Vaccine or not?

To each his own. I was right in the middle on this one.
I know people in the medical profession who did not get it and people in the medical profession who were anxiously first in line.
If it gives people an increased sense of safety thereby allowing society to continue moving back to normal, I'm all for it.

I like that line of thinking by you.
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When EVERYONE was unvaccinated during the last spike and susceptible to contracting an infection we had infinitely less cases in many places than today (i.e. FL). The population of unvaccinated individuals today is 168M less, plus X number of new infections (natural immunity) in the first 6 months but we’ve reached record high cases strictly on the small(er) population of unvaccinated individuals?

Delta is several times more transmissible than the original strain. And FL is a bit of a special case because they had an impressive high season for tourism, and folks from out of state could get tested there and still count toward FL's numbers.
OK, so it is 70% according to this... not 90%. Fair enough. However, how many of these hospitals are voluntarily mandating the jab as opposed to the state mandating the jab? I would like to see the numbers of the hospitals outside of these handful of states and see how the numbers look when the state is not in the way.

OK. Here’s a list of all US hospitals and health systems that have announced a vaccine mandate to date. This list is updated daily.

Hospitals, health systems mandating vaccines for workers
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And you question other’s degree of Christianity with a take like that?

My take is grounded in faith, science, and law and the experiences of people very close to me.

One of my dear friends almost died on the operating table because what should have been a no-brainer surgery turned into a legal battle while she was under sedation and her abdomen was splayed open in the operating room. An ectopic pregnancy had ruptured one of her fallopian tubes.

Problem was, the fetus had a rhythmic electrical signal (the "heartbeat" that exists before the heart is formed) so it was technically illegal to remove it. The hospital lawyers ultimately gave the doctor the go-ahead to remove the fetus and repair the fallopian tube instead of just letting them both die.

My friend and her husband wanted that baby. They named him and had a funeral ceremony for him. But ultimately, her medical records now list her as having had an abortion. That will follow her the rest of her life, even though it was an emergency proceduere to save her life.

Theory is easy. Reality rarely is.
I had to read 20 pages to catch up, by then my multiquote function had about 10 posts in it and its 4am so....brevity if possible..

None of the governments or any other statistics can be trusted. Many of the tests say ON the test that " a positive result means your sample tested positive for A coronavirus or its include INFLUENZA, RHINOVIRUS (common cold), SARS.....stats about CV19 are are any vaccine stats for the same reason....the vague test results make those stats worthless as well.

Even with hospitals failing to differentiate between patients dead or critical FROM cv19 or WITH***(maybe, vague tests*) cvi9 to inflate stats and thereby get more $$$....even then, it has what a 99.8% survival rate? This is why we shut down the country for over a year?

Any Dimwit liberals here who scream about a womans right to murder her unborn child because "ITS HER BODY!!!" Needs to never, ever try and tell someone else that they should put any vaccine in their body. Quit being a textbook hypocrite. Stop. Really.

I cpuld go on but im tired. Night
I had to read 20 pages to catch up, by then my multiquote function had about 10 posts in it and its 4am so....brevity if possible..

None of the governments or any other statistics can be trusted. Many of the tests say ON the test that " a positive result means your sample tested positive for A coronavirus or its include INFLUENZA, RHINOVIRUS (common cold), SARS.....stats about CV19 are are any vaccine stats for the same reason....the vague test results make those stats worthless as well.

Even with hospitals failing to differentiate between patients dead or critical FROM cv19 or WITH***(maybe, vague tests*) cvi9 to inflate stats and thereby get more $$$....even then, it has what a 99.8% survival rate? This is why we shut down the country for over a year?

Any Dimwit liberals here who scream about a womans right to murder her unborn child because "ITS HER BODY!!!" Needs to never, ever try and tell someone else that they should put any vaccine in their body. Quit being a textbook hypocrite. Stop. Really.

I cpuld go on but im tired. Night

Calm down, no one is making anyone take a shot if they don't want one. You can just say no. However it is people like you who want to force women to do something they may not want to do.
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OK, so it is 70% according to this... not 90%. Fair enough. However, how many of these hospitals are voluntarily mandating the jab as opposed to the state mandating the jab? I would like to see the numbers of the hospitals outside of these handful of states and see how the numbers look when the state is not in the way.
As of yesterday the number was 75% now require vaccine for Covid 19.
The spike is now way past the previous worst.

This is the current situation in Florida.

There are more cases of covid now - after vaccines have been available for months - than at any previous point during the pandemic.

