Vaccine or not?

Those of you who are still vaccine hesitant and have not had Covid, what is the information you are waiting to have addressed that will appreciate your hesitancy?
Removal of legal protections from the manufacturers.

If it's just a vaccine treat it like any other. Actions speak louder than words.
I talked with a guy at the gym today that has worked with pharmaceutical companies in the past and has been involved with drug trials. Among other things, he said that whenever they set up those trials the company had to provide a risk sheet that generally ran some 50 pages detailing possible side effects. Have any of these companies provided anything like that? He also said that participants in those trials are paid. Any of you get paid to take the 'vaccine'? But his last statement was classic.

He said, "This isn't a pandemic. This is an IQ test."

Oh, and neither of us were masked, and we weren't 6 feet apart. Send money to the Alzheimer's foundation in lieu of flowers. LOL
So they’re doing the exact same thing that you and others do every day.

The questions you’re asking are great evidence that there’s plenty of room here for people to weigh the various doctors, scientists, and studies cited by the article and make up their own mind about which one they trust more, despite the editorializing. Still not sure why you think you’re the only person who can do that.
What have I labeled as false? Where have I (or tried to) discredit a practicing Dr/medical professional?
I talked with a guy at the gym today that has worked with pharmaceutical companies in the past and has been involved with drug trials. Among other things, he said that whenever they set up those trials the company had to provide a risk sheet that generally ran some 50 pages detailing possible side effects. Have any of these companies provided anything like that? He also said that participants in those trials are paid. Any of you get paid to take the 'vaccine'? But his last statement was classic.

He said, "This isn't a pandemic. This is an IQ test."

Oh, and neither of us were masked, and we weren't 6 feet apart. Send money to the Alzheimer's foundation in lieu of flowers. LOL
As someone who has applied for trials there is also a very specific traits looked for... general heal"th had to be good... any Co-morbidites get tossed, smoking, is a no no. Most times depression is a no go unless specified... so they do trials on a very specific set of people. Not the general public
As someone who has applied for trials there is also a very specific traits looked for... general heal"th had to be good... any Co-morbidites get tossed, smoking, is a no no. Most times depression is a no go unless specified... so they do trials on a very specific set of people. Not the general public
... except this time. At least they were smart enough to do it on a disease that is highly survivable, I will give them that.
In the long run; all the debating about vaccination or not will come to naught. Once the FDA grants full approval of the vaccines the doors will start to close to to thousands of locations due to a vaccine mandate. The unvaccinated will; ultimately, be closed to venues, cities, and well; just about anyplace worth going to.
And these liberal politicians are going to have civil wars on their hands when their local businesses, venues, events etc. are at 50-60% capacity due to the unvaxed not being allowed in as patrons or employees. We’ve already seen the financial toll that reduced capacities take on these businesses. There will be some patrons who give in to “get back to life” and there will be others who adapt and realize they can live without “luxuries”. Not that Wal Mart is a luxury by any means, and I’m actually saner and healthier than I would be if I graced their doors, but I’ve not stepped foot in a Wal Mart in over a year, once they implemented a mask mandate ahead of our state mandate. I’ve realized that I have no reason I HAVE to go there.
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I’ll say this much, I personally know an ICU nurse in Albany, GA who treated a myriad of Covid patients in the early days of 2020, as Albany was the epicenter in the state of GA at the beginning. The symptoms were so varied and the treatments (specifically intubation) were so hit or miss, yet the same basic treatment protocols/practices that her and some of her colleagues began to “question” (for lack of a better word) what they were treating and dealing with. She took 4 PCR, nasal swab tests from the ICU, swabbed them in tap water and assigned bday’s, names and genders to them and sent them off to the lab. Every one of them came back positive. At that moment a lot of the nurses seriously began to question if what they were treating was actually someone infected with a virus or someone simply having a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure etc. and wondering why the treatment regiment wasn’t more tailored or flexible depending on the individual and their particular situation. Now none of that is to say the virus doesn’t exist and isn’t real, but your only proof is what a test tells you; a test that we know leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s kind of funny…… I saw a like using the same information from Iceland claiming vaccines don’t work due to the rise in cases.

Yea..I was about to post an article the other day about Iceland. Cant find it in my history, but so much contradiction oiut there.
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As a Falcons fan, I fully expect that we’ll find out just before the opening kickoff that the whole team was accidentally given a vaccine laced with windshield wiper fluid causing the team to all simultaneously go on injured reserve and go 0-16.
Bigfoot sighting... I didn't know those even existed.
I talked with a guy at the gym today that has worked with pharmaceutical companies in the past and has been involved with drug trials. Among other things, he said that whenever they set up those trials the company had to provide a risk sheet that generally ran some 50 pages detailing possible side effects. Have any of these companies provided anything like that? He also said that participants in those trials are paid. Any of you get paid to take the 'vaccine'? But his last statement was classic.

He said, "This isn't a pandemic. This is an IQ test."

Oh, and neither of us were masked, and we weren't 6 feet apart. Send money to the Alzheimer's foundation in lieu of flowers. LOL
Yep, thats it. Anti vaxxers are smarter than everyone else. Congratulations.

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