Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Has 1st round potential. He should have stayed another year and spent the whole time working on his attitude and work ethic.

I'm sorry but if his attitude and work ethic didn't change during three years as the starter I seriously doubt it would've with one more year here. Glad he left. His attitude and off field issues were obviously more of a concern than we thought since not a single team took a chance on him with the talent he has.
I don't know how often it happens but we had two this year. Bray and Sentimore (what was he thinking?)

I completely forgot about Sentimore! Wow. That's crazy. I thought Bray would at least be drafted but who knows what Sentimore was thinking. Whoever recommended to Bray to declare should be fired.
Grown men "happy" a 21 yr old failed in their line of work and he's the one that's immature..yeah makes sense

Couldn't agree more.

It's one thing to see it happen and point out reasons why. But gloating about it is a sign that you might suck at life.
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Casey Clausen had an average arm and was really slow. I was hardly this big a surprise.

Neither is this, at least his drop to the late rounds. I'm not that surprised he wasn't taken. Hate it for him though.
Grown men "happy" a 21 yr old failed in their line of work and he's the one that's immature..yeah makes sense

I don't recall seeing anyone say they were happy he didnt get drafted. I may have missed it but havent seen a Vol Fan say they were glad he wasnt picked.
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Thing about that is he doesnt go through spring practice and if he doesnt get drafted then wants to come back its not fair to the ones who busted their a$$es during spring practice. He should have honestly known he wasnt mature enough yet to be an NFL guy and it wasnt like he was getting first or second round draft evals.

Ok what about incoming Freshman or JUCO? Should they not get to play because they didn't "bust there a$$es" in spring ball?

Your argument is invalid.
Ok . . . It's his fault. Still, it doesn't bother you just a little to see one of our guys get completely shunned?

Having a losing record might have something to do with it. Or maybe it's the off the field issues.
I understand your pt but u don't drop a guy to replace him with no one. Every one talks about how CBJ works with QB he has which is good. You don't drop everyone u have with no one to replace. That's just dumb.

At the time, UT wasn't in any sort of desperate need at the QB position. They had Crompton, Stephens and Coleman. When Kiffin took the job it was reasonable to think they could wait a year and get the right guy. I still think Kiffin did right by Boyd by telling him upfront that he absolutely would not be playing QB at UT and giving him the opportunity to find a place where he could if that's what he really wanted.
Tyler would have benefited from the character of Coach Jones and his infectious and upbeat personality. Yes, Tyler had a poor attitude but Dooley didn't do him ANY favors. If you look at it people who are subordinates usually take on the personality of their leaders. If your a know it all who thinks they can't accept criticism then how do you expect your players to accept it? I wish Tyler well and he will hopefully come around with age.

I do honestly think under Jones his numbers would have came up dramatically with all the short passing game and hitting his check downs. Who knows only time will tell if he made right decision. I think Arian Foster should be proof enough that going undrafted is not the worst thing to happen. He cleaned his game up minimizing the fumbles and now one of the best backs in the NFL...
Anyone hating on Tyler needs to stfu now...

Compare this to you winning the lottery and walking out of your house someone robs you and takes the ticket....

I blame it on the dumba$$ Analyst, whispering in his ear he was a 2nd round draft pick then slandering him every chance they got.

No one said he was a 2nd rounder. He was projected around the 5th. Then he interviewed for teams and they meet him.
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Having a losing record might have something to do with it. Or maybe it's the off the field issues.

Off the field issues?

Like what? Throwing a beer bottle? If that's the worst of it then I'm a terrible person.

Dooley had a losing record.
Sal had a losing record.
CP had a losing record
Hunter had a losing record.
They seemed to find jobs ok, no I in the word Team.
I'm sorry but if his attitude and work ethic didn't change during three years as the starter I seriously doubt it would've with one more year here. Glad he left. His attitude and off field issues were obviously more of a concern than we thought since not a single team took a chance on him with the talent he has.

Coaching change would have helped him alot. CBJ and the rest of the staff wouldnt have put up with the way he acted at UT. Dooley and staff gave him free reign and didnt help him mature or grow into the player he could be. I think it would have been night and day with him with just a yr with this staff.
I don't think the W/L record,Bottlegate had anything to do with Bray not getting drafted IMO.More of his decision making on the field and his inability to read Defenses......While he made some great throws at times,he made some really questionable throws at other times.Of course whoever told him to go pro is ignorant,he really needed another year.
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Dooley was the HC he didn't have to put up with Bray's ****. Bray might have had poor work ethic and bad attitude but so did his HC.

True and I agree. But let's be honest bud who was he going to play??? Seriously...think about it. If you can tell me a name with a straight face I'll give u credit but still laugh at u.
darick will be fine...he has the tools to make any NFL team. QB is a different story, i feel really bad for tyler. best of luck to both.
Off the field issues?

Like what? Throwing a beer bottle? If that's the worst of it then I'm a terrible person.

Dooley had a losing record.
Sal had a losing record.
CP had a losing record
Hunter had a losing record.
They seemed to find jobs ok, no I in the word Team.

Fair or unfair, it falls on the QB
Off the field issues?

Like what? Throwing a beer bottle? If that's the worst of it then I'm a terrible person.

Covered up drug tests? Speculating, but I'm getting the feeling that Dools was covering for the boy more so than others. It's not that much of a secret that Bray liked the green.
Ok . . . It's his fault. Still, it doesn't bother you just a little to see one of our guys get completely shunned?

In Brays case., it does not.

He did not put in the effort and hard work to be successful

I do feel sorry for Zack Rogers. He worked his butt off and had a good senior year.
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