Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Bray has a 10 million dollar arm and Shat for brains.

Everyone making excuses for Bray need to watch the Gruden/Bray Espn segment and they will understand why Bray is not in the NFL.
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Anyone hating on Tyler needs to stfu now...

Compare this to you winning the lottery and walking out of your house someone robs you and takes the ticket....

I blame it on the dumba$$ Analyst, whispering in his ear he was a 2nd round draft pick then slandering him every chance they got.

Agents are the ones who get in these kids' ears and convince them to leave early. Unfortunately most of them do not realize that the agent does not have their best interest at heart.
Or maybe it was his antics on the field. Or maybe it was that he looked disinterested in some games. Or maybe it is because he is narcissistic enough to get his name in porn fashion across his back. Or maybe it is because he seems as though he lacks passion for the game.

I am sure his skill intrigued scouts but his interviews probably destroyed any chance, especially when you consider all of the above.
I think you nailed it with the interviews. That's the only explanation. He had to have come off really bad.
Just watched the whole thing. I think Gruden is showing in that video how you have to coach a guy like Tyler. If Gruden had come and Tyler had stayed, I think he would've experienced a Crompton-like resurgence next year.

Have to agree, Bray got a lot of coaching in the 5 mins I watched.
As to your first point, it's easy to understand the blowups with the coaching staff, because it was easy to sit there in the stadium and see how royally that staff was screwing those players due to the staff's utter incompetence.

Secondly, I don't think another year here does him any good. It's just a square peg in a round hole situation. There are really two ways that could play out. One, Jones could try and force Bray into his spread option system, which would without a doubt be a disaster for all involved. Second, he could try and hold off on the option for a year, to accommodate Bray. This would most likely be better than the first option, but how much development is Bray really going to get from a guy who has nothing to do with that style of offense? Meanwhile, Jones wastes a year of growing pains into the option system and we have to go through all that crap in 2014. We're best to get as much of that out of the way this year IMO, because regardless of what style of offense we run, this year is going to be pretty awful. It seems to me like UT and Tyler Bray parted ways at the best time for both sides.

Not even Tyler Bray believes this at this point.
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Ok bud. He got rid of Coleman and Stephens so he signs no one. I understand doing the best for the kid but he still didn't replace him and then left a yr later. Leaving his replacement with no one that had been on campus. Yet people blame the replacement for not being able get the program straight in less than 3 seasons. Just ridiculous. :crazy:

Stephens and Coleman both left the team LONG after signing day didn't they? As I recall, both were still on the team for the O&W game that spring. Like I said, with the perspective of almost 5 years gone by, it looks kind of bad, but in the moment, UT wasn't really hurting for QB's.
Don't you think another HC or OC would have held him more accountable for is actions on and off the field?

How??? Just would like to know. Anyone can sit here and say they would of done things differently. Think back and remember all the players Dooley had to deal with when he came in. Depleting an already depleted roster. I'm sure not many coaches envied Dooley's situation when he came in. If many did they should have thrown their hat in the ring when the position was open.
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I think I speak for most Vol fans when I say we wish the outcome had been better for Bray as well as the other undrafted players. I want all of them to succeed and be great on every level.

But, I absolutely believe that this shows part of the reason why the Vols have underachieved so miserably lately. Despite not giving their best or realizing their full potential, they still think they are great players. Bray and Sentimore declaring and then going undrafted illustrates this perfectly.

As far as Bray goes, I hope the light bulb comes on for the young man, because his decision making is suspect at best (from the beer bottles to the jet ski to the draft). And, don't give me that he is just a kid--he is 21 years old. Yes, I made mistakes at 21, but I still stayed on course to set myself up for success in later life (getting my degree was first on the list). Bray is not only going to be a bust in football, but a bust in life if he doesn't grow up. IMO, he should try to make it as a free agent, but then if he doesn't (which is likely), he needs to swallow his pride, nut up, and return to UT to get his degree.

Man, it sucks to see so much potentential squandered by a UT QB.
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He isn't just any 21 yo kid he is the QB at UT. If u can handle that than gtfo.

3-5 yds for a QB at UT shouldn't be a problem man. Do you not watch CFB cause 3-5 Tds for any college QB should be done with ease.

So you are saying that an average college QB should be able to throw at least 36 TD's a year?

You are a moron.
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Arian Foster was undrafted to. I hope Bray gets in a good situation and excels.

This is not the end, its the beginning.
Dude you are like the champion of excuses. He did not get drafted, because the experts said no. A lot of us Vol fans you do not like to listen to, that can make an evaluation of a player, even if he play for TN have been telling people like you this all freaking year.

You're "evaluation" on players isn't worth 2 sh&ts on a manure farm.

Kid is a great QB and will make it into the NFL. I will go as far as he will start on a team at some point.
Not even Tyler Bray believes this at this point.

