UNC and Duke Basketball, 2015-16

One good thing about Duke and Closeted Duke Fans State U getting together is that one of you has to lose. The bad thing about it, of course, is that one of you has to win. Fortunately, for State U, the good thing about Duke winning is that they can still feel satisfied, since they live vicariously through you guys anyhow.

Speaking of the closeted Dukies, I've always thought it kind of odd that we don't have at least one poster on this board that is a State U fan.
One good thing about Duke and Closeted Duke Fans State U getting together is that one of you has to lose. The bad thing about it, of course, is that one of you have to win. Fortunately, for State U, the good thing about Duke winning is that they can still feel satisfied, since they live vicariously through you guys anyhow.

I can't imagine being a State fan. Just being mediocre all the time, for so long. People around here talk about 98 and how long ago it was, tack on 15 more years and State fans talk about 1983 non stop. They haven't done anything since then. Being a Vol fan has been a rough existence recently, but go back less than a decade and we've had major success in football and basketball, State has not had major success at any level. That's gotta suck.
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I can't imagine being a State fan. Just being mediocre all the time, for so long. People around here talk about 98 and how long ago it was, tack on 15 more years and State fans talk about 1983 non stop. They haven't done anything since then. Being a Vol fan has been a rough existence recently, but go back less than a decade and we've had major success in football and basketball, State has not had major success at any level. That's gotta suck.

People forget that, at one point, before K had arrived at Duke, UNC and NC State were the big shows in "town," with Duke have some success but nothing yet comparable. UNC and NC State were nearly on the same level, although UNC had been to a few more Final Fours (which at that point in time probably only required one or two wins in the tournament). It's really stunning what has happened to that program, and I don't think it's ever coming back again. If you're good and want to play big-time basketball in the Triad, you might as well play in Chapel Hill or Durham. Not to mention those two schools offer a far better education, unless you're planning on majoring in some very specific programs, like veterinary science.

As I mentioned though, all is not lost for State U fans, as they have become Duke fans over the past couple of decades. I think this is a combination of the lack of any success and the fact that they have a serious inferiority complex when it comes to big brother, UNC, hating him with the heat of a thousand suns. Many of my high school buddies went to State, and of course I get the wonderful opportunity of reading them *****ing constantly about their awful team on Facebook. I never will forget there was a time a couple years back when they had (of course) just lost a game, but I tried to cheer them up by saying that at least Duke had lost that day as well. They quickly turned on me like I had just shot their grandma's Chihuahua, claiming how awful UNC and its fans were and how admirable Duke and its fans were. I finally just had to close by telling them that if they were that big of fans of Duke, then they should just drop the facade of being State U fans. I can't have any respect for a fan base that is satisfied just as long as UNC loses, despite how awful their own team may be. It's pathetic. These past three decades of abject mediocrity have turned State fans into the worst kind of college fans - one's who have no sense of self-dignity. It's not even cute like Cubs fans, who can at least wallow in their team's suck with humor and grace.

Of course I generalize, but what's life without our gross over-generalizations!
I think one of the Dave iterations was a State fan. I know he picked Stanford once, but I'm pretty sure he also picked NC St once.
I think one of the Dave iterations was a State fan. I know he picked Stanford once, but I'm pretty sure he also picked NC St once.

It's just really odd, especially given the proximity of Knoxville to North Carolina (a fact borne out by the volume of UT/UNC and UT/Duke fans we have here), that we have hardly any State fans on the board. Although, to be fair, I understand why many State fans would not want to publicly acknowledge the fact of their allegiance.
Someone get Paige some Deepak Chopra books or something. He's had some slumps in the past but never anything like this. I never thought I'd see the day where I thought having the ball in his hands late was a potential liability. Luckily, he finally made his last two free throws with the game on the line, but we are not going to win upcoming games against Louisville, Miami, Notre Dame, and Duke if he continues this apparent audition for the latest adaptation of Ellison's "Invisible Man."
Will Duke win a big game tonight or will Miami hand us their annual 20+ point blowout like they have the past couple years?
Jefferson aint the only reason...

Not the only, but largely the main reason. With him a lot of these decencies are covered up. The other reason is the lack of a true point. Playing point has really minimized Matt Jones' effectiveness. Duke needs a really 3rd scorer after Ingram and Allen. Kennard is the best offensive player on the team, just way too inconsistent.
Not the only, but largely the main reason. With him a lot of these decencies are covered up. The other reason is the lack of a true point. Playing point has really minimized Matt Jones' effectiveness. Duke needs a really 3rd scorer after Ingram and Allen. Kennard is the best offensive player on the team, just way too inconsistent.

