Vaccine or not?

So you can’t come up with an intelligent theory or answer? I don’t believe it’s a hoax but that’s the liberal go to generalization instead of attempting to formulate a thoughtful answer; it’s the new shouting of “racist”. Is it a virus? Yes. Is it out there? Yes. Do a certain subset of people die from it? Yes. Is everyone a member of that subset and assigned the same risk of death or hospitalization? No.

Lol, dude I'm not even reading your posts. I'm sure you've put forth cogent game changing arguments, but they're being lost on my apathy.
What are the credentials he has other than a username?

Well people believe that EL and LG are lawyers. Based on their username and what they say. So using that premise, kiddiedoc is a doctor. Also, why do you think he is a clown? Is it because he normally discusses things that are over your head? I know that’s why EL doesn’t like him.
Well people believe that EL and LG are lawyers. Based on their username and what they say. So using that premise, kiddiedoc is a doctor. Also, why do you think he is a clown? Is it because he normally discusses things that are over your head? I know that’s why EL doesn’t like him.

I’m not sure anyone on here believes they are legit lawyers…..well except maybe them.
Based on my username I'm Brad Pitt and you're an actual train colored orange.

1. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

2. That guy may actually be a doctor, but he consistently goes against the grain to what the medical community and doctors who specialize in diseases recommend and has been consistently wrong while the experts have been right. There is enough evidence of him talking out of his ass and spewing misinformation that have gotten who knows how many people sick or maybe even killed.

On your second point, there are some questions. So what about the ones in the medical community who do specialize in disease treatment, who do go against the grain? How does that act alone make them wrong? Science has to be questioned to progress no? There have been virologists, immunologists and infectious disease specialists that have all expressed opinions that go against the grain. Yet their opinions are laughed at or discredited. Why? Why is it that scientific laws can be questioned, but not COVID?

Like alternative treatments for COVID such as HCQ, Ivermectin and zinc. So why are those doctors who push these methods wrong? Because no significant scientific trial backs them up? Just because clinical trials don’t show proof of something doesn’t equate to not working. Let’s take the erroneous assumption that 600k+ Americans have died from COVID. Now let’s say the alternative therapies I mentioned worked in 10% of cases. Now the clinical trials have said they don’t work right? Ask yourself this, why would random physicians around the country and world, risk their reputation by asserting that these treatments work? Are they all lying?
On your second point, there are some questions. So what about the ones in the medical community who do specialize in disease treatment, who do go against the grain? How does that act alone make them wrong? Science has to be questioned to progress no? There have been virologists, immunologists and infectious disease specialists that have all expressed opinions that go against the grain. Yet their opinions are laughed at or discredited. Why? Why is it that scientific laws can be questioned, but not COVID?

Like alternative treatments for COVID such as HCQ, Ivermectin and zinc. So why are those doctors who push these methods wrong? Because no significant scientific trial backs them up? Just because clinical trials don’t show proof of something doesn’t equate to not working. Let’s take the erroneous assumption that 600k+ Americans have died from COVID. Now let’s say the alternative therapies I mentioned worked in 10% of cases. Now the clinical trials have said they don’t work right? Ask yourself this, why would random physicians around the country and world, risk their reputation by asserting that these treatments work? Are they all lying?
Weird. You typed the answer to literally all your questions.
I am curious as to what you think. You are a hard core COVID person and vaccine advocate. So why not address the questions?
You mean the questions as to why people should believe drivel that has zero scientific merit?

Read carefully, it's self-explanatory.
Since the Corona bros on here like to throw out anecdotal Covid stories I will share one.

My wife’s cousin’s father died post vaccine. 1st jab he got sick and presented to the ER with stroke like symptoms. Felt better and went home after a battery of tests. Took the 2nd shot and same symptoms returned. This time he did not recover.


Edit: This was the Moderna shot.
Terrible. Condolences to the family.
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