Vaccine or not?

Side note.
Vit C D3 And Zinc are almost always prescribed for Covid and can in fact be proven to reduce symptoms and severity and shorten duration but nobody seems particularly interested in a cheap solution that actually works

I've done all three of those plus Quercetin religiously since 2020.
In regards to Ivermectin, a doctor who I go to church with (he's pro-vaccine by the way) says its absolutely criminal how the media and some of our political leaders trashed the Ivermectin treatment. He claims to have great success with Ivermectin if you treat early. I have heard this from multiple local doctors as well.
I've done all three of those plus Quercetin religiously since 2020.
In regards to Ivermectin, a doctor who I go to church with (he's pro-vaccine by the way) says its absolutely criminal how the media and some of our political leaders trashed the Ivermectin treatment. He claims to have great success with Ivermectin if you treat early. I have heard this from multiple local doctors as well.
I’m not defending the way the press handled it. I agree with him. Trying to convince people it wasn’t safe was a straight up lie. And there’s no excuse for that. That’s my issue here. Truth.

If it actually works then it should easily be repeated in a controlled setting. There have been more than a few studies on ivermectin and all of them show no significant difference that placebo.

Now as I’ve said 1000 times if your doctor feels it’s right for you then have at it. Nobody should tell him or you that you can’t take it. ….but I would consider it a personal favor if you’d take the C, D3 and Zinc along with it.
Are you talking DHEA daily as well?
If not it would not hurt you to start.
When you hit 50 there are some others you might want to consider. Let me know when you get there and I’ll read you in.

I am not taking DHEA. Pretty much the only things I take besides what I mentioned earlier is magnesium and fish oil whenever my wife talks me into taking it.
(That stuff is nasty!) I also take creatine with my workouts. I'm 44 but will be 50 before we know it. I appreciate and will consider any good health tips you have to help me stay young for many more years.😁
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Their strategy was honestly reminiscent of the US government’s actions in The Stand (Stephen King). Keep the citizenry quiet and intentionally spread it to other countries after the cat is out of the bag in an attempt to keep people from tying it back to Wuhan lab.
Combine that with Twelve Monkeys, and you are spot on
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Yet another study that makes the anti horse-paste crowd look silly.

COVID-19 Excess Deaths in Peru’s 25 States in 2020: Nationwide Trends, Confounding Factors, and Correlations With the Extent of Ivermectin Treatment by State

Reductions in excess deaths over a period of 30 days after peak deaths averaged 74% in the 10 states with the most intensive IVM use. As determined across all 25 states, these reductions in excess deaths correlated closely with the extent of IVM use (p<0.002). During four months of IVM use in 2020, before a new president of Peru restricted its use, there was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths and then a 13-fold increase in the two months following the restriction of IVM use. Notably, these trends in nationwide excess deaths align with WHO summary data for the same period in Peru.
😂 No they weren’t. In Q4 2019, several of my coworkers came down with a terrible flu that lasted for weeks after having traveled to our China office. One guy was in bed for over two weeks. Nobody was testing positive for flu. I’m sure it was COVID. The Chinese had to have known by this point what they were dealing with.
I firmly believe that I had it in November 2019 and GVG had it in December. I think it was a G_d send since she had lymphoma starting late January. We were able to avoid it until the Music City Bowl.
I had a nice conversation with my PCP today over a well check. He has had two reportable cases of males with severe clotting issues shortly after the CV shot. That, combined with the near-zero risk from the recent/less virulent strains, has apparently given him pause in recommending the shots.
I had a nice conversation with my PCP today over a well check. He has had two reportable cases of males with severe clotting issues shortly after the CV shot. That, combined with the near-zero risk from the recent/less virulent strains, has apparently given him pause in recommending the shots.
Stop downplaying the dangers. Wear your mask. 6ft apart. Get your jab and boosters. Trust the science.
Stop downplaying the dangers. Wear your mask. 6ft apart. Get your jab and boosters. Trust the science.
Part of me hopes we do not go through this again, part of me thinks on a voluntary basis we should support this to weed out the nation. Maybe the worlds most lethal IQ test should continue.
Part of me hopes we do not go through this again, part of me thinks on a voluntary basis we should support this to weed out the nation. Maybe the worlds most lethal IQ test should continue.
I'm right there on the fence with you. Obviously, 2020/2021 sucked, but at the same time, it did wake up a few people... but not enough. Maybe this time around we can wake up a few more people to get a critical mass on my side.
Not sure if we need a critical mass on a single side, so much as a critical IQ level. There's plenty of those who supported vaxx, and yet did not take the vaxx themselves... willing to bet we have a few here. Certainly there was a few phizer employees in that group.
And if you go to her site….fight through the links and find the study she’s representing……and read the conclusions

