Vaccine or not?

Assuming you meant to type liable.

The data shows the vaccines are safe and effective. Any side effects that happen because of it is short term and gone after a couple days.

Or you can get COVID, spend time in an ICU if you can get in and potentially die even though a readily available vaccine could've prevented it.

Show that data … post it . Not your version the scientific studies of medium and long term possible side effect .
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No, but the anti-vax crowd is quickly running out of excuses other than "I'm a psycho moron that chooses ignorance over reality" so I'm interested in what the thinking is after full FDA approval.

That they aren’t concerned with a virus that they have over a 99% chance of eradicating like they did before and if someone wants a “vaccine” then go for it.
Assuming you meant to type liable.

The data shows the vaccines are safe and effective. Any side effects that happen because of it is short term and gone after a couple days.

Or you can get COVID, spend time in an ICU if you can get in and potentially die even though a readily available vaccine could've prevented it.
Seatbelts show similair life saving data but if they fail, the car companies are responsible...remove liability and you'll see more people get the jab
Seatbelts are said to be safe as well but if they fail the motor companies are responsible

You can thank the Trump admin for the law you're referring to. Seems like it was so the government could get a lower price when purchasing vaccines. I agree it doesn't exactly instill confidence, but given the circumstances it was necessary. We could either develop a vaccine or be on lockdown for 4 years.

Again, COVID vaccines have proven to be safe and effective. Hopefully you get it.
You can thank the Trump admin for the law you're referring to. Seems like it was so the government could get a lower price when purchasing vaccines. I agree it doesn't exactly instill confidence, but given the circumstances it was necessary. We could either develop a vaccine or be on lockdown for 4 years.

Again, COVID vaccines have proven to be safe and effective. Hopefully you get it.
But Trump...Biden overturned everything else trump did. Why not this??? Again so are seatbelts proven to be safe and to save lives...but if they fail. They get equipment companies are held liable if they fail, PPE at work if it fails and you have to wear it the companies are liable...
Thats all speculation....there is no data for the effectiveness of vax or covid on the human body in 10 years..doesn't exist...same experts that have benn contradictory this entire time on covid are guessing with not proof..
Good luck rolling the dice the next decade then.
One other really-encouraging note: a friend who was fairly sick with CV19 last September got a quantitative ab test this week, and her titer was 1,400. The average ab titer using the same Roche Elexsys lab in people vaccinated with 2 Pfizer shots is 244.
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One other really-encouraging note: a friend who was fairly sick with CV19 last September got a quantitative ab test this week, and her titer was 1,400. The average ab titer using the same Roche Elexsys lab in people vaccinated with 2 Pfizer shots is 244.
Non doctor here....
They're in the links bud

No they aren’t .. you can’t be this dumb . There’s is no medium or long term studies yet on the Covid vaccine , not a single person walking the eart can say that there won’t be harmful side effect yet . It’s all guesses and hope .

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