Another frustrating day for Vol fans. I wanted to find some joy today. I wanted to overlook that Hamilton is a nice guy with many good qualities and a family to provide for. I wanted to take a measure of satisfaction that I can now move on, that the house is clean. I wanted to celebrate the end of this dismal chapter.
But, with Hamilton and the BOT, timing is everything. How many proven Head Baseball Coaches will want to be hired by an interim AD? Why would they leave a good situation to come into this...this...mess? Oh sure, any coach worth having would've been worried that Hamilton might be gone anyway, but now...
No, instead of being happy, I felt nothing. Numb. Then, I started to ask why? Why now, before the hearings? What's with the hefty buy-out? What's the deal with Raleigh? Is he just disgruntled or does he have some dirt? Why all the contradictory statements about the search? Who is actually running it? Why does this happen every single time? Why bother?
My wife who is a transplