United States, Cuba to normalize relations

Yeah, because I didn't have access to Cuban cigars when I spent nearly seven years of my life overseas where such things weren't illegal.

And I do all my posting for likes. You should have realized that by now...

Then my only conclusion is that you can't tell a good cigar from a hole in the ground.
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This is why I like you. Though we don't agree you still possess basic common sense regardless of political position. Couldn't agree more.

Don't go overboard my friend, we're not swapping spit anytime soon. :hi:
Yeah, because I didn't have access to Cuban cigars when I spent nearly seven years of my life overseas where such things weren't illegal.

And I do all my posting for likes. You should have realized that by now...

I'm with you GV, I don't see the appeal of their cigars, of course I'm not an aficionado by any means. I get a couple boxes a year and give them out to friends and customers and they go wild. I think it has more to do with them being illegal than good.
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I was in the Peace Corps for two years in Panama. Guess who knows everything about what the Panamanians think?????


See how stupid that was?

I spent almost a year in Panama.
Yeah. True. But cigars and rum is hardly something to build an economy on. The tourism thing has a certain value, but again, not overly huge in terms of GDP... at least not as a sole industry. It will be very in vogue however for a number of years, and will generate lots of money, but after the fervor dies down, maybe not so much. It will be interesting to watch though. I'll bet you will be able to walk on the backs of all the airliners that will be going there though and never get your feet wet.

That's absolutely true.

I was just speaking to the short term boom in economic growth both nations could see. The US would be a huge market for Cuban rum, cigars and travel. Cuba would be a good market for tech, auto, agriculture and several other exports.

But also this would help our ailing image in other SA nations where the US might want to improve itself to help with encouraging other markets. Those nations are starting to get international and domestic pushback against their clearcutting of rainforests for agriculture and are looking to invest in renewable energy.

The US is sitting on a potential goldmine it can profit from. They can benefit from agricultural trade and cheap, renewable energy. Everyone wins and we don't have to wage wars and torture people.

Yet, we'll find some foreign nation that doesn't want us there to muck around in and force our belief system on while spending trillions of taxpayer money to line the pockets of a select few politicians while they sell "patriotic fervor" to the partisans because that's the new American way, apparently.
I'm with you GV, I don't see the appeal of their cigars, of course I'm not an aficionado by any means. I get a couple boxes a year and give them out to friends and customers and they go wild. I think it has more to do with them being illegal than good.

Could be. Illegal is good, right? (yeah, I opened a can of worms on that from the drug threads :) )
It will, it's called trickle down, you know the economic theory that works and the libs hate.

Hah, don't get in 69's way when he's dropping knowledge on the filthy libs. You should know by now that right or wrong, he's right!
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I'm with you GV, I don't see the appeal of their cigars, of course I'm not an aficionado by any means. I get a couple boxes a year and give them out to friends and customers and they go wild. I think it has more to do with them being illegal than good.

This is probably true but think about it from a marketing perspective.

For decades now, Cuban cigars have been cultivated stateside as a treasured relic. A marketing company could really seize that opportunity and keep ahold of it.

France will always be associated with the best brandy (cognac). Scotland will always be associated with the best Scotch. Russia with vodka, etc.
I spent almost a year in Panama.

It was pretty bad when I was there. The people of Central America must be some of the most impoverished people in the world.

Story time: There was a woman in my village that for about 6 months nursed, with her own tit, a squirrel she found with a broken leg. The night before I left the village to come back to America, we cooked our normal black beans but then she came to me a gave me the squirrel, dead. We cooked it that night and ate it together. It was one of the best gifts I have ever received.
Won't happen under this regime or Castros.

What won't happen? Trade? If trade happens, the masses will benefit. As much as you want to poo-poo something Obama did, this is a great thing. The greatest American economic mind of the 20th century supported lifting the embargo. He worked with the Reagan administration, Nixon, etc.

This is a good move, particularly for the poor of Cuba.
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It will, it's called trickle down, you know the economic theory that works and the libs hate.

Castro and company aren't going to relinquish their power for a few trinkets.. Obama is By far the worlds worst negotiator. Can't wait to see the lands stolen by Castro returned to its rightful owners and democratic elections, true democracy is still a long way off.
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This is probably true but think about it from a marketing perspective.

For decades now, Cuban cigars have been cultivated stateside as a treasured relic. A marketing company could really seize that opportunity and keep ahold of it.

France will always be associated with the best brandy (cognac). Scotland will always be associated with the best Scotch. Russia with vodka, etc.

No doubt.
The criticism from the Cuban community in Florida is a bit disingenuous, imo. I'm not buying that their concern is the well-being of the Cuban citizenry. If it were, they'd support normalization because it provides an opportunity to improve the economy there, which is currently just flat out terrible. Having lived in Florida my entire life, its pretty clear to me that its just lingering resentment at the nationalization of their private property that drives their anger. I get that, and they should just say that. But its not, I don't believe, really some sort of concern for general Cuban welfare.
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This is probably true but think about it from a marketing perspective.

For decades now, Cuban cigars have been cultivated stateside as a treasured relic. A marketing company could really seize that opportunity and keep ahold of it.

France will always be associated with the best brandy (cognac). Scotland will always be associated with the best Scotch. Russia with vodka, etc.

Oh yeah? We invented the missionary position.
When people make fools of themselves and act like children and get called out for it, why do the mods remove the evidence?

Leave it up for all to see, please. If we know who is disingenuous in discussion, we can avoid them and make better conversation here.

Missed it. Who said what?
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