United States, Cuba to normalize relations

He's going to bypass Congress at every opportunity.

Now that being said, relations should be normalized.

Come on, you know you like a little kink in your international relations.
Anyone else find it ironic that the anarcho-capitalist doesn't believe in trade sanctions? Think about it. "Let the market dictate... yadda, yadda, yadda."
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I'm not whining - I'm discussing process and decision making.

Not only was this not brought to Congress for input; it wasn't brought to the American people.

Can you recall Obama making a case to the American people about our relations with Cuba? Don't you believe a case should be made for such a major policy shift PRIOR to undertaking it? To hell with representative government I guess - he was elected so he doesn't have to even solicit input from those he governs?

I support the end result but the means are just another example of an imperial presidency. It's clear that our current POTUS does not even bother to solicit input from those he rules over. January 2016 cannot get here soon enough.

You are deliberately mischaracterizing this as coming from out of the blue when it's been discussed many, many times. And as I understand it there was some urgency involved because of the health of the prisoner.

Obama isn't running again. You can drop the feigned outrage strategy at everything he does. It's tired.
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The majority of Cubans vote for a conservative, unlike the Mexicans or Puerto Ricans they know what it's like to live under a dictatorship.. This could backfire on Barry's ass.😄😄

It's the truth.

So many Americans live in la-la land.

Many of those who come from places under oppressive governments value conservative ideals of limited government.
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Cuba is really struggling b/c they get a lot of funding from Venezuela and Russia and that funding was drying up.

We really could've negotiated and got a good deal but 0 is too worried about his legacy to negotiate. Once again he screwed up
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Cuba is really struggling b/c they get a lot of funding from Venezuela and Russia and that funding was drying up.

We really could've negotiated and got a good deal but 0 is too worried about his legacy to negotiate. Once again he screwed up

Pretty much screws up all things = Worst POTUS ever.
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The majority of Cubans vote for a conservative, unlike the Mexicans or Puerto Ricans they know what it's like to live under a dictatorship.. This could backfire on Barry's ass.😄😄

True. I should have said Puerto Ricans and then added "because they are the same thing" but I didn't want to ignite World Ward 3 : Caribbean Style...cuz man cubans and the PR's do not like each other.
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On one hand I am glad that I could maybe go visit Cuba legally in a few years and exploit their economy.

On the second hand the US has just given a pass to the past actions of that communist government.

It's dumb. We win the Spanish American war and get Puerto Rico..but let Cuba go.
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It's the truth.

So many Americans live in la-la land.

Many of those who come from places under oppressive governments value conservative ideals of limited government.

Which conservatives have limited government ideals? The conservatives talk about it all the time, but their actions don't scream "limited government" to me.
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The President is actively trying to end an embargo that had I mentioned yesterday every one of you Nazi imbeciles would have said was stupid. Admit it: the President can and never will do anything right in your opinions.
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The President is actively trying to end an embargo that had I mentioned yesterday every one of you Nazi imbeciles would have said was stupid. Admit it: the President can and never will do anything right in your opinions.

The next time he does something right, will be the first time. He could start by resigning.
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Exactly. But be careful cause that statement makes you a communist now.

There is such a thing as doing the right thing the wrong way. He used empirical tactics to accomplish something that most people are in favor of. He could have appealed to the public and told them to harass their representatives if they opposed lifting the embargo, and it would have accomplished the same ends while conforming to constitutional means.
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