That is the kind of situation I was getting at when teams go heavy on "one and done" guys. You have to hit it right year after year. It worked out well for y'all last season, but you're paying the price this season.
That is the kind of situation I was getting at when teams go heavy on "one and done" guys. You have to hit it right year after year. It worked out well for y'all last season, but you're paying the price this season.

Well in Coach Kma defense Tyus Jones wasn't considered to be a one and done guy. He was just clutch and that made his stick skyrocket. Also, Derryck Thornton was highly recruited and a 5* coming out of high school but hasn't developed to the level of PG you'd come to expect from Coach K, but he's also supposed to be in high school right now. But if Jefferson can come back and Duke can possibly go to 7, maybe 8 deep that'll be huge for them. These quick turnaround games are killing them.
Jefferson aint the only reason...

I've said it so many times in these last 3-4 years, but he was one of the guys I wanted most that we missed on. Kennard too. Traitor.

And again, Duke really making that win look more impressive by the week lol
I've said it so many times in these last 3-4 years, but he was one of the guys I wanted most that we missed on. Kennard too. Traitor.

And again, Duke really making that win look more impressive by the week lol

Sorry Duke is making your win look less impressive. However, if you all make a late run this season please remember this....


If you don't some bad things could happen. I've seen it.
I've said it so many times in these last 3-4 years, but he was one of the guys I wanted most that we missed on. Kennard too. Traitor.

And again, Duke really making that win look more impressive by the week lol

I've heard it time and time again on the broadcasts where they mention Kennard growing up a huge UK fan. Did Calipari just not recruit him or what happened there?
I've heard it time and time again on the broadcasts where they mention Kennard growing up a huge UK fan. Did Calipari just not recruit him or what happened there?

No idea what happened. I was pretty certain we recruited him heavily. Must have just been a bandwagon fan.
No idea what happened. I was pretty certain we recruited him heavily. Must have just been a bandwagon fan.

I know he loves Duke now that he's there, but there's gotta be something else to that. The whole family were UK fans, I figure if he would've gotten a commitable offer he would've jumped on it.
I know he loves Duke now that he's there, but there's gotta be something else to that. The whole family were UK fans, I figure if he would've gotten a commitable offer he would've jumped on it.

I was being somewhat sarcastic with my bandwagon fan comment, but oh well.

From what I knew and heard UK was fine with taking him at some point early in the process. Must've changed. I guess looking back we can't expect five stars to wait for everything to show itself before we give an offer. He committed early 2014 and we struggled until mid 2015 to find guards.
Although it was by no means his best game, it was nice to see Marcus finally get off the schneid. That was the worst slump of his career, and I hope it is now past him.

That being said, that has to be the least dominant 27-point win that I think I've ever seen. Felt like we only beat them by a few baskets.
Right now, I cringe when anybody other than Berry shoots from the perimeter.

I don't think I've seen anything like this in the years I've been watching UNC basketball.

I still think they're the best team in the nation, and I would still think that if they lost all remaining games on their schedule. But this team won't make it out of the first week of the NCAA Tournament if it can't shoot any better than this. I know Louisville is a good defensive team, but this had nothing to do with them. UNC has not shot the ball well beyond 15 feet the past month, and it shows no signs of improving. I kept thinking that it was some minor hiccup that we would recover from in short order, but that doesn't seem to be the case the longer it goes on. We were fortunate this past month because we were simply that much more talented and athletic than our opponents, but now the schedule has finally caught up with us, and I fully expect plenty more losses.

It's like someone suddenly turned off our switch a month ago. I wish they'd turn it back on.
I don't think I've seen anything like this in the years I've been watching UNC basketball.

I still think they're the best team in the nation, and I would still think that if they lost all remaining games on their schedule. But this team won't make it out of the first week of the NCAA Tournament if it can't shoot any better than this. I know Louisville is a good defensive team, but this had nothing to do with them. UNC has not shot the ball well beyond 15 feet the past month, and it shows no signs of improving. I kept thinking that it was some minor hiccup that we would recover from in short order, but that doesn't seem to be the case the longer it goes on. We were fortunate this past month because we were simply that much more talented and athletic than our opponents, but now the schedule has finally caught up with us, and I fully expect plenty more losses.

It's like someone suddenly turned off our switch a month ago. I wish they'd turn it back on.

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