United States, Cuba to normalize relations

The situation is that Castro is the equivalent to what we would see Hitler or Stalin, he destroyed lives and families... Buy Obama sitting across the table from Castro and deciding terms on how to "work with" Cuba it's pretty much a slap in the face to the people of Cuba saying we sit with this regime and are willing to work with them. That's how they view it and for any of us to criticize them for being upset is pretty ignorant.
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The situation is that Castro is the equivalent to what we would see Hitler or Stalin, he destroyed lives and families... Buy Obama sitting across the table from Castro and deciding terms on how to "work with" Cuba it's pretty much a slap in the face to the people of Cuba saying we sit with this regime and are willing to work with them. That's how they view it and for any of us to criticize them for being upset is pretty ignorant.

A lot of Americans are completely ignorant to the situation there.
My good friend Javi is in the marine core born and raised here in fl.. Good parents came here in the boat lift. His uncle owned a electronic store and was literally black bagged and never seen again. They accused him of conspiracy because someone put a sticker on his store window anti gov. NEVER SEEN AGAIN... So let me help you out again when I say the folks down here don't equally see it as us when the good old USA sits at a table and discusses future plans to work with a gov that has literally killed thousands and oppressed a nation for 60 years...
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My good friend Javi is in the marine core born and raised here in fl.. Good parents came here in the boat lift. His uncle owned a electronic store and was literally black bagged and never seen again. They accused him of conspiracy because someone put a sticker on his store window anti gov. NEVER SEEN AGAIN... So let me help you out again when I say the folks down here don't equally see it as us when the good old USA sits at a table and discusses future plans to work with a gov that has literally killed thousands and oppressed a nation for 60 years...

Interesting so many in here don't believe we should trade with Cuba, but everything they own comes from China and their gas from Saudi Arabia.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
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My good friend Javi is in the marine core born and raised here in fl.. Good parents came here in the boat lift. His uncle owned a electronic store and was literally black bagged and never seen again. They accused him of conspiracy because someone put a sticker on his store window anti gov. NEVER SEEN AGAIN... So let me help you out again when I say the folks down here don't equally see it as us when the good old USA sits at a table and discusses future plans to work with a gov that has literally killed thousands and oppressed a nation for 60 years...

yeah. they literally throw people in prison, including solitary confinement, for what the government deems the likelihood of potentially committing a crime
Interesting so many in here don't believe we should trade with Cuba, but everything they own comes from China and their gas from Saudi Arabia.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

Are you ******* slow? His uncle was murdered by a gov that is now in talks with our gov. If it helps you sleep at night knowing that and your ok with it then I dunno what to tell you.
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Are you ******* slow? His uncle was murdered by a gov that is now in talks with our gov. If it helps you sleep at night knowing that and your ok with it then I dunno what to tell you.

He's saying that our government has fairly normal relations with other human rights abusers and people don't seem to get up at arms about that.

Unfortunately given the state of things, and the leverage China and Saudi Arabia has - particularly compared to Cuba, we pretty much have to cow tow to them.

I think it's pretty pathetic.
yeah. they literally throw people in prison, including solitary confinement, for what the government deems the likelihood of potentially committing a crime

So they detain people without a trial? Wtf kinda people would do that...wait
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Are you ******* slow? His uncle was murdered by a gov that is now in talks with our gov. If it helps you sleep at night knowing that and your ok with it then I dunno what to tell you.

You don't believe China or Saudi Arabia do the same?
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So they detain people without a trial? Wtf kinda people would do that...wait

As you cower in fear in your house hoping the united states gov didn't show up put a bag over your head and you are never seen again... Give me a break
Communist China tells the U.S. what to do - or suffer the consequences.

No American politician will stand up to Communist China.
Normalized relations with Cuba would be a great move for Obama and the US.

Not to mention opening up another cheap vacation spot.

Before the 'Muricans ruin it with Senor Frogs/Margaritavilles, Bud Light and other tourist trap nonsense.

Boo, Obama.
Good move. We need to have normal relationships with our neighbors if possible.

We should try to have normal relations with everyone... not just our neighbors. But I agree with your sentiment.

Now all we have to do is remove the sanctions from Russia and iran because they will fail over the long run, also.
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