Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Has 1st round potential. He should have stayed another year and spent the whole time working on his attitude and work ethic.

Just think with a bad work ethic and bad attitude, it cost Mr. Bray a few million over the last few days, now its time to face the real world.:ermm:
Anyone hating on Tyler needs to stfu now...

Compare this to you winning the lottery and walking out of your house someone robs you and takes the ticket....

I blame it on the dumba$$ Analyst, whispering in his ear he was a 2nd round draft pick then slandering him every chance they got.

This has nothing to do with the analysts. Tyler Bray got out of this exactly what he put into it. Who did he beat in the 3 years that he was here?
I don't understand all these posters saying they feel bad for Bray.

I do not. The kid has the potential to be a 1st round draft pick but instead he chooses to give a 70% effort. He quit in a couple of games. Basically said he and Rogers threw the KY game in '11 because they did not want to go to a crappy bowl game.

He did not get drafted because of his own doing.
Actions have consequences .
Bray just learned an expensive lesson in life.

I agree with this, but it isnt funny and im not glad he wasn't drafted. I hope he signs somewhere as a FA. Best of luck to Tyler and David Ricky
Ive always felt like they should let guys come back to the NCAA if they are eligible and havent received money.

This is not good for Tyler and the likelihood that he will make it in the NFL is not good. This decision has cost him a lot of money that he could make had he stayed. JMO
Anyone hating on Tyler needs to stfu now...

Compare this to you winning the lottery and walking out of your house someone robs you and takes the ticket....

I blame it on the dumba$$ Analyst, whispering in his ear he was a 2nd round draft pick then slandering him every chance they got.

Nobody ever told him he was a second round pick. He was going to come out regardless of what he was told. He knew with CBJ coming in that things were gonna change from what he had been used to. He has nobody but himself to blame. I hope he catch's on and does well with some NFL team. Dooley and Chaney babied him so they are also partially to blame but in the end he was old enough to know some of the stuff he was doing wasnt going to fly. He has all the talent in the world and an NFL arm. Hopefully not getting drafted motivates him and lets him know his time is running out to prove himself if he has NFL dreams.
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I don't think he was great. But he was a better QB than Crompton.

There really is no debating that fact. However, Crompton faced greater criticism while in college, yet he gave everything that he had (although that wasn't much). Today's draft provides really persuasive evidence that NFL scouts and GM's truly value a player's attitude, work ethic, leadership and ability to face adversity head-on. Bray was miserably lacking in all of these attributes.
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He and DaRick could possibly both been first round picks if they had been hard workersand stayed away from trouble. It is a significant waste of potential. Maybe they can do the Arian Foster thing, but I doubt it. He was injured his senior year, their trouble is between the ears.
Just another in a long line of kicks to the balls for Tennessee football.

Why? Because a player didn't get drafted?
S--t, Casey was a Top 3 QB out of high school and didn't get drafted. I don't remember the Vol faithfuls world explode then either.
You do realize we had the second best scoring offense in Tennessee history last season with bray at the helm?

Yes. And still could have had it if he had QBs to sit behind to help mentor him. QBs to compete with etc. If that was the case I'm thinking people wouldn't be talking about his work ethic. Cause either he would have succeeded or washed out. And who ever won the reins would have had a great season. Our O would have done well because the way the coaches had it. Though I know many think dooley was an incompetent coach, and all the good stuff was only bray. And all the bad stuff was the coaches fault.

Kiffin didn't run Boyd off. IIRC, he simply informed him that he would not be playing QB if he chose to come here, and if he was dead set on playing that position, he would be better off looking elsewhere. To this day I feel that was the honest and fair way to handle the situation. If you plan to run a pro style offense, there is no reason to blow smoke up a kids ass just to get him to come to your school, when you know full well you aren't going to give a guy like that a shot at playing QB.

I understand your pt but u don't drop a guy to replace him with no one. Every one talks about how CBJ works with QB he has which is good. You don't drop everyone u have with no one to replace. That's just dumb.
Yes the kid has an attitude problem but he is 21 years old. For somebody to dog the guy is disrespectful and sad.

You try having to throw 3-5 tds a game just to stay in the game and you tell me how many poor decisions you make.
Why? Because a player didn't get drafted?
S--t, Casey was a Top 3 QB out of high school and didn't get drafted. I don't remember the Vol faithfuls world explode then either.

Casey Clausen had an average arm and was really slow. I was hardly this big a surprise.
We probably would have lost to Troy last year without Bray. Then Dooley might have been fired midseason, which would have been awesome.

He still technically got fired mid-season, it just took a couple more weeks after the Troy fiasco. By that point so many had checked out that it just felt like the season had already ended.
Ive always felt like they should let guys come back to the NCAA if they are eligible and havent received money.

This is not good for Tyler and the likelihood that he will make it in the NFL is not good. This decision has cost him a lot of money that he could make had he stayed. JMO

Thing about that is he doesnt go through spring practice and if he doesnt get drafted then wants to come back its not fair to the ones who busted their a$$es during spring practice. He should have honestly known he wasnt mature enough yet to be an NFL guy and it wasnt like he was getting first or second round draft evals.

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