray appeared to blow him off. It looked like he quit a few times as well. He's not "all heart". This may be why he has not been drafted. JMO
This is crap. Bray would have been a senior...and a senior with one of the best statistical lines for any QB in the program's history. He wouldn't have been benched in favor of someone else no matter what offense Butch Jones wants to run. Going pro early was yet another poor decision from Bray. It's the one area where he has shown the most consistency during his career.

Can you seriously picture Bray trying to run the option? It would have been a disaster for both Bray and UT.
Bray wouldn't fit on the Titans at all. A team that runs the ball 75% of the time. Rusty Smith may not be able to throw deep but he knows to give the ball to CJ.

Bray also was horrible with play action plays. He definitely needs to be on a throwing team. I still can't believe he's not been picked up at this point.
At this point he should probably be hoping he doesn't get drafted.

In free-agency, instead of being someone's 'roll of the dice', he could potentially have an opportunity to play for a dozen, or more, NFL teams and even land a better contract.

Either way, I wonder how many times he has thought to himself, 'I can't believe this! I am so stupid, I knew I should have stayed in school!'?

If I found myself in his situation, that thought would be running on a constant loop through my mind.
Any vfl is supportive and appreciative of bray. I truly believe the only ones who aren't are either halfass bandwagoners or trolls. Gtfo if u have anything negative to say about him. Pisses me off! U don't represent even 1% of vol fans.

Bandwagoners aren't wearing orange right now my man lol.
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Bray wouldn't fit on the Titans at all. A team that runs the ball 75% of the time. Rusty Smith may not be able to throw deep but he knows to give the ball to CJ.

It looks like things are changing... Hunter is no blocker.
But do you understand what I am saying, on the Ainge and Bray thread a poster did a great job of describing the issues with bray, it is okay to have problems with a player. I am just sick of all the Bray love, no other QB has a worse record for TN over the last 20 years then Bray and yes he is not the only reason for it, but he did not help his case.

I don't dislike Bray at all, I will support him in the NFL. I put a lot more of the blame on Dooley and Sal for the bad record then I do Bray.

As for the head case and immaturity. Idk I've never met him , so I can't make a comment on that.
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