Findings In this double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled platform trial conducted in the US during a period of Delta and Omicron variant predominance, and that included 1591 adult outpatients with COVID-19, the posterior probability of improvement in time to recovery in those treated with ivermectin vs placebo had a hazard ratio of 1.07, with a posterior probability of benefit of .91. This did not meet the prespecified threshold of posterior probability greater than .95.

Meaning These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
I just posted a link to 99 studies combined showing quite the opposite. I have to be honest slice, i have stopped concerning myself with your opinion on the matter, I will continue to trust MY Doctor, and Frontline Doctors who followed a different path and have a better track record of care. I've seen what results happen from those goose stepping to the CDC. I fyour this completely unwilling to look at evidence on Invermectin....(which I think is overwhelmingly more positive that any vaccine efficacy ever demonstrated for covid) , then I can only imagine where you stand on Chlorine Dioxide.
I just posted a link to 99 studies combined showing quite the opposite. I have to be honest slice, i have stopped concerning myself with your opinion on the matter, I will continue to trust teh Doctor, and Frontline Doctors who followed a different path and have a better track record of care.

I just posted the conclusion from the study you (or your link) claimed the opposite of what it actually said.


Post them.
Post the conclusions.

I’m sure the infectious disease doctor we saw for Red yesterday isn’t up to date on this stuff.
I’m sure the infectious disease doctor we saw for Red yesterday isn’t up to date on this stuff.

Being "up to date" is part of the problem when all your information is pharmaceutical driven propoganda. If there is anything the last two-three years has woken MANY of us up to is how many doctors blindly stay "up to date" with policies, and treatments pushed by big pharma and administration for profit.
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A Vaccine Nightmare Story Everyone Needs to Hear | Frontpage Mag

A Vaccine Nightmare Story Everyone Needs to Hear
Jane will never be the same.
August 17, 2023 by Wayne Allyn Root 35 Comments


