Vaccine or not?

Numerically speaking, the vaccines have been subjected to a much larger set of clinical trials for Covid 19 than has ivermectin. Get the same numbers and rigor and the alternative medicine label will disappear.
Just in this country. In contrast Africa used Ivermectin predominantly as a therapeutic with success. Their numbers have been better than ours. In a pandemic you'd think that every avenue would be explored. Most likely the reason Ivermectin is seen as "snake oil" is because there's no real money to be made off it.
Just in this country. In contrast Africa used Ivermectin predominantly as a therapeutic with success. Their numbers have been better than ours. In a pandemic you'd think that every avenue would be explored. Most likely the reason Ivermectin is seen as "snake oil" is because there's no real money to be made off it.
Now do India
I'm not a doctor, maybe we need the booster so we can keep up with the particular strains of covid like we keep up with particular strains of flu. I've never claimed flu vaccine gave me the flu, but I've only had flu once, although I've gotten the vax off and on since I was young.
So will the boosters be mandatory, also? How far down the alphabet with regards to variants do we need to go before we throw up our hands and realize it is a wasted effort? Or is this going to be a perpetual thing from now on?
So will the boosters be mandatory, also? How far down the alphabet with regards to variants do we need to go before we throw up our hands and realize it is a wasted effort? Or is this going to be a perpetual thing from now on?
The vaccine isn't even mandatory why would the booster be?
I think you’re not comprehending my posts because I’ve yet to say that any Dr. is wrong. Me saying “wear your mask, get your vax and you don’t have to worry about me infecting you” is far from a journalist or tech nerd with a 9th grade biology class under their belt determining what’s scientific and what’s not. This is a bigger issue than just Covid; you have media outlets and social platforms removing any content with dissenting opinions on myriad of subjects and strictly promoting one narrative. That’s the very definition of propaganda and how it materializes. Just waiting for Winston Smith to tell us our chocolate ration for the week.
I understand your posts just fine. You’re drawing distinctions without a difference and moving the goalposts to rope in other issues because it allows you to engage in the exact same behavior without admitting that you’re being hypocritical and hysterical.

The article declares the case closed where it should allow the reader to weigh the provided information and make up their own mind, but that’s a form of rhetoric that we’ve already established is transparent and not persuasive.
So you don’t believe in allowing religious exemptions?
Founded in 2001, GlobalResearch or Centre for Research on Globalization is a Canadian conspiracy website. It was founded by Michel Chossudovsky, who is currently the President of GlobalResearch and professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa. The website does not have an about page, but they list the people involved with the operation.
What does that mean? "if there's enough running around'?

For reference vis a vis masks... Do you know what OSHA's stance is with asbestos and paper/cloth masks?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA generally recommends that employers encourage workers to wear cloth face coverings at work to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, workers who wear cloth face coverings in hot and humid environments or while performing strenuous activities outdoors, such as those in agriculture, landscaping, construction, delivery services, and oil and gas operations, can find cloth face coverings to be uncomfortable. Source;
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA generally recommends that employers encourage workers to wear cloth face coverings at work to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, workers who wear cloth face coverings in hot and humid environments or while performing strenuous activities outdoors, such as those in agriculture, landscaping, construction, delivery services, and oil and gas operations, can find cloth face coverings to be uncomfortable. Source;

Chinese Flu particle 0.1 micron.
Asbestos fiber, 5 microns
OSHA requires N95 or better when working with asbestos.
Cloth is not 'better'.
People keep on bringing up India but the Ro was already decreasing before ivermectin was added in some of their treatment guidelines
In the article several of the studies and meta-analysis included in that ivmmeta site that are cited have been retracted due to concerns over fraudulent data including the well publicized one in a respected medical journal
Expression of Concern: “Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials of Ivermectin to Treat SARS-CoV-2 Infection”
There are three large randomized trials looking at ivermectin ongoing: activ-6, together, and principle if memory is correct and already initial reports from together trial shows no improvement to prevent hospitalizations. Hopefully the other two will show that ivermectin works because we need better treatments.
It does seem like there may be other repurposed drugs like fluvoxamine and inhaled budesonide that have better data behind them than ivermectin and hope more studies come of those.
Anecdotal evidence isn't admissible in court during malpractice lawsuits.
Yet there are actual doctors in the US treating patients with ivermectin that have covid. The VN medical professionals are so smart that they failed to do their research and find out that ivermectin has been safely used on people for years.

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