View attachment 387404
I thought cases werent the worry? Deaths werent either. Hospitalizations were what mattered a week ago.

Pick a lane and stick to it.
My take is grounded in faith, science, and law and the experiences of people very close to me.

One of my dear friends almost died on the operating table because what should have been a no-brainer surgery turned into a legal battle while she was under sedation and her abdomen was splayed open in the operating room. An ectopic pregnancy had ruptured one of her fallopian tubes.

Problem was, the fetus had a rhythmic electrical signal (the "heartbeat" that exists before the heart is formed) so it was technically illegal to remove it. The hospital lawyers ultimately gave the doctor the go-ahead to remove the fetus and repair the fallopian tube instead of just letting them both die.

My friend and her husband wanted that baby. They named him and had a funeral ceremony for him. But ultimately, her medical records now list her as having had an abortion. That will follow her the rest of her life, even though it was an emergency proceduere to save her life.

Theory is easy. Reality rarely is.

Who do you have faith in? Obama or Fauci?
Is the Covid Vaccine safe?
1. Are there possible adverse event outcomes? 543,000 in VAERS database (7/15/21) - VAERS - Data
2. Do the pharmaceutical companies have total indemnification from liability? Yes, congressional “PREP ACT”
3. Is this a vaccine? No, mRNA messenger is a lab synthetic
4. What additional chemicals are in the injection? Moderna SM-102 proprietary
5. Is the vaccine FDA approved? No, emergency approval only
6. Were drug interaction studies done? No
7. Were single dose toxicity studies done? No
8. Were toxicokinetic studies done? No
9. Were genotoxicity studies done? No
10. Were carcinogenicity studies done? No
11. Were pre/postnatal studies done? No
12. Is the mRNA injection effective? Mild reduction in symptoms
13. How long does it protect against Covid? Don’t know
14. Does it help people who contracted and survived Covid? Don’t know
15. Does it prevent transmission of Covid? No
16. Are there medical treatments for Covid? Yes, ivermectin, hydroxichloriquin, vitamins D, C and zinc
17. What are Covid survival chances? 0-14 99.9998%, 15-44 99.9931%, 45-64 99.9294%, 65-85 99.6297%
18. Is the PCR test accurate? Cycle threshold must be less than 35, FDA approved up to 40. Fauci - over 35 is dead nucleotides, not able to cause infection
19. Asbestos particles are 50 times LARGER than the corona virus. Paper/cloth masks (excluding N95) are not approved by OSHA to be used around asbestos.

Can you get natural immunity if you contract but survive Covid?
If yes, do you still need a vaccination?
If yes, why?
What population percentage of vaccinated/immune constitutes herd immunity? Why?
How does testing differentiate between Covid variants?

”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask?”
Government: “NO”

”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?
Government: “NO”

”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?”
Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”

”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”
Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”

”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”
Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”

“If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”
Government: “NO”

“If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”
Government: “NO”

“So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”
Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”

”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”
Government: “NO”

”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”
Government: “To protect others.”

”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”
Government: “NO”

“If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long-term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”
Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturer’s have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”
So to summarize, the Covid19 “vaccine”…

Does not provide immunity
Does not eliminate the virus
Does not prevent death
Does not guarantee you won’t get it
Does not stop you from passing it on to others
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
Does not eliminate the need for business closures
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns!!!
My take is grounded in faith, science, and law and the experiences of people very close to me.

One of my dear friends almost died on the operating table because what should have been a no-brainer surgery turned into a legal battle while she was under sedation and her abdomen was splayed open in the operating room. An ectopic pregnancy had ruptured one of her fallopian tubes.

Problem was, the fetus had a rhythmic electrical signal (the "heartbeat" that exists before the heart is formed) so it was technically illegal to remove it. The hospital lawyers ultimately gave the doctor the go-ahead to remove the fetus and repair the fallopian tube instead of just letting them both die.

My friend and her husband wanted that baby. They named him and had a funeral ceremony for him. But ultimately, her medical records now list her as having had an abortion. That will follow her the rest of her life, even though it was an emergency proceduere to save her life.

Theory is easy. Reality rarely is.
You either like to play semantics or are too obtuse to recognize the obvious and that nobody meant a scenario like that when referring to abortion. Granted you qualified it with they can be “nuanced” but in 99% of cases and in everyday dialogue abortion is used and defined in its rawest form. Woman gets pregnant, woman doesn’t want baby, woman gets abortion.

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