Vaccine or not?

What point? Percentage wise, 3% of the unvaxxed are infected.

What point are you trying to drive home?

And what percentage of the vaccinated? Without pulling out a calculator, I'll bet it's way less than 3%.

FWIW You're only counting today's new cases. On Sunday the new cases broke down like this:

So do you advocate for masking up the vaccine takers?

I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm going back to wearing a mask ... wearing a mask correctly. But that's just me. My wife is a year out from having covid; she's still having taste and smell issues - which lead to eating issues, and she still has problems with balance and stamina. She has "natural immunity" I suppose, but at what cost?
I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm going back to wearing a mask ... wearing a mask correctly. But that's just me. My wife is a year out from having covid; she's still having taste and smell issues - which lead to eating issues, and she still has problems with balance and stamina. She has "natural immunity" I suppose, but at what cost?

Sorry to hear it.
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Unfortunately there are a small number of healthcare professionals who have acted like absolute Covidiots. This recently deceased nurse is one example.
How many did she frightened away from getting the vaccination with her inaccurate anti vax posts?
Here is one of her tweets.

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It's weird to see a drop down to zero, then a spike even as vaccinations go up. Most places were wide open before they reached zero or their low. So it's not a change of habit. It would only make sense for cases to go up if there was an influx of population. Or if the virus gives zero effs.

Not really. Delta got going in India, and the world is a lot smaller. Today if somebody sneezes in China, people all around the globe catch a cold. Stop international air travel, quarantine anybody else crossing a border, and things change dramatically, but otherwise "Welcome to the new world." Delta from India and elsewhere is like the initial round of covid from China - deja vu all over again. This is much more about incoming mutants than a vaccine not working as well as hoped.
Right. I understand what you’re saying. I don’t know if it means what you’re inferring from it because the Delta variant is supposed to be more transmissible and people have gone back to something approaching normal so an apples to apples comparison would be how Delta is spreading among unvaccinated people vs. vaccinated people now.

Not saying you’re wrong, I don’t know.

The correct approach with Delta is probably to say we're facing a new but very similar disease, and countermeasures are not fully effective. A bit like being back where we were early last year, but with more background knowledge and some new tools to work with. Unfortunately it may be like the movie "Groundhog Day" with new variants - all thanks to the Chinese and their creating a Frankenstein. Maybe we'll be lucky and new mutants will spiral into the ground ... maybe they won't.
We’re 18 months into this pandemic and you’re blustering about the wrong side of things that were figured out 14-15 months ago.

I truly do not care if you believe me or not. You won’t be the first person on here to pretend that refusing to acknowledge the obvious was less embarrassing than admitting you made a simple mistake and you won’t be the last.

But rather than more stupid bickering, I recommend putting your energy into something a bit more productive. Find a physician you trust and talk to them about effective treatments (monoclonal antibodies etc) and the typical course for bad covid cases and what you need to look out for if somebody close to you gets infected. What happens if they get to the point of cascading organ failure? Hopefully, you won’t have to help make decisions for somebody who gets that sick, but if you do maybe that person will benefit from having somebody who understands these things as their advocate rather than the guy who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t know how to handle being wrong.

Calling out stupidity like you and some others have been spewing for quite awhile is very important. You and others like you are using the fear and conjecture tactics to try and prove a point. It’s erroneous and ridiculous.
A friend of mine has passed away. he had Covid with mild symptoms about 5 months ago. He died today from Covid. I’m guessing Delta but I don’t know. 52 years old and healthy with no underlying health problems that I’m aware of.

I’m so sick of this ****.

Sorry. It always hurts to lose a friend, and even worse when they are too young to go.
Unfortunately there are a small number of healthcare professionals who have acted like absolute Covidiots. This recently deceased nurse is one example.
How many did she frightened away from getting the vaccination with her inaccurate anti vax posts?
Here is one of her tweets.
View attachment 384692

Are we really going to play this game? For every unvaxxed tweet like this, I can find just as many of the vaccinated that ended up dying.
Not really. Delta got going in India, and the world is a lot smaller. Today if somebody sneezes in China, people all around the globe catch a cold. Stop international air travel, quarantine anybody else crossing a border, and things change dramatically, but otherwise "Welcome to the new world." Delta from India and elsewhere is like the initial round of covid from China - deja vu all over again. This is much more about incoming mutants than a vaccine not working as well as hoped.
And with each incoming mutant variant (because we all know this is going to be with is forever) do we shutdown society, stop all trade and travel and force needles in everyone's arm every season?
And with each incoming mutant variant (because we all know this is going to be with is forever) do we shutdown society, stop all trade and travel and force needles in everyone's arm every season?

Nah, just go on with life and surrender because all the options are too hard. With the government aiding, abetting, and redistributing hordes of the unvaxed, undocumented, and likely infected, you could probably say "At this point what difference does it make anyway."
A friend of mine has passed away. he had Covid with mild symptoms about 5 months ago. He died today from Covid. I’m guessing Delta but I don’t know. 52 years old and healthy with no underlying health problems that I’m aware of.

I’m so sick of this ****.
I'm sorry for your loss. Interesting that this a reinfection. Did he get vaxxed too.

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