Vaccine or not?

Per de Blasio:

97% of NYC hospitalizations are unvaxxed.

1/300 fully vaccinated NYCers have tested positive for COVID-19.

"But you know what, I prefer that sheep dewormer." -- @Rasputin_Vol
None of which equals the feds freely pulling people off planes.

In the matters of arrest that involves courts, and laws.

Terror angle has been something I, and many, have been against for a long time. But even then it can be fought.

They are just as "free" in the matter as we are. They had to jump through hoops to get whatever standard passed, in place, and then enforced.

What septic is arguing their freedom is based on the feds being able to get away with violations more easily than a citizen would. Which is not exactly a comforting argument to make when justifying other matters.
Yes it does. If passengers and/or airlines want the benefit of the commons, then they have to abide by the rules set for their use.

We all built it. We all get a say in how to operate it.
The regulation of common carrier air travel isn’t even tyrannical. Airlines get a huge benefit from common spaces like airports, runways, and airspace. The commons are jointly owned by the public and the management of their use is delegated to governments. Because air travel generally goes across state borders, delegation of the rules for how to conduct it safely is delegated to the federal government out of plain common sense.
Airlines PAY for those 'benefits'. I'm still trying to figure out how the whole terminal thing works. We pay to build/ improve it, then lease it from the government
The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders.

Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

The paper absolutely does not say what this conspiracy blog claims it says.

What it actually says: " Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020."

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers

This kind of crap drives me crazy. The blogger is either functionally illiterate and cannot understand what was written in plain English, or he assumes that he can straight up lie about the findings and count on his readers to not even click on the link to the study. Given his decent skills with the written word, I think we can safely rule out the former. Given your willingness to copy and paste the false information, I think we can confirm the latter.
Because passenger fear of getting COVID on a flight is hurting their business.
Oh that is asking for the floodgates to open up. And shows how this is not about safety at all.

They charging their muslim/Arab crew 200 bucks?
Female pilots 200 bucks?
Cisgender white males?
LGBT community?

I could understand a test policy for all. 200 buck fee if they dont. Vaxxed or unvaxxed.

This is just Delta trying to make up lost income by taxing their employees under bs health pretext.
Yes it does. If passengers and/or airlines want the benefit of the commons, then they have to abide by the rules set for their use.

We all built it. We all get a say in how to operate it.
Which is what I said. That *there is* steps and processes for them to do what they want.

Some rando FAA upper middle management dude decides no Smith's, Martin's, Johnsons can fly. He is free to do that. He is also free to get fired. And the next guy is free to undo it.

It's the same principle you are applying to individuals. They are free to make choices and face the consquences.
If a vaccinated person ends up getting covid, what treatment do they receive?

From another thread...

I tested positive for C19 yesterday. I’m fully vaccinated but due for a booster - as a health care worker, my second dose was in early January.

Thus far, my symptoms are mild - a little drainage and some minor fatigue. Because I’m asthmatic and overweight, I qualified for monoclonal antibody therapy. My infusion was this morning.
So even the breakthrough cases get the $1200 monoclonal. So there shouldn't be any guilt trip on the unvaccinated for using it.
The ones who meet treatment criteria are given MAb, regardless of immunization status, per the most recent recommendations.

If I am not mistaken one of the criteria for being eligible is BMI > 25. That is most people I would believe. I looked my BMI up and I am over 25, I am a little overweight but nothing extreme. Am I reading that eligibility requirement correctly?
The paper absolutely does not say what this conspiracy blog claims it says.

What it actually says: " Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020."

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers

This kind of crap drives me crazy. The blogger is either functionally illiterate and cannot understand what was written in plain English, or he assumes that he can straight up lie about the findings and count on his readers to not even click on the link to the study. Given his decent skills with the written word, I think we can safely rule out the former. Given your willingness to copy and paste the false information, I think we can confirm the latter.

I deleted. Thanks for the explanation.

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