Again, what good would a year of either riding the pine, getting killed trying to run the option, or receiving pro-style instruction from someone who doesn't even run that type of offense have done him? Clearly leaving now hasn't played out like he wanted it to, but he couldn't leave last year and I honestly think his stock would have been even lower next year had he stuck around. There simply isn't a place for guys like him in the offense that Jones runs. Therefore, even though it wasn't enough to get him drafted, I do think he entered the draft at the time when his draft eligibility and highest possible draft stock intersected.
You can throw a tantrum all you want. The fact remains that GM's and reputable analysts never projected Bray as a high pick. UT fans on Vol internet boards did, and that is why they aren't employed by NFL teams.
Maybe the GM's and reputable analysts lost their orange tinted glasses, and weren't looking at the situation in the right light.
How??? Just would like to know. Anyone can sit here and say they would of done things differently. Think back and remember all the players Dooley had to deal with when he came in. Depleting an already depleted roster. I'm sure not many coaches envied Dooley's situation when he came in. If many did they should have thrown their hat in the ring when the position was open.

If that's the case I guess Bray knew he could get away with about anything.
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As to your first point, it's easy to understand the blowups with the coaching staff, because it was easy to sit there in the stadium and see how royally that staff was screwing those players due to the staff's utter incompetence.

Secondly, I don't think another year here does him any good. It's just a square peg in a round hole situation. There are really two ways that could play out. One, Jones could try and force Bray into his spread option system, which would without a doubt be a disaster for all involved. Second, he could try and hold off on the option for a year, to accommodate Bray. This would most likely be better than the first option, but how much development is Bray really going to get from a guy who has nothing to do with that style of offense? Meanwhile, Jones wastes a year of growing pains into the option system and we have to go through all that crap in 2014. We're best to get as much of that out of the way this year IMO, because regardless of what style of offense we run, this year is going to be pretty awful. It seems to me like UT and Tyler Bray parted ways at the best time for both sides.

I do agree and for the Football team Bray leaving was the best possible option. But we are re ruiting Cornwell and Barker and neither are anything but prostyle QB's and Dobbs is a ProStyle throw first QB has enough mobility to get out of bad situations. I think Riley has more mobility than Dobbs but really CBJ hasnt really recruited straight DT QB's. I will be first to admit I wanted Bray to go so we could get some kind of QB leadership from whomever the next starter will be. But any of the 4 or 5 counting High seem to have the leadership or potential leadership thats needed from that position. Bray just never showed the leadership skills and that QB's should have. Thats honestly why I was pulling for Peterman, you can tell he gets it and would be a great leader. But I'm sure any of the others would too. Just glad we will have a Southern QB and all 5 of them are. :)
Again, what good would a year of either riding the pine, getting killed trying to run the option, or receiving pro-style instruction from someone who doesn't even run that type of offense have done him? Clearly leaving now hasn't played out like he wanted it to, but he couldn't leave last year and I honestly think his stock would have been even lower next year had he stuck around. There simply isn't a place for guys like him in the offense that Jones runs. Therefore, even though it wasn't enough to get him drafted, I do think he entered the draft at the time when his draft eligibility and highest possible draft stock intersected.

You're the only person here that thinks that Butch Jones or ANY head coach for that matter is stupid enough to bench (or incapable of adjusting their offensive system to the talents of the players on the team) a 3-year returning starter at QB that has one of the most impressive passing stat lines in the program's history.
Bray has a 10 million dollar arm and Shat for brains.

Everyone making excuses for Bray need to watch the Gruden/Bray Espn segment and they will understand why Bray is not in the NFL.

I watched it......have no problem with him giving his self a 8. He said and I quote, " You want an honest answer? About a 8"

And everyone would agree with him, if he gave himself a 10 you and half of Vol nation would of called him a idiot and a lier. If he was honest (which he was) you say, "he should of lied". There is no pleasing you people.
Stephens and Coleman both left the team LONG after signing day didn't they? As I recall, both were still on the team for the O&W game that spring. Like I said, with the perspective of almost 5 years gone by, it looks kind of bad, but in the moment, UT wasn't really hurting for QB's.

So we weren't hurting for QBs so don't sign one at all. Got it. :good!: please realize that my original pt isn't based on Boyd alone.
Some of you are really proving how crappy our "fans" can be. The ironic part is how Bray is knocked for being immature by "fans" acting as childish as it gets.
You're the only imbecile that thinks that Butch Jones or ANY head coach for that matter is stupid enough to bench (or incapable of adjusting their offensive system to the talents of the players on the team) a 3-year returning starter at QB that has one of the most impressive passing stat lines in the program's history.

I'm not saying he couldn't or wouldn't adjust it, but I don't think it would do the program any favors over the long haul, and since they aren't pro-style guys, I don't see that a year of instruction from Jones and his staff are going to work any wonders for Bray and his NFL draft stock.

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