Vaccine or not?

I've read your responses all through this thread. Whatever helps you sleep at night right?
Your boy Sleepy Joe is trying hard as hell pushing his agenda for everyone to get the jab .... that report, if you took time to watch it, says America is 50% vaccinated. They're saying that's half of the population in America. You don't need to give me your figures & stats on this each time you reply ... I've seen them 100s of times here. Thanks for the fear mongering.
Not all of us are making the pandemic political like you. I voted for Trump.
Not all of us are making the pandemic political like you. I voted for Trump.

Joe Biden & the DNC's MSM has made "everything political" nowdays or haven't you heard?
If you haven't looked lately this is the politics forum ... which is what we talk about here. It's Not the Football recruiting forum.
I've read your responses all through this thread. Whatever helps you sleep at night right?
Your boy Sleepy Joe is trying hard as hell pushing his agenda for everyone to get the jab .... that report, if you took time to watch it, says America is 50% vaccinated. They're saying that's half of the population in America. You don't need to give me your figures & stats on this each time you reply ... I've seen them 100s of times here. Thanks for the fear mongering.
The sky is falling
That seems like a catch 22. The government, by forcing employers to accommodate religious beliefs, has already stepped in (not that that's a bad thing). If somebody sues, the employer has a right to argue it's pretextual and not a sincerely held religious belief.

If I were an employer with a vaccine mandate and somebody claimed it violated their religion, I'd probably just say "OK, but you have to wear a mask all day and get a covid test on a regular basis."
I would then ask that everyone in the company get std tested if I’m using the same restrooms and break areas. See how that works. It’s not good to discriminate right? Isn’t that what has been preached by LBTQRSTUV folks?
I would then ask that everyone in the company get std tested if I’m using the same restrooms and break areas. See how that works. It’s not good to discriminate right? Isn’t that what has been preached by LBTQRSTUV folks?

I'm not worried about catching an STD from a toilet seat or a break area.

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My elderly extended family members are vaccinated. Moderna and Pfizer. No problems have occurred to date.

My wife, kids and I are not and have no plans to be vaccinated. My kids attend Christian school and a private Christian university. We will decide what we put in our bodies...not any goverment or Karen that needs to mind their own business.

Btw....i have worn a mask less than a dozen times and not missed an hour of work due to this overblown flu season. The times that i have worn a mask where when i really needed something from a store which demanded it. Like gasoline when my truck was on fumes. I cant imagine living in fear for almost 2 years straight? You can keep that misery and fear mongering. Amazing how we never had a flu season? Hmmmm aunt who is a UT educated microbiologist/virologist sent me this....she recently retired after 45 years of lab work with a Masters degree ...

Not all of us are making the pandemic political like you. I voted for Trump.
The Left is who made it political and that’s non-debatable. The two highest ranking politicians we have, set on a stage, pre-November 3rd, and questioned the timeline, efficacy and safeness of a “rushed” vaccine; now they demand everyone get it. What changed? They won; that’s it. I’ve said from the beginning I hoped it was safe for twofold; 1) we could put it behind us and keep the most vulnerable alive (meaning they take the vaccine) and 2) I unabashedly wanted it to be something Trump could be given credit for with the cutting of red tape bureaucracy. I also said pre-November 3rd that I had no intentions of receiving it myself and would rely on my own immune system to fight it should I get infected.

That said, the Left has done nothing to make me want to change my mind and has admittedly spurred a level of spitefulness with their sweeping generalities of anyone hesitant or unwilling to receive it.
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Doubtful that you would catch anything. But I still want to know who has what. It’s only fair to treat everything and everyone the same.
I haven't instituted a vax mandate, but I'm not opposed to doing it if I feel the need. We're a small business where remote isn't really an option and shutting down for a covid outbreak would screw us royally. I dont see STD tests as being relevant because I don't catch STDs from being in the same room as another person.
Not all of us are making the pandemic political like you. I voted for Trump.

