I'm wondering if the subject of the industries Castro nationalized will come up.
American companies lost a lot of money when he seized their assets.
I'm wondering if the subject of the industries Castro nationalized will come up.
American companies lost a lot of money when he seized their assets.
Isn't the Cuban government dependent on Venezuela and Russia for support? I can't see anyway they could pay reparations for things they seized.
I support lifting the Embargo because it will likely help the Cuban people who have a very tough life.
Solid. I think a lot of people miss this point in an effort to 'punish' the regime. The Castro's aren't going to miss any meals with or without the embargo but ordinary Cuban's are.
Just like many of you don't like Obama, many of the Cuban's don't like Castro - the difference is we have Netflix and drive Audi's while they are oppressed into poverty none of us could fathom.
Geopolitics aside, the lifted embargo is the right thing to do for the people. It's interesting that Rubio, whose own parents were victims has decided to fight the lifted embargo. Fascinating...
Solid. I think a lot of people miss this point in an effort to 'punish' the regime. The Castro's aren't going to miss any meals with or without the embargo but ordinary Cuban's are.
Just like many of you don't like Obama, many of the Cuban's don't like Castro - the difference is we have Netflix and drive Audi's while they are oppressed into poverty none of us could fathom.
Geopolitics aside, the lifted embargo is the right thing to do for the people. It's interesting that Rubio, whose own parents were victims has decided to fight the lifted embargo. Fascinating...
I agree with this point. The embargo has not worked in 56 years, will it work in 66 years? Why punish the Cuban captives? I do think Obama could have negotiated some material changes in human rights rather than just drop it. We did hold all of the cards.
Indeed. I am also wondering if this issue is simply going to be swept under the rug. Lots of US companies lost millions when Castro nationalized. However, I tend to believe those businesses were largely corrupt in the first place and fed off the impoverished situation that was Cuba before Castro. Thus, I don't feel that sorry for them but it may make some businesses hesitant, as it should, to invest in Cuba for the future.
But if I were Cuban I would hate America too. And it would have nothing to do with Castro telling me to, but by me simply picking up a history book and reading about the Roosevelt Corollary.
Geopolitics aside, the lifted embargo is the right thing to do for the people. It's interesting that Rubio, whose own parents were victims has decided to fight the lifted embargo. Fascinating...
Who's to say no human right issues were addressed in the negotiations? I don't know..
At any rate, first chance any of you get - buy some Havana Club 7. Possibly the best rum you'll ever have. If you like Flor de Cana - you'll love this.
Well, to be fair, the US is a huge reason behind both figures.
Open up Cuba and we get access to their beaches, cuisine (which is amazing), rum and cigars. They get access to our technology products and agriculture.
It's a win/win for both nations economically. Not to mention softening our stance is a segue to better relationships with South America.
If we're a smart hegemon, we'll try to prevent BRICS from spreading. But I'm not entirely sold that we're a smart hegemon.
You really just can't wait to point the finger at America any chance you can get do you? Are you going to join the "I hate America" club with Ras here soon?
And the same argument could be made about Chinese workers today. Or Vietnam. Or India. Or any number of companies that pay pennies for labor that have shipped jobs overseas.
Solid. I think a lot of people miss this point in an effort to 'punish' the regime. The Castro's aren't going to miss any meals with or without the embargo but ordinary Cuban's are.
Just like many of you don't like Obama, many of the Cuban's don't like Castro - the difference is we have Netflix and drive Audi's while they are oppressed into poverty none of us could fathom.
Geopolitics aside, the lifted embargo is the right thing to do for the people. It's interesting that Rubio, whose own parents were victims has decided to fight the lifted embargo. Fascinating...
You really just can't wait to point the finger at America any chance you can get do you? Are you going to join the "I hate America" club with Ras here soon?
And the same argument could be made about Chinese workers today. Or Vietnam. Or India. Or any number of companies that pay pennies for labor that have shipped jobs overseas.
I don't get the Cuban cigars though. Monte Cristo #2 sure, maybe Punch. But I've had Dominican and Honduran that were just as good or better than most Cuban cigars.
From Cuban stock though...
If you were Cuban you would hate America to and it could have something to do with Castro and it could not. And I'm not talking about jobs genius. I am talking about the fact that America told them that we would rescue them from the evil Spanish only to put into place the Foraker Act immediately following. What did that do? Well it said that Cuba could make no international treaties or extend their commercial interests without American consent. Oh yeah, and it also made the Cubans give us part of their island for a freaking military base. Grow the f*** up. It's not that I am anti-American. I just don't have on my red, white, and blue glasses on.
So you have either:
A: Never smoked a Cuban
B: Smoked a Cuban but were to drunk.high to remember
C: Trying to state an opinion that is so absurd that hopefully it will garner some likes.
Coming from someone who worked with 80,000 Cuban refugees in 1994 when they decided to camp out in GITMO, I think I got a pretty good idea where a lot of the Cuban people stand on Castro.
And you might want to check on your "facts" about Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. Find out how much rent we've paid over the years per the original basing agreement. We didn't force it, they let us rent the land.