Vaccine or not?

Some are more articulate, but this basically the GOP argument on vaccines and masks in a nutshell. Me, me, me.

You’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe. Answer honestly; WTF are you still afraid of? You’ve never explained how or why vaccinated, mask wearing individuals need to worry about unmasked, unvaccinated individuals. Where is the risk to you (or others)? How does the risk not solely lie with the unvaxed?
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You’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe. Answer honestly; WTF are you still afraid of? You’ve never explained how or why vaccinated, mask wearing individuals need to worry about unmasked, unvaccinated individuals. Where is the risk to you (or others)? How does the risk not solely lie with the unvaxed?

I always love these debates. Right wingers are completely flummoxed by the idea that something other than one's own personal interests, desires, and well-being can matter.

But it does go to explain so many policy choices made by Republicans. Taxes? Hate then because it's MY money you're taking. Gun control? No! Even though they make society collective less safe, I believe they make ME more safe. Etc. Etc.
I always love these debates. Right wingers are completely flummoxed by the idea that something other than one's own personal interests, desires, and well-being can matter.

But it does go to explain so many policy choices made by Republicans. Taxes? Hate then because it's MY money you're taking. Gun control? No! Even though they make society collective less safe, I believe they make ME more safe. Etc. Etc.

You still haven’t answered. Who are we protecting? The rest of your diatribe is just that.
I always love these debates. Right wingers are completely flummoxed by the idea that something other than one's own personal interests, desires, and well-being can matter.

But it does go to explain so many policy choices made by Republicans. Taxes? Hate then because it's MY money you're taking. Gun control? No! Even though they make society collective less safe, I believe they make ME more safe. Etc. Etc.
You say a lot of dumb things.

I'm glad you left me for @NorthDallas40 .
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I think people should get the vaccine. I don't think people should HAVE to get the vaccine. Mandates go against every principle this country was founded. It's disturbing to see so many eager to give away their freedom. What's next? Make the unvaccinated wear something on their clothing so as to mark them? Round them up and hold them in camps? Don't be stupid and say this isn't the same. It is the same. It's the exact same principle. Why are we such a nation of sheep?
. Why are we such a nation of sheep?

Because we're a Christian nation founded on Christian values, and Christ frequently refers to His followers as His sheep.

Morning sarcasm out of the way...

We're a confusing lot as a country. Several periods of "Why are you listening to the government?" followed by periods of "Listen to the government for the good of the country, damnit!".

There is likely quite a bit of commonality in belief between those who right now are frustrated with the government for (IMHO, really poorly) encouraging people to remember the common good and get vaccinated ASAP and those who were frustrated with the populace that were protesting that young men were being involuntarily sent to die for the common good.
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At the beginning of the pandemic, I trusted Dr Fauci because of his track record of working with Presidents from the two major parties without difficulty. The way in which he brought Reagan from seeing HIV/AIDS and beginning funding of treatment research was exceptional given me Reagan's disdain for those being infected at the time.

Now, I cringe every time he opens his mouth. Some people just can't handle being in front of the camera; he's one of them.
Because we're a Christian nation founded on Christian values, and Christ frequently refers to His followers as His sheep.

Morning sarcasm out of the way...

We're a confusing lot as a country. Several periods of "Why are you listening to the government?" followed by periods of "Listen to the government for the good of the country, damnit!".

There is likely quite a bit of commonality in belief between those who right now are frustrated with the government for (IMHO, really poorly) encouraging people to remember the common good and get vaccinated ASAP and those who were frustrated with the populace that were protesting that young men were being involuntarily sent to die for the common good.
It's explained with the word tribalism. If your tribe is in power "listen to the gov". One reason I'm not affiliated
Hey Captain Moral Equivalence! Good to hear from you. Glad you survived COVID. Guessing you believe it's like the common cold since somewhere at sometime the common cold killed someone.
Nope, but if people choose to leave themselves vulnerable, that's on them. If you're vaccinated you're supposed to be protected. Also, if you're vaccinated and get a "breakthrough" case, it's not supposed to be as bad. So as long as YOU are vaccinated, you should be fine. Let other people do as they choose. It's called freedom.
Because we're a Christian nation founded on Christian values, and Christ frequently refers to His followers as His sheep.

Morning sarcasm out of the way...

We're a confusing lot as a country. Several periods of "Why are you listening to the government?" followed by periods of "Listen to the government for the good of the country, damnit!".

There is likely quite a bit of commonality in belief between those who right now are frustrated with the government for (IMHO, really poorly) encouraging people to remember the common good and get vaccinated ASAP and those who were frustrated with the populace that were protesting that young men were being involuntarily sent to die for the common good.
I have no problem with a government encouraging their citizens to get vaccinated. My problem is with government mandating it. It goes against every principle this country was founded on.
Yes she does. And she’s all yours Cowboy!


At the beginning of the pandemic, I trusted Dr Fauci because of his track record of working with Presidents from the two major parties without difficulty. The way in which he brought Reagan from seeing HIV/AIDS and beginning funding of treatment research was exceptional given me Reagan's disdain for those being infected at the time.

Now, I cringe every time he opens his mouth. Some people just can't handle being in front of the camera; he's one of them.
I haven't even seen him on tv since the Trump regime. I don't watch anything on tv anymore except things like Gunsmoke, Maverick and Perry Mason reruns. It's amazing how pleasant the day goes by when you tune out most of that stuff.
Nope, but if people choose to leave themselves vulnerable, that's on them. If you're vaccinated you're supposed to be protected. Also, if you're vaccinated and get a "breakthrough" case, it's not supposed to be as bad. So as long as YOU are vaccinated, you should be fine. Let other people do as they choose. It's called freedom.
Evil thinks freedom is selfish
Please keep encouraging the like minded to stay the course. It's a hoax.

It’s not a hoax.

It is a legitimate threat to anyone who has breathing issues, a weak immune system, or is over weight.

If you fall into any of those categories it is a threat and you need to seriously consider the vaccine.

It is not a threat though if you do not have any of the above issues and are under the age of 50.

We are going way overboard on who this virus is impacting and we are pulling in large demographics that don’t need to be included….but that would mean making it actual medical issue and stop making it a political ploy to gain power.

And if this conversation was actually serious and about safety the doctors would be warning obese people that they are at much greater risk and need to begin losing weight but that isn’t happening on any major news site or being lauded by the politicians. They won’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. It’s in the reports but it gets buried and never ever mentioned.

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