Look, mad4vols, the Democrats made this political, so you should too. Whatever they do, you should just reflexively do the polar opposite -- that way they won't control you.
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The Left is who made it political and that’s non-debatable The two highest ranking politicians we have, set on a stage, pre-November 3rd, and questioned the timeline , efficacy and safeness of a “rushed” vaccine; now they demand everyone get it. What changed? They won; that’s it. I’ve said from the beginning I hoped it was safe for twofold; 1) we could put it behind us and keep the most vulnerable alive (meaning they take the vaccine) and 2) I unabashedly wanted it to be something Trump could be given credit for with the cutting of red tape bureaucracy. I also said pre-November 3rd that I had no intentions of receiving it myself and would rely on my own immune system to fight it should I get infected.

That said, the Left has done nothing to make me want to change my mind and has admittedly spurred a level of spitefulness with their sweeping generalities of anyone hesitant or unwilling to receive it.

I appreciate you expressing your thoughts so eloquently. Biden should 100% give all the credit to Trump, who was responsible for producing vaccines in record time and guaranteeing that America had first dibs on the supply. He got it done. I spoke to a friend in Australia yesterday, they are heading into their 6th lockdown. I said hopefully their last, they said they doubt it, because they don’t have enough vaccine. We do and it’s thanks to Trump who had the foresight to contract with not one or two but six different vaccine companies for a total of 800 million doses. Not all six companies’ vaccines would actually be approved, but he bet on all six because failure was not an option.
I haven't instituted a vax mandate, but I'm not opposed to doing it if I feel the need. We're a small business where remote isn't really an option and shutting down for a covid outbreak would screw us royally. I dont see STD tests as being relevant because I don't catch STDs from being in the same room as another person.
Do you do TB skin tests? If not then that’s quite hypocritical because TB has a much higher death rate.
Friend of mine went to have his yearly checkup and he asked about getting the vaccines. His doctor told him that because he had COVID in February, taking the vaccine could be dangerous to him. He got tested for COVID antibodies and the test said he still had strong antibodies.
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Do you do TB skin tests? If not then that’s quite hypocritical because TB has a much higher death rate.
First off, I don't know if there is a TB vax that I would ask to be mandatory and offer masks and tests as a reasonable accommodation. Second if there is, I'm pretty sure its not as prevalent as covid, but if it is, I guess I might start.

Edit: the more i think about it, TB has been around for a long time and I dont know a single person that has ever had TB. I know several people that had Covid, some had minimal effects, some have been having trouble six months later, and some have died.
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First off, I don't know if there is a TB vax that I would ask to be mandatory and offer masks and tests as a reasonable accommodation. Second if there is, I'm pretty sure its not as prevalent as covid, but if it is I might, I guess I might start.

Edit: the more i think about it, TB has been around for a long time and I dont know a single person that has ever had TB. I know several people that had Covid, some had minimal effects, some have been having trouble six months later, and some have died.
I’m just giving you something to think about. It’s a slippery slope treating employees different based on vaccines status. If I was told I had to show proof of a Covid vaccine I would demand to know other employees disease and health history. If you are going to play health department then game on. My request would be drafted by my attorney.
So you realized that and still thought your post supported your case?
Okee dokee
You are dealing with someone who takes pleasure in getting coworkers fired. Gloats about it. Thinks that's normal behavior. Spends time worrying about what they are doing. Ultimate Karen.
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It’s interesting that until they stopped reporting where they were sending people it was mostly Florida and Texas.

Remember we got a batch here in Chattanooga; I'll bet we don't know the half of what's going on. We also don't have a clue what other diseases illegals may be carrying; I doubt seriously their medical and sanitation standards have been anything like ours.
I’m just giving you something to think about. It’s a slippery slope treating employees different based on vaccines status. If I was told I had to show proof of a Covid vaccine I would demand to know other employees disease and health history. If you are going to play health department then game on. My request would be drafted by my attorney.

Oh no, not a lawyer!. Guess what... I have one, too! I'm pretty comfortable in my legal position on this.

PS: the lawyer you pay to write this request is probably ripping you off.
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