Vaccine or not?

I dont know enough about polio. I don't even know if I got the polio vaccine. I know I got MMR, I know I've gotten flu. I dont expect to get M,M, or R, but I fully expect I could get the flu virus even if I've had the flu vaccine.

I can't answer your polio question, but how many years of human trials did we have on the the polio vaccine before it became common and people didn't day "we don't know enough about long term effects?"
I think you had several things going on when the polio vaccine was released.

1. The people trusted their government far more back then
2. They did have several issue with the polio vaccine when it first came out. Dr. Alton Oschner, one of the leading researchers in New Orleans that helped in the development of the polio vaccine put on a demonstration in front of a live audience in an attempt to reassure any doubters. He brought his two grandchildren on stage and injected them with the polio vaccine. One of them died and the other was permanently paralyzed. They also later estimated that they may have unintentionally infected 100 million people with a cancer causing virus during the first stages of the vaccine rollout.
3. People would have been far more eager to roll up their sleeves and take a chance of a polio vaccine because of the death rates and damaging effects of polio if you did catch it. The mortality rate on COVID is far, far less dangerous, which is why a lot of people do not see the need to risk taking a vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate. There is no way humanly possible for anyone to compare polio mortality rates to COVID.
I dont know enough about polio. I don't even know if I got the polio vaccine. I know I got MMR, I know I've gotten flu. I dont expect to get M,M, or R, but I fully expect I could get the flu virus even if I've had the flu vaccine.

I can't answer your polio question, but how many years of human trials did we have on the the polio vaccine before it became common and people didn't day "we don't know enough about long term effects?"
And that is because the flu is a coronavirus, and mutates. These 'vaccines' were SOLD to the public as an absolute preventative/cure. CNN had the daily death counts reminiscent of Vietnam that got everyone all panicked into thinking the grim reaper was soon to knock. Created desperation. The FACT is that it is 99% survivable without any therapeutic 'vaccine'. Does the therapeutic lessen symptoms? Maybe. Probably. That changes not the fact that it is a completely different type of 'vaccine', it did not go thru standard testing protocols, the public was sold a lie by Fauci et al, and willingly became lab rats for an indemnified pharmaceutical industry. And anyone who dares to question the government is labeled an 'anti vaxxer' or conspiracy theorist. Fine. I wear that proudly.

Polio attacked children in the 50s primarily and that set off a huge wave of panic. If you want to make a comparison however, how many people do you know that have had ChinaFlu that have any visible side effects? With polio, it was immediately obvious, and it was terrifying. I don't know the specifics, but I believe polio was far more devastating if you got it. I do believe it was transmitted via fecal matter which absolutely shocks me when I see some dude going straight from the toilet after taking a **** to the weight room at the gym without washing his hands. People are pigs.
And that is because the flu is a coronavirus, and mutates. These 'vaccines' were SOLD to the public as an absolute preventative/cure. CNN had the daily death counts reminiscent of Vietnam that got everyone all panicked into thinking the grim reaper was soon to knock. Created desperation. The FACT is that it is 99% survivable without any therapeutic 'vaccine'. Does the therapeutic lessen symptoms? Maybe. Probably. That changes not the fact that it is a completely different type of 'vaccine', it did not go thru standard testing protocols, the public was sold a lie by Fauci et al, and willingly became lab rats for an indemnified pharmaceutical industry. And anyone who dares to question the government is labeled an 'anti vaxxer' or conspiracy theorist. Fine. I wear that proudly.

Polio attacked children in the 50s primarily and that set off a huge wave of panic. If you want to make a comparison however, how many people do you know that have had ChinaFlu that have any visible side effects? With polio, it was immediately obvious, and it was terrifying. I don't know the specifics, but I believe polio was far more devastating if you got it. I do believe it was transmitted via fecal matter which absolutely shocks me when I see some dude going straight from the toilet after taking a **** to the weight room at the gym without washing his hands. People are pigs.
If you get the polio vaccine, do you still expect to get polio?

Umm... Ras made the polio comparison...
I'll bookmark this for when the vaccine mandates expand further.

And I'll be here to remind you that the military is all volunteer and no one is forced into government employment.