There is a silent tragedy of epic proportions going on in our country. It’s silent because the media refuses to connect the dots.
Have you noticed the tsunami of recent headlines about high-profile Americans who “died suddenly” or suffered heart attacks, strokes or blood clots at young ages. Celebrities, athletes, entertainers and CEOs are dropping dead, or having heart attacks.
Still, the media whistles past the graveyard.
There are always a thousand excuses. Anything and everything, EXCEPT blaming the COVID-19 vaccine. It can never be the vaccine.
Strange thing though: Virtually every one of these dead, crippled, disabled or seriously ill people have one thing in common: they were vaccinated. What a wild coincidence!
I’ll soon write a column about 65 friends, acquaintances and business associates of mine… people I personally know… who have died or suffered serious illness since being vaccinated. The numbers are piling up. These are not coincidences. It’s a pattern. Studying a pattern like this used to be called “science.”
In the meantime, I have one up-close and personal story that every American needs to hear. Last week I went out to dinner with one of my best friends (let’s call him Mike). He told me the story of his own sister, who was badly injured and disabled by the COVID-19 vaccine. He then informed me she’s a big fan of mine and watches my Real America’s Voice TV show every Saturday. He said she’d like to talk to me and share her story.
We spoke yesterday. Here’s her story.
Let’s call her Jane. She is an accomplished female CEO. Jane runs a medical organization that helps children. She wanted to stress to me how healthy she’d been before getting the vaccine. She traveled the world on business and lugged her own luggage everywhere. She biked 15 miles a day. She took one-hour spin classes. She ate healthy. She was on no medications.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jane never got COVID-19. She continued biking 15 miles several times per week. She walked 3 miles a day.
Then her doctor pressured her to take the COVID-19 vaccine. She was worried and skeptical, but eventually she relented. She took one Pfizer jab. One. No second jab. No booster. Just one.
That’s all it took to ruin her life. Jane will never be the same.
Within four hours she felt extreme nerve pain. Pain the likes of which she’d never felt in her life. Mind-numbing pain.
Then came the racing heart. Heart palpitations. Severe muscle twitching. Severe muscle weakness. Shortness of breath. Horrible fatigue. Brain fog so bad she could no longer focus, or deal with even basic tasks.
Next came blurred vision. Sensitivity to light and sound. Dry eyes and dry mouth. Dizziness. Ringing in her ears so loud she couldn’t think. Hair loss in clumps. Severe heartburn. Circulation problems: Her feet turned purple. She could barely walk. Internal tremors so bad, it felt like a cellphone was vibrating inside her body. She is in so much pain at night that she can’t sleep.
Jane also suffered from menstrual problems after getting the vaccine. She hemorrhaged so severely this past February that she was hospitalized and eventually required emergency surgery.
By March it was a new issue requiring hospitalization. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode. It went from 60 beats per minute to 165 within seconds. Her heart condition is so serious that she fears she could “die suddenly” at any time.
This is Jane’s new normal. She was perfectly healthy all her life. Then she took the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Her life instantly changed after that one vaccine. Now it’s difficult to walk to the bathroom.
But this is no fluke. Jane joined a Facebook group for COVID-19 vaccine victims. It’s now up to 5,000 members — all with similar stories.
They may be the lucky ones. My wife and I eat at our favorite restaurant every Friday night. The manager (call him John) stopped by our table every week to say hello. He always shared stories about his wife and daughter. His family was his life. We loved talking to John.
Three weeks ago, we walked into the restaurant. The GM told us John had just “died suddenly.” Never sick a day in his life, 52 years old, he suddenly keeled over and died of a heart attack in front of his wife. Since every employee had to be vaccinated to work, we know John was vaxxed. We will attend his memorial service this coming weekend.
The facts are out. The CDC’s own internal report shows over 117,000 excess deaths among American children since the vaccine. CHILDREN. That’s more excess dead children in two years than all the U.S. soldiers killed in the Vietnam War in a decade.
Life insurance companies report more excess deaths among working-age Americans since 2021 (the year the COVID-19 vaccine began) than at any time in history. What do working-age Americans have in common? The Biden administration forced them to take the vaccine or lose their jobs.
Ed Dowd, the former Blackrock money manager, who analyzes numbers for a living, says the disability rolls have grown by millions since the vaccine. MILLIONS. That’s why there is such a severe shortage of employees.
We know this is happening. The next victim could be you, your spouse, your children. To do nothing now; to make believe this isn’t happening; to hope it goes away; to try to cover it up; is no longer about ignorance, or delusion, or even greed.
At this point, to do nothing, to refuse to act, is a combination of pure evil, mass murder and crimes against humanity.
A growing number of leprosy cases are being reported after COVID-19 vaccination, including two cases in the United Kingdom that researchers said may have been caused by the vaccines.

The researchers examined records from the Leprosy Clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. They found that of the 52 people who went to the clinic in 2021, at least 49 were vaccinated.

Growing Number of Leprosy Cases Reported After COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination and leprosy–A UK hospital-based retrospective cohort study
Leprosy's caused by a bacteria. Does the jab contain that bacteria?
I don’t agree they were trying to contain it early on. I believe they knew what they were dealing with in 2019. I think they were hoping it might not be pinned on them.
Everything I saw then indicated the PRC was trying to contain the spread. They probably didn't grasp how this specific bug behaved so they were behind the curve. The idea of an intentional release makes no sense.
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