52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That's What This Data Says
Despite the media’s 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week marathon in attempting to convince Americans of the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, constant reports of breakthrough cases have gone a long way to undermining that effort. US Health Officials have been adamant that the effectiveness of the vaccines remains high, even though the CDC does not collect data for breakthrough cases, eliminating the possibility for national health officials from even weighing in on the matter. In the UK, at least
40% of new COVID hospitalizations have been of vaccinated people, and
many jurisdictions make no distinction anymore between vaccinated and unvaccinated people when it comes to COVID-19 mandates.
In a few states, they do gather breakthrough case data, but oftentimes it is lacking in data or format to which it can be compared. For instance, some states count breakthrough cases, but not hospitalizations or deaths, which makes it hard to determine the number of vaccinated patients that are being treated for, or potentially dying from, COVID-19. This morning, in reviewing data out Southern Nevada, I came across data that I could actually compare that told a story that doesn’t line up with the “98% of deaths and hospitalizations are unvaccinated” narrative.
52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That's What This Data Says