Vaccine or not?

Them's fighting words around here. May God have mercy on your soul for what is about to be unleashed upon you.

(For the record, I agree.)

Lancet et al haven't had a great record lately on "peer reviewed" studies and their findings.

BTW I consider the practice path to your doctorate the correct way to do it. My wife has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice via the same path, and I did that years ago vs the normal thesis for my MS in Nuclear Engineering. For me it meant a lot of great and varied hands on experience mostly at Oak Ridge vs a trip through Alice's academia to turn out a thesis on what would likely have been a lackluster technical study. Pretty much every project I completed in nuclear diagnostics fed directly and immediately into my job upon graduation.
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Why would you doubt it to be true?

Here's the important part:
While severe illness due to COVID-19 remains "uncommon" among children

There has been an expected slight uptick in pediatric hospitalizations, most of which are very short and recover without sequelae.

The only local critical case I know of has been in a child with significant complicating prior conditions and a comorbid infection.

Mortality remains miniscule, and less than we usually see with influenza and RSV in a typical year. Long-term repercussions remain exceedingly rare. MIS-C is very treatable with IVIG.
On your second point, there are some questions. So what about the ones in the medical community who do specialize in disease treatment, who do go against the grain? How does that act alone make them wrong? Science has to be questioned to progress no? There have been virologists, immunologists and infectious disease specialists that have all expressed opinions that go against the grain. Yet their opinions are laughed at or discredited. Why? Why is it that scientific laws can be questioned, but not COVID?

Like alternative treatments for COVID such as HCQ, Ivermectin and zinc. So why are those doctors who push these methods wrong? Because no significant scientific trial backs them up? Just because clinical trials don’t show proof of something doesn’t equate to not working. Let’s take the erroneous assumption that 600k+ Americans have died from COVID. Now let’s say the alternative therapies I mentioned worked in 10% of cases. Now the clinical trials have said they don’t work right? Ask yourself this, why would random physicians around the country and world, risk their reputation by asserting that these treatments work? Are they all lying?
Read the transcript from the Robert Redfield (former CDC Director) interview with Martha MacCallum today. He said he’s been threatened, sidelined and ousted for having a different opinion on the masking of students and the origin of the virus. He said the policy of masking kids in school “should be grounded in data not opinion. There’s very few studies that really are compelling in the setting of a classroom”.

“We have seen growing evidence to support that this, in fact, was a consequence of a laboratory leak. So I continue to believe, of the two hypotheses, that the laboratory leak is the most likely origin of this virus. I think I'm very disheartened when I have seen how the scientific community failed to approach both hypotheses with an open mind. I was very rapidly sidelined, threatened and really,,, sort of outed because I believed, as a virologist, that this virus may have come from the laboratory," Redfield concluded.

This is the f-ing Director of the CDC up until January; one of Tyler Durden’s experts. But I’m sure since he has a different viewpoint now than others, he’s lost his expert credentials.
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Why would you doubt it to be true?

Here's the important part:

There has been an expected slight uptick in pediatric hospitalizations, most of which are very short and recover without sequelae.

The only local critical case I know of has been in a child with significant complicating prior conditions and a comorbid infection.

Mortality remains miniscule, and less than we usually see with influenza and RSV in a typical year. Long-term repercussions remain exceedingly rare. MIS-C is very treatable with IVIG.
I guess because it isnt as rampant in Illinois yet and Im worried about my grandson who is 2 and half - They dont take him anywhere near crowds like stores or church just being very cautious with him because he has a history of seizures
Just got news my son in law grandpa who was vaccinated, tested positive and step grandma ( not vaxed) put on a vent with maybe 10 percent chance of recovery -- They live in Gulf Shores Alabama
I guess because it isnt as rampant in Illinois yet and Im worried about my grandson who is 2 and half - They dont take him anywhere near crowds like stores or church just being very cautious with him because he has a history of seizures

I'll be praying for your grandson, 508mikey. My son has a seizure disorder too. His neurologist did not feel that the initial wave of covid posed a threat to his patients any greater than that posed by any other fever-inducing illness, but he was alarmed by the advent of the delta variant due to the intensity and duration of the fevers.
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The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online
Researchers and regulators say Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, creates and profits from misleading claims about Covid-19 vaccines.
Regardless of your views on Covid vaccines Joseph Mercola should be considered a bad person. Here is the warning letter the fda sent him about dubious claims that he was making about products he selling as a cure for covid., LLC - 607133 - 02/18/2021
also he has made millions prior to covid with anti vaccine rhetoric.
Making Money Promoting Anti-Vaccine Myths
also this Malone guy is promoting himself as the founder of the mrna vaccines but a quick google scholar search shows he hasn’t been the primary author on any mrna research in decades.

Another data point.

Skeptical of posting this one because:

a. I don’t know anything about this guy; and
b. A one-day snapshot isn’t particularly good data analysis.

With the caveat that I may have been fooled by a bad meme, I’m posting it anyways because it’s the first time I’ve seen the 7x/10x claim broken into numbers.

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