Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

I think after dealing with team cancers like T.O. the NFL is tired of the B.S. They'll probably get a shot but when/if they start their crap it'll be don't let the door hit ya ....WITHOUT PAY. CFL is looking for a few good men.
I had a post earlier that listed the names of QBs that Kiffin ran off that if still on campus when Dooley took over would have IMO made the last 3 yrs totally different. Instead of Dooley having to put up with brays s**t. BJ Coleman, nick Stephens, Tahj Boyd. I just remembered one more...Bryce Petty out of Midlothian TX (fulmer commit). Now he most likely is going to be the starter at Baylor under Briles.

Just want people to think about how different things would/could have been with these QBs on the roster for Bray to sit behind. So many say Dooley needed to sit bray to teach him a lesson. But play who?? Any of the guys I named above?? Oh wait...

Dooley was the HC he didn't have to put up with Bray's ****. Bray might have had poor work ethic and bad attitude but so did his HC.
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Thank you NFL. I wish bray, and darick the best, but I'm glad that these guys didn't get drafted. I've seen threads about how much bray did this and that, but facts are facts. He doesn't work hard in the film room, he threw games with darick while he was here, and he is a punk. Going undrafted will be the best thing for him and darick. A dose of reality just slapped them in the face. If you're a punk that just tries to wing it to greatness, you'll be playing in the arena league.
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Thank you NFL. I wish bray, and darick the best, but I'm glad that these guys didn't get drafted. I've seen threads about how much bray did this and that, but facts are facts. He doesn't work hard in the film room, he threw games with darick while he was here, and he is a punk. Going undrafted will be the best thing for him and darick. A dose of reality just slapped them in the face. If you're a punk that just tries to wing it to greatness, you'll be playing in the arena league.

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Thank you NFL. I wish bray, and darick the best, but I'm glad that these guys didn't get drafted. I've seen threads about how much bray did this and that, but facts are facts. He doesn't work hard in the film room, he threw games with darick while he was here, and he is a punk. Going undrafted will be the best thing for him and darick. A dose of reality just slapped them in the face. If you're a punk that just tries to wing it to greatness, you'll be playing in the arena league.

Unless you're really good.
I don't understand all these posters saying they feel bad for Bray.

I do not. The kid has the potential to be a 1st round draft pick but instead he chooses to give a 70% effort. He quit in a couple of games. Basically said he and Rogers threw the KY game in '11 because they did not want to go to a crappy bowl game.

He did not get drafted because of his own doing.
Actions have consequences .
Bray just learned an expensive lesson in life.
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Thank you NFL. I wish bray, and darick the best, but I'm glad that these guys didn't get drafted. I've seen threads about how much bray did this and that, but facts are facts. He doesn't work hard in the film room, he threw games with darick while he was here, and he is a punk. Going undrafted will be the best thing for him and darick. A dose of reality just slapped them in the face. If you're a punk that just tries to wing it to greatness, you'll be playing in the arena league.

Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind.
Dooley was the HC he didn't have to put up with Bray's ****. Bray might have had poor work ethic and bad attitude but so did his HC.

He kind of did though. Who else was he can put at QB? It wasn't like Tennessee was going to be patient with him if he benched his best player and continued to lose.
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Thank you NFL. I wish bray, and darick the best, but I'm glad that these guys didn't get drafted. I've seen threads about how much bray did this and that, but facts are facts. He doesn't work hard in the film room, he threw games with darick while he was here, and he is a punk. Going undrafted will be the best thing for him and darick. A dose of reality just slapped them in the face. If you're a punk that just tries to wing it to greatness, you'll be playing in the arena league.

Stay classy. Always funny to see people who take pleasure in people's dreams being crushed.
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NFL: "Hey Bray ... how about a slice of humble pie?"

It's sickening that we have people in our fanbase who would gloat at a Vols player not being drafted. Instead of maybe saying the experience was humbling and hopefully he uses it as motivation to grow and succeed in his future endeavors.
I don't understand all these posters saying they feel bad for Bray.

I do not. The kid has the potential to be a 1st round draft pick but instead he chooses to give a 70% effort. He quit in a couple of games. Basically said he and Rogers threw the KY game in '11 because they did not want to go to a crappy bowl game.

He did not get drafted because of his own doing.
Actions have consequences .
Bray just learned an expensive lesson in life.
Ok . . . It's his fault. Still, it doesn't bother you just a little to see one of our guys get completely shunned?

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