United States, Cuba to normalize relations

Missed it. Who said what?

Space said I argued like a 5yo in another thread and called me a moron in this thread, and I quoted both of them together with no comment, and it got removed.

I understand removing comments if both sides are losing their minds and it ruins the thread, but I don't care. When people call me names it means they are having trouble coming up with good arguments to counter me. It's as if they're saying, "you win".

Leave it up for all to see.
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No. China has 1/6th of the worlds population. We should have a relationship with them. Cuba is a nothing compared to them. Your hero folded like a cheap suit and should've asked for basic human rights in return of normal relations

Skin with all due respect I think you are spewing a lot of Obama hatred.

More can get resolved by having a relationship than by not having one.
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Skin with all due respect I think you are spewing a lot of Obama hatred.

More can get resolved by having a relationship than by not having one.

So did you ever get down there for a visit before the embargo and travel ban?
The criticism from the Cuban community in Florida is a bit disingenuous, imo. I'm not buying that their concern is the well-being of the Cuban citizenry. If it were, they'd support normalization because it provides an opportunity to improve the economy there, which is currently just flat out terrible. Having lived in Florida my entire life, its pretty clear to me that its just lingering resentment at the nationalization of their private property that drives their anger. I get that, and they should just say that. But its not, I don't believe, really some sort of concern for general Cuban welfare.

I can assure you gator that the Cubans around my community have feared for the families well being since they arrived here. They can't go back they can't help them and the Castro regime has held them down for 50+ years... So while you state your not buying it has to do with Cubans well being, you are completely of base
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I can assure you gator that the Cubans around my community have feared for the families well being since they arrived here. They can't go back they can't help them and the Castro regime has held them down for 50+ years... So while you state your not buying it has to do with Cubans well being, you are completely of base

Good. Now they can help them
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One thing that hasn't been mentioned, I hear Cuba is a gold mine for 50s model cars still running.
Skin with all due respect I think you are spewing a lot of Obama hatred.

More can get resolved by having a relationship than by not having one.

If we can get more resolved by having a relationship with them, then let us have a relationship with North Korea and ISIS.

Surely King Obama can pull that off as well.
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If we can get more resolved by having a relationship with them, then let us have a relationship with North Korea and ISIS.

Surely King Obama can pull that off as well.

I wish we could have a better relationship with North Korea. It is always better to be able to have conservations. Without talking nothing will change.

ISIS is not a nation, they are a large group of thugs that need wiped out.
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Good. Now they can help them

I understand that every comment you make regarding this is dripping in sarcasm when you respond to people that you don't agree with. I'm trying to give a perspective of t the Cuban people that actually have ties to the county not what your read on Huffington post. The scars of oppression are still on these people having lost loved ones. If you don't understand why Cuban people are upset then there is no point having this convo.. The Cuban Americans want there county to be free and have help but they don't see it happening through a communist dictator. I'm actually hoping this does help the people of Cuba because they are the ones suffering but to not understand the plight of the Cuban Americans is pretty ridiculous.
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I can assure you gator that the Cubans around my community have feared for the families well being since they arrived here. They can't go back they can't help them and the Castro regime has held them down for 50+ years... So while you state your not buying it has to do with Cubans well being, you are completely of base

No, no, you misunderstand. I get that they are worried about their family members whop are still there. I'm saying that their criticism of the change in policy is not about that worry, because if it were they would support normalization as a means to help their families.
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I understand that every comment you make regarding this is dripping in sarcasm when you respond to people that you don't agree with. I'm trying to give a perspective of t the Cuban people that actually have ties to the county not what your read on Huffington post. The scars of oppression are still on these people having lost loved ones. If you don't understand why Cuban people are upset then there is no point having this convo.. The Cuban Americans want there county to be free and have help but they don't see it happening through a communist dictator. I'm actually hoping this does help the people of Cuba because they are the ones suffering but to not understand the plight of the Cuban Americans is pretty ridiculous.

I think it will. Like I said, they can now help the loved ones they left behind. There's no sarcasm in that comment.
I think we all can agree those people need help and hopefully this can help point then in the direction to free trade and capitalism.. My friend Javi always told me "someday I'm going to take you to meet my family and get some real beans and rice not pollo tropical lol" my point was just giving perspective of Cuban Americans in my community.
I think we all can agree those people need help and hopefully this can help point then in the direction to free trade and capitalism.. My friend Javi always told me "someday I'm going to take you to meet my family and get some real beans and rice not pollo tropical lol" my point was just giving perspective of Cuban Americans in my community.

I don't disagree at all. But the notion that we should have waited longer just makes no sense to me. Its been 60 years. Seems to me the way to help the Cuban people now, and in the future in terms of long term freedoms and reform, is through trade and economic interaction, not continued waiting.
I don't disagree at all. But the notion that we should have waited longer just makes no sense to me. Its been 60 years. Seems to me the way to help the Cuban people now, and in the future in terms of long term freedoms and reform, is through trade and economic interaction, not continued waiting.

I'll agree with you, but adding in the caveat it needs to be done the right way...
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Pope played crucial role in US-Cuba rapprochement | Boston Herald

The Vatican said Wednesday that Francis wrote to President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro in recent months and invited them to resolve their differences over humanitarian issues, including prisoners.

In addition, the Vatican hosted U.S. and Cuban delegations in October "and provided its good offices to facilitate a constructive dialogue on delicate matters, resulting in solutions acceptable to both parties," the Vatican said.
I don't disagree at all. But the notion that we should have waited longer just makes no sense to me. Its been 60 years. Seems to me the way to help the Cuban people now, and in the future in terms of long term freedoms and reform, is through trade and economic interaction, not continued waiting.

what benefit are the Cuban people going to get out of the arrangement? Unless the leadership in Havana recognizes individual property rights and embraces capitalism, life for the average Cuban isn't going to change.
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