Vaccine or not?

Another "healthcare professional" award winner.
Should have just got the vaccine.


At the beginning of the pandemic, I trusted Dr Fauci because of his track record of working with Presidents from the two major parties without difficulty. The way in which he brought Reagan from seeing HIV/AIDS and beginning funding of treatment research was exceptional given me Reagan's disdain for those being infected at the time.

Now, I cringe every time he opens his mouth. Some people just can't handle being in front of the camera; he's one of them.
His disdain was because 95% of HIV infection was due to lifestyle choices
I always love these debates. Right wingers are completely flummoxed by the idea that something other than one's own personal interests, desires, and well-being can matter.

But it does go to explain so many policy choices made by Republicans. Taxes? Hate then because it's MY money you're taking. Gun control? No! Even though they make society collective less safe, I believe they make ME more safe. Etc. Etc.
Your assumptions that taxes are spent well or that gun control makes society safer are naive and simple minded fallacies
People say to get vaxed because is slows or stops the spread...both proving more and more everyday to be does wearing my seatbelt or locking my doors protect anyone else???

All the vaxed people live under this guise of " I'm vaxing/masking for others" BS. Your doing cuz your afraid for yourself.....and you have bought into the propaganda 100% thats your choice...notice no unvaxed says anything about vaxed people until provoked...

I know how locking my doors protects someone else.
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I’m quite open to the idea of the virus escaping the Wuhan lab and tend to lean toward that being the case.

The notion that the medical community, under the Trump administration mind you, allowed Bill Gates to put nano chips in the vaccine is absurd. Plenty of other stuff out there that goes against facts and science.

I never said there were nano chips in the vaccine, nor did I mention Bill Gates, nor President Trump. Don't know why you brought that up.
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My dad (59, smoker, not exactly in top notch health, typical Facebook, Trump loving R) finally decided to get the vaccine. I asked him why the change of heart, "its getting pretty bad. I would hate to be laying there dying in the hospital when I could have just gotten the shot." Smartest thing I've heard my Dad say in years.
Good for him. He had the freedom to make that choice. Give the rest of us that same respect.
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His disdain was because 95% of HIV infection was due to lifestyle choices

And you think this absolves him.

Not wearing a mask and going to a 4th of July parade is a lifestyle choice. I guess we should treat those that die of COVID under those circumstances with disdain?
Let me ask you this...why are you less fearful of the long-term effects of COVID than the vax, since you can't know what you don't know and that is guiding your decision-making here?

Generally, I would say to you: The reason some people don't want to get a vaccine is none of your business. But if you still want to know some of them, you can check back on some of my posts earlier when someone else asked me that question.

But since you ask me personally: I have a heart transplant. When I sought advice from my doctors, they told me they cannot advise me one way or the other, because they don't know enough to advise one way or the other, because they know that they cannot know what is not known yet. Medical people are just now running long term studies for people like me. I will wait for the results of those studies. In the meantime, I shelter in place, distance myself from everyone, and wear a mask indoors in public if I have to be out.
I didn’t say you said that. It’s out there, among a myriad of other misinformation, and it’s creating a lot of problems.

Was it "misinformation" when prominent members of the virology community posted a letter that said that the virus did NOT come from the Wuhan lab? That's misinformation that I could bring up in a random manner in a post to you that isn't about that. I don't get why you would just interject what you did in your post, as if to associate that particular misinformation with me or something I said. It smacks of trying to smear me with a charge of spreading misinformation. Is that your tactic?
Generally, I would say to you: The reason some people don't want to get a vaccine is none of your business. But if you still want to know some of them, you can check back on some of my posts earlier when someone else asked me that question.

But since you ask me personally: I have a heart transplant. When I sought advice from my doctors, they told me they cannot advise me one way or the other, because they don't know enough to advise one way or the other, because they know that they cannot know what is not known yet. Medical people are just now running long term studies for people like me. I will wait for the results of those studies. In the meantime, I shelter in place, distance myself from everyone, and wear a mask indoors in public if I have to be out.

That sucks, man. Good luck to you.

You are an exception to the rule, so would you advise somebody with normal health that the unknown risks of the vax are greater than the unknown risks of COVID?
That sucks, man. Good luck to you.

You are an exception to the rule, so would you advise somebody with normal health that the unknown risks of the vax are greater than the unknown risks of COVID?

How can someone advise either way when there is missing data without guessing ?
It was pretty easy to read the article and understand that they’re providing contrary opinions. I don’t know why you think you’re the only person who can do that.
The leading conclusion/label at the top of the page that they’ve assigned is “FALSE”. They’re not just providing the reader contrarian opinions or another viewpoint; they’re unequivocally using viewpoint A to say that viewpoint B is wrong. Meanwhile viewpoint B says that A is wrong. So are both false? Both right? One false and one right?
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How can someone advise either way when there is missing data without guessing ?

If complete data is what you need for advising, then nobody should/would ever give any advice. We literally never have complete information on any health decision.
If complete data is what you need for advising, then nobody should/would ever give any advice. We literally never have complete information on any health decision.

Sure we do , we have short , medium and long term studies on just about everything an expert ( Dr.) would give you advise on unless the recommendation involves something brand new . So it is impossible, regardless of their experience in that field , regardless of their education , or political agenda to advise people that this vaccine is perfectly safe like I’ve seen over and over again . WE DONT KNOW THAT .. YET

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