Vaccine or not?

"Look at this 1 cherrypicked example facility to justify my irrational fear!"

What about Nevada? Like...the state? See their stats from yesterday's post here? Or that entire county in Mass?

Or the entire United Kingdoms stats from yesterday's post ITT???

They all say the vax is a waste of time and an unnecessary risk.

You scared sheep can ride this thread til Jesus returns...the truth is what it was the day this thread began:

If you are 65 plus and/or have comorbidities...probably should get a vaxx and maybe have increased immune response WHEN and IF you are infected.

If you do not meet those conditions there is no logical...medical...or scientific reason to take a shot thats relatively untested and MORE importantly completely unnecessary. Knock yourself out though.

HOWEVER....if you are trying to force other people to take the shot through coercion, DISHONESTY, fear mongering, mandates policies or legislation....YOU are a piece of sheit. Period. Stop it.

Act like an American.

Mind your own business and find something better to do.
Cherrypicked? All I did was post information from my local hospital system. Sorry that seems to have triggered you.
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52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That's What This Data Says


Despite the media’s 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week marathon in attempting to convince Americans of the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, constant reports of breakthrough cases have gone a long way to undermining that effort. US Health Officials have been adamant that the effectiveness of the vaccines remains high, even though the CDC does not collect data for breakthrough cases, eliminating the possibility for national health officials from even weighing in on the matter. In the UK, at least 40% of new COVID hospitalizations have been of vaccinated people, and many jurisdictions make no distinction anymore between vaccinated and unvaccinated people when it comes to COVID-19 mandates.

In a few states, they do gather breakthrough case data, but oftentimes it is lacking in data or format to which it can be compared. For instance, some states count breakthrough cases, but not hospitalizations or deaths, which makes it hard to determine the number of vaccinated patients that are being treated for, or potentially dying from, COVID-19. This morning, in reviewing data out Southern Nevada, I came across data that I could actually compare that told a story that doesn’t line up with the “98% of deaths and hospitalizations are unvaccinated” narrative.

52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That's What This Data Says
Also they are counting people who only had the first shot as not vaccinated
"But MY FREEDOM means I can use as much water as I want!" -- coughing antivaxxer playing in his pool.

Or imperialist vaxxed person watering their rose bush for 5th time this week.

Didnt know they put liquid oxygen in our water supply. Learn something new everyday.

Also I wonder if the supply of Lox has been hurt by the shut downs.

Plenty of vaxxed people in Tampa wanting to use water but as always you ignore the truth of the matter to push your angle.
So St. Maarten opened back up on July 1st to visitors that were completely vaccinated. You can't go there unless you had the shots. On July 1st they had 0 cases. They have spiked since then allowing only vaccinated on the island.

The state department and CDC just issued a level 4 warning on traveling there. Anyone care to explain? Don't give me the "It makes it less severe." How is these experimental shots going to get us past covid when they can't stop covid?
View attachment 389473
Is this a real chart, this time?
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Makes as much sense as forcing a vaccine on someone for a virus that they’ve beat and has a 99% survivability rate.
Are you arguing with the wind? When did I ever claim to be for forced vaccination. Quite the opposite actually. I also am well well aware that natural immunity is stronger then vaccinated immunity.
Another video of Bill Gates saying we can decrease population with vaccines.

Not that you'll care, but that's not what he's saying at all . . . at least, not in the way you think.

There's a clear link between mortality rate and birth rate and the idea is that if you can reduce mortality, you actually lower the birth rate which will in turn curb population growth which will in turn reduce CO2 emissions . . . .
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What's he saying? Clip is too short for any context.
See my edit above. He's talking about vaccines in the context of enhancing public health in order to lower the birth rate. The TED talk was actually a strategy to reduce carbon emissions.

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