Call me when they military starts showing up and forcing vaccines, I'll be waiting.
@SpaceCoastVol This is what fear porn looks like.
mmmmmkay. So you are just giving us information about your hospital and how it is overrun with ChineseFlu patients that is preventing your mom from being properly treated, therefore we should all roll up our sleeves and become test subjects. Got it. Thanks for the PSA.
mmmmmkay. So you are just giving us information about your hospital and how it is overrun with ChineseFlu patients that is preventing your mom from being properly treated, therefore we should all roll up our sleeves and become test subjects. Got it. Thanks for the PSA.

test subjects?

That sounds like you're trying to scare me by foisting an unknown, unsubstantiated outcome based on....


I'll bookmark this for when the vaccine mandates expand further.

I got roasted by some right wing dude that everybody thought was a genius last year for something that he referred to as a "future tense hypothetical." This is the same type of "future tense hypothetical" and I wish he was still around so he'd have to defend or denounce it.
What about flu?
It is for the particular strains of the flu that was guessed at. Been that way for decades. The difference is that everyone knows that. I actually find it somewhat humorous when someone stops getting the flu vaccine because they claim it gave them the flu. The ChineseFlu 'vaccines' are touted to be the be all, end all, and if we all just comply we will eradicate this thing by next weekend. Which is a lie. So if you think about it, and realize that they are lying to you about the purpose of the 'vaccine', what else are they lying about, especially when you as a consumer have no recourse if you are harmed in the process.

I guess one of the things that bothers me the most about this is that it is a colossal exhibition of arrogance by big pharma, the .gov and the alphabet soup of so called health bureaucracies. They don't know **** about these vaccines and long term consequences thereof. And they originally sold it as a cure/preventative, all the while dismissing ANY treatment of this disease that dared question these mighty 'vaccines'. So by God they have found the cure to Chinese Flu, and YOU are gonna take it or else suffer ridicule, isolation and whatever other pressures they can get the government to exert. They should use the Thunberg meme as a marketing strategy: How dare you - question us.
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I got roasted by some right wing dude that everybody thought was a genius last year for something that he referred to as a "future tense hypothetical." This is the same type of "future tense hypothetical" and I wish he was still around so he'd have to defend or denounce it.

It's a slippery slope he's conjured up - in his mind he probably thinks were days away from mass round ups and jabs being administered by military medics at gunpoint.
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It is for the particular strains of the flu that was guessed at. Been that way for decades. The difference is that everyone knows that. I actually find it somewhat humorous when someone stops getting the flu vaccine because they claim it gave them the flu. The ChineseFlu 'vaccines' are touted to be the be all, end all, and if we all just comply we will eradicate this thing by next weekend. Which is a lie. So if you think about it, and realize that they are lying to you about the purpose of the 'vaccine', what else are they lying about, especially when you as a consumer have no recourse if you are harmed in the process.

I guess one of the things that bothers me the most about this is that it is a colossal exhibition of arrogance by big pharma, the .gov and the alphabet soup of so called health bureaucracies. They don't know **** about these vaccines and long term consequences thereof. And they originally sold it as a cure/preventative, all the while dismissing ANY treatment of this disease that dared question these mighty 'vaccines'. So by God they have found the cure to Chinese Flu, and YOU are gonna take it or else suffer ridicule, isolation and whatever other pressures they can get the government to exert. They should use the Thunberg meme as a marketing strategy: How dare you - question us.

I'm not a doctor, maybe we need the booster so we can keep up with the particular strains of covid like we keep up with particular strains of flu. I've never claimed flu vaccine gave me the flu, but I've only had flu once, although I've gotten the vax off and on since I was young.
Try harder Chief. I couldn't care less if you don't get the 'vaccine'. But you sure seem triggered that I won't.

Like I said earlier - my pity has turned to indifference, life is made of choices. I no longer care that people are too ignorant to see the benefits of the vaccine over some conjured up fear of an unknown. What I do care about it that these mental midgets are sapping resources from everyone else.

I'll keep encouraging you guys to avoid it, the gene pool needs a little chlorine anyway.
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