Vaccine or not?

I'm not a doctor, maybe we need the booster so we can keep up with the particular strains of covid like we keep up with particular strains of flu. I've never claimed flu vaccine gave me the flu, but I've only had flu once, although I've gotten the vax off and on since I was young.
And when it has gone thru the proper, traditional testing methodology I very well might get the 'vaccine' myself. Until then, no thanks. I have natural immunity anyway. And speaking of that, why is that never included in the restriction from mask wearing ********? Come here and eat/shop/cruise.... whatever.... (if you are vaccinated). Why not... 'if you have antibodies'?

All I ask is to stop this treatment of those that aren't 'vaccinated' as some sort of pariah. It's a lie, it's divisive, and it's discriminatory.

Oh, and remember, Chinese Flu is still 99% survivable. Voluntary shots... have at it. Mandatory? GFY.
And when it has gone thru the proper, traditional testing methodology I very well might get the 'vaccine' myself. Until then, no thanks. I have natural immunity anyway. And speaking of that, why is that never included in the restriction from mask wearing ********? Come here and eat/shop/cruise.... whatever.... (if you are vaccinated). Why not... 'if you have antibodies'?

All I ask is to stop this treatment of those that aren't 'vaccinated' as some sort of pariah. It's a lie, it's divisive, and it's discriminatory.

Come to my office, if there's enough covid running around the neighborhood I'll ask you to mask up whether you're vaccinated or not. You won't feel like a pariah, you'll be just like everyone else.
Come to my office, if there's enough covid running around the neighborhood I'll ask you to mask up whether you're vaccinated or not. You won't feel like a pariah, you'll be just like everyone else.
What does that mean? "if there's enough running around'?

For reference vis a vis masks... Do you know what OSHA's stance is with asbestos and paper/cloth masks?
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define 'high'? If you use the Australian definition, that would mean 1 case.
High is whatever I feel like.

Seriously, if you're telling me ICUs are fine in Cape or wherever you are, kiddiedoc is saying theyre fine in Knoxville, and NGV is saying they're fine in Richmond, I don't care. If a medical provider I trust in clarksvolistan says we're full because of covid, I'll believe them and you can wear a mask or not come in to my office.
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High is whatever I feel like.

Seriously, if you're telling me ICUs are fine in Cape or wherever you are, kiddiedoc is saying theyre fine in Knoxville, and NGV is saying they're fine in Richmond, I don't care. If a medical provider I trust in clarksvolistan says we're full because of covid, I'll believe them and you can wear a mask or not come in to my office.
I can live with that. You are not the only - whatever it is that you do - that wants my business.
Are you too dense to realize you are spreading your own version of fear porn?
Let's review: People like Septic are pointing out that their hospital is overflowing with Chinese Flu patients to the point where no one can get proper treatment. Therefore, I must get 'vaccinated' in order to stem that tide. <- not fear porn

On the other hand, I point out that I do not want to get the 'vaccines' because I do not know what the long term effects are; I have already had the Chinese Flu, and that I personally see no reason to become a test subject for big pharma. <-- fear porn.

Is that about right?

Oh and as an aside, it is NEVER pointed out that the 'vaccines' do not prevent Chinese Flu in it's mutated form, only that we MUST get everyone 'vaccinated'.

And I am spreading fear porn. 😂🤡
My mother was re-admitted today for a pulmonary embolism, she can't get a room and is getting treatment in hallway.

It's not fear porn you boorish clown.
Man . . . That's got to be just miserable for everybody. This all just sucks. I can't imagine going to the hospital here locally for anything right now. Hope she turns the corner an feels better soon.
Man . . . That's got to be just miserable for everybody. This all just sucks. I can't imagine going to the hospital here locally for anything right now. Hope she turns the corner an feels better soon.

She got into a room this morning. It's a zoo. Hopefully the treatment won't last for more than a few days.
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Like I said earlier - my pity has turned to indifference, life is made of choices. I no longer care that people are too ignorant to see the benefits of the vaccine over some conjured up fear of an unknown. What I do care about it that these mental midgets are sapping resources from everyone else.

I'll keep encouraging you guys to avoid it, the gene pool needs a little chlorine anyway.

Unfortunately for the gene pool cleansing 99+% of us will be just fine without it.

Thanks, she'll be fine. It takes a tough lady to put up with my bullsh*t.

All ribbing aside, sorry about your mother. Sending good vibes her way, but I'm sure she'll pull through.
My mother was re-admitted today for a pulmonary embolism, she can't get a room and is getting treatment in hallway.

It's not fear porn you boorish clown.
It's bad here too. Small town hospital has capacity for 40 and we're @ 78 admitted.

700 kids in primary school and 200 were out/sent home yesterday. I'd say they're going remote next week- they don't want to and the school board is pushing to stay open but there's not enough well teachers to cover.
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Wife Renee Davis spread anti-vaxx propaganda, while husband Bill Davis was dying in the hospital.

They claim the vaccine is experimental, while flocking to snake oil cures. The irony...

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Ivermectin a snake oil cure?

Numerically speaking, the vaccines have been subjected to a much larger set of clinical trials for Covid 19 than has ivermectin. Get the same numbers and rigor and the alternative medicine label will disappear.

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