Vaccine or not?

When you have a blanket policy that covers everyone and someone claims a religious exemption, you don't get rid of the policy, you accommodate the employee. Its not a pivot, its the next step. I'm sorry you don't like it, but thats how employment law works. Why is a mask not a reasonable accommodation?
Maybe he states this later on and I just haven’t gotten there yet but I think he’s saying that if you only require masks for those with religious beliefs against the vaccine then you’re inadvertently pointing out who holds such beliefs and that could lead to issues.
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Yep, and data from prior situations showed there was a great likelihood he wouldn’t have gotten very sick from the virus without a vaccine.
But sicker than if he had not been vaccinated........and that's the point.
But sicker than if he had not been vaccinated........and that's the point.
But there’s a whole lot of data that suggests that might or might not be true. Do you seriously not remember all the people that were carrying the virus but asymptomatic before variants ever showed up? And then another large group of people said it was basically just like a cold. It was a very small percentage that were hospitalized previously and even smaller percentage that died. Maybe it did help him be less sick and maybe it didn’t, given that without a vaccine his odds of having mild symptoms or none at all were already really high. How you don’t understand this is beyond me.
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Israel is definitely more willing to try things out.
Not sure that’s always a good thing
It would take a couple years before the FDA would allow its use here.

Im thinking in politics. I doubt pharma would allow that drug to be sold here. Many countries would boycott it because it's from israel.
Maybe he states this later on and I just haven’t gotten there yet but I think he’s saying that if you only require masks for those with religious beliefs against the vaccine then you’re inadvertently pointing out who holds such beliefs and that could lead to issues.

Nope. I think that's providing a reasonable accommodation to a hypothetical blanket vaccination requirement. Religion isn't the magic bullet people think it is in employment law. When you ask for an exception you are asking to be treated differently. Neither employer nor employee have to say why the employee wears a mask, could be religious, could be medical, could be a personal choice. If employee has been stomping around saying he's going to pretend to have a religious problem with vaccines, then, yeah, everybody will probably know why.
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You don't know that though. There are no studies that prove that.
There actually are studies that show that; especially prior to the Delta variant becoming more widespread. Delta is still a new enough phenomenon that there isn't as much definitive proof yet, but everything I'm hearing and reading indicates the vaccinated are faring much better than the unvaccinated as far as severe illness after infection.

Full disclosure: my wife and I are vaccinated. Last week, our 19 year old got the first shot. We're still not comfortable enough with the benefit vs possible side effects to vaccinate our 13 year old.
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They need to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Until then these press releases are meaningless and just for PR.

Them's fighting words around here. May God have mercy on your soul for what is about to be unleashed upon you.

(For the record, I agree.)
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I am as indecisive as I can ever remember being, over this similar scenario in my house.
It's been a constant debate at my house as well. I talked to 2 pediatricians last week and they both say that until there's more information about the vaccine, they weren't going to definitively recommend it for kids under 18. But both agreed that 18+ should take it; especially kids going back to college environments.
There seems to be quite a few stories about friends and family in this thread.
Hearsay I suppose you could say, so here's one of mine.
I recently had my annual checkup and as usual received great results. I talked with my Dr about the vaccines. He mentioned his entire family has been vaccinated. Moderna.
He mentioned he had just seen an 80 year old patient of his. The gentleman had received both doses with no issues.
On the hand he has a 40 yo healthy colleague with both shots who's had flu like symptoms for over two weeks.
There seems to be quite a few stories about friends and family in this thread.
Hearsay I suppose you could say, so here's one of mine.
I recently had my annual checkup and as usual received great results. I talked with my Dr about the vaccines. He mentioned his entire family has been vaccinated. Moderna.
He mentioned he had just seen an 80 year old patient of his. The gentleman had received both doses with no issues.
On the hand he has a 40 yo healthy colleague with both shots who's had flu like symptoms for over two weeks.
Here's a friends and family story:

My 60 year old Aunt was diagnosed with Covid on Wednesday of last week. She is vaccinated and had 2 days of what amounted to a sinus infection and now feels fine but is stuck at home for another week in quarantine. Her co-worker who infected the rest of the office about 10 days ago is not vaccinated . . . and is currently on a ventilator. I won't pretend to know how much of it was the vaccine vs just the normal course of the illness among different people, but anecdotally, the vaccine seems like a good idea.
They need to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Until then these press releases are meaningless and just for PR.
Ya, they’re a different group all together. They are reporting what they’re doing and how it’s going. The reports are really just for their people and unlike here the press doesn’t like either side of the government so you tend to get the truth from them. Beyond that…….They don’t really give a **** what everyone else around the world thinks.

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