Vaccine or not?

You do know that coercion is illegal. And I would bet that threatening someone's livelihood unless they do something against their will is as well. It will be tested in court, guaranteed. And God help us if they are allowed to do this. It is a very very slippery slope.

Your company is requiring it for all new hires aren't they?
I'm guessing you very seldom get sick either do you?

Rarely. I had the flu once when I was about 19, that was about as sick as I've ever been. Caught it on a plane going home on leave.
I don't consider that being forced. You can choose to not be vaccinated. The employer can choose to not let you in the door.
And this is the libertarian blind spot. It doesn't take into account a possible fascist relationship between the private sector and govt.

At least they're NOT burning buildings down to rubble or killing the innocents walking by & NOT looting the Target stores or the Walgreens like some people we know that are still doing that... looks like they're at least civil in their protest. They're Not acting like lunatic Democrats running wild at all times of the night dress up like ninjas in their pjs.
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Former South Florida talk show host Dick Farrel has died from COVID. He advocated against getting the coronavirus vaccine and was skeptical of Dr. Anthony Fauci, but changed his view after contracting Covid.

Here are some of his posts

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At least they're NOT burning buildings down to rubble or killing the innocents walking by & NOT looting the Target stores or the Walgreens like some people we know that are still doing that... looks like they're at least civil in their protest. They're Not acting like lunatic Democrats running wild at all times of the night dress up like ninjas in their pjs.
Well-behaved performers.
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Requiring someone to be vaccinated if they want to work for me does not infringe on their religious freedom. They would be infringing on my rights by forcing me to adhere to their religious peculiarities.
Huh? How can you determine what someone's religious views are? How does someone not taking a vaccine force you to adhere to their religion?

Are we quite certain this isn't a NARAL Pro-Choice America rally?

I've been at a loss to understand the response of so many of my fellow social conservatives to this pandemic. Many have adopted the slogans and the social Darwinism of the abortion lobby. Many, expressing horror at children being home with their parents rather than at the local public school, have used arguments that are the stock in trade of those who seek to ban homeschooling. Many, denying objective reality, have demanded that society carry the burden of their denial in a manner akin to that of the activists for transgenderism.

(To be clear, I'm not referring to those who in good faith and with due regard for the well-being of their neighbors have expressed concerns about the new vaccines or the particular set of trade-offs made in our nation's response to the pandemic.)
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Currently, only the Pfizer vaccine has been given Emergency Use Authorization in children 12+. Moderna has filed but not received authorization yet. J&J 18+. I know that Pfizer and Moderna have begun trials in younger kids (down to 5 y/o IIRC).

My children's pediatrician told my wife that the data from Pfizer's trials for that age range will be published in September and that vaccines for ages 5-11 may be available in November.
(To be clear, I'm not referring to those who in good faith and with due regard for the well-being of their neighbors have expressed concerns about the new vaccines or the particular set of trade-offs made in our nation's response to the pandemic.)
In most cases it's not a good faith belief but repeating derp from Facebook.
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