Vaccine or not?

Agreed. That’s why I said it shouldn’t be mandated.
At this point I’m beginning to think you either are looking for a debate where there isn’t one with me or you’re mentally challenged
The one word response 'ok' can be taken several ways. I have no way of knowing what's in your head other than you think I am an idiot because I won't roll up my sleeve.
The one word response 'ok' can be taken several ways. I have no way of knowing what's in your head other than you think I am an idiot because I won't roll up my sleeve.
You’re free to do whatever you want.
I have no problem with you not taking the vaccine. There are consequences to taking it. There are consequences for not taking it. You should decide which is right for you.
I think you’re an idiot because you are an idiot.

And your memory may be fading. I recently said that I respect you enough not to ignore your posts so if you said something I didn’t care about I’d simply respond “ok”.
I've got a question about the mandate argument. Are y'all talking calling it a vaccine mandate if an employer (whether of their own volition or b/c the gov't says so) or the government says, "you have to either be vaccinated or adhere to certain additional requirements such as masking, social distancing in the workplace, and/or regular covid test?"

Edit: we've had the argument about employers rights to impose a vaccine mandate, but what if an employer had a mask/social distance mandate with an opt-out if you get the vaccine?
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I've got a question about the mandate argument. Are y'all talking calling it a vaccine mandate if an employer (whether of their own volition or b/c the gov't says so) or the government says, "you have to either be vaccinated or adhere to certain additional requirements such as masking, social distancing in the workplace, and/or regular covid test?"

Edit: we've had the argument about employers rights to impose a vaccine mandate, but what if an employer had a mask/social distance mandate with an opt-out if you get the vaccine?
If I want to mandate a vaccine for my business then I should be able to. The government doesn’t get to tell me I have to mandate the vaccine for my employees.

That’s my simplified position.

with the masks, if the business puts up a sign that says I have to then I do. If they don’t I don’t. If the sign says it’s a suggestion then I usually don’t.
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My good friend's 90 YO parents both got COVID and are vaccinated. Went to hospital to play it safe, couldn't get in. Looks like they're gonna be OK tho
Good friend of mine, father-in-law, fully vaccinated caught covid, went to ER and they sent him home. Got worse, called an ambulance for himself and ended up in CCU because ICU beds weren't available. He requested and was denied MCA. Was trying to get transported to the hospital where his heart doctors were. Was awaiting transport when he died of a stroke. He was 75.
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Good friend of mine, father-in-law, fully vaccinated caught covid, went to ER and they sent him home. Got worse, called an ambulance for himself and ended up in CCU because ICU beds weren't available. He requested and was denied MCA. Was trying to get transported to the hospital where his heart doctors were. Was awaiting transport when he died of a stroke. He wax 75.
And the cluster **** pandemic response continues.
That sucks. Sorry for your loss
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I've got a question about the mandate argument. Are y'all talking calling it a vaccine mandate if an employer (whether of their own volition or b/c the gov't says so) or the government says, "you have to either be vaccinated or adhere to certain additional requirements such as masking, social distancing in the workplace, and/or regular covid test?"

Edit: we've had the argument about employers rights to impose a vaccine mandate, but what if an employer had a mask/social distance mandate with an opt-out if you get the vaccine?
In Joe burdens announcement he stated there would be options for testing… I don’t believe those options made it to the EO.
I strongly suggest with the current insanity that folks have Durable Medical POAs created or updated, especially for single adult children/parents, elderly relatives and even between spouses. Cover all possible situations in the document.
We’re seeing way to many cases where immediate family members, including spouses, are getting shut out of medical treatment option decisions for hospitalized loved ones.
My much older sibling is coming back to the mainland later this year and we’re drawing up both a general and medical poa well before that flight takes off from the islands.
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I'm not changing my mind either. I support you 1000% This country is being run by bullies right now, and it will go on as long as we allow it.
They are attempting the financial angle to hurt those that won’t comply. What the outcome will be is further shortages of qualified individuals to care for people. It won’t matter if there is a D or an R in front of their affiliation there won’t be enough RNs to care for hospitalized.
They are attempting the financial angle to hurt those that won’t comply. What the outcome will be is further shortages of qualified individuals to care for people. It won’t matter if there is a D or an R in front of their affiliation there won’t be enough RNs to care for hospitalized.

I’m beyond ready for red state legislators to pass bans on mask and Covid shot mandates for both employment and education. Both of those things should be purely voluntary at the individual discretion level. As an added bonus, we might entice some really upstanding health care professionals to relocate under those circumstances.

The country should probably go ahead and look into an amicable divorce, before things turn real nasty, since folks are never going to be able to reconcile these differences.
I’m beyond ready for red state legislators to pass bans on mask and Covid shot mandates for both employment and education. Both of those things should be purely voluntary at the individual discretion level. As an added bonus, we might entice some really upstanding health care professionals to relocate under those circumstances.

The country should probably go ahead and look into an amicable divorce, before things turn real nasty, since folks are never going to be able to reconcile these differences.
Why does FDA approval look very much like a marketing campaign for propaganda driven acceptance?
They approve something for future drug market availability, under a new name, with no formulation changes, that I have seen yet, so essentially it’s using identical ingredients, but it’s still in trials and will be for a while. Why? Why approve it now, at this specific point in time? Why push the approval process through so adamantly with incomplete data?
Is this being done to confuse the uninformed public into accepting something “new” with a name that doesn’t carry the current adverse reaction stigma? They’re all changing their shot names for approval.
Is it because folks were pushing back on the shots with objections to being only FDA authorized under EUA and not actually approved? Are they trying to close mandate loopholes that the EUA provided?
Let me back up for a moment, because I need to be careful not to give the appearance that I think that the FDA is a credible organization and that I'm necessarily waiting for their approval to do anything. I'm just saying that the other side says we need to rely on the FDA and CDC as our source for information. Having said that, even the CDC and FDA have shifted and moved the goalposts on several different items.
How does wanting bans against both types of mandates and leaving those medical decisions up to individuals make me a commie? 😂 Have the communists recently embraced personal freedoms and I somehow missed it?
Have the capitalists recently embraced restrictions on who businesses can or cannot hire?
Let me back up for a moment, because I need to be careful not to give the appearance that I think that the FDA is a credible organization and that I'm necessarily waiting for their approval to do anything. I'm just saying that the other side says we need to rely on the FDA and CDC as our source for information. Having said that, even the CDC and FDA have shifted and moved the goalposts on several different items.

I didn’t think you were. Those shifts would redline peg a Richter scale.

I was merely pointing out more of their bullcrap tactics in support of fear porn propaganda.
They are attempting the financial angle to hurt those that won’t comply. What the outcome will be is further shortages of qualified individuals to care for people. It won’t matter if there is a D or an R in front of their affiliation there won’t be enough RNs to care for hospitalized.
I hope ya'll walk out en masse. But then again, that is probably the leftist plan... create yet another crisis that they will blame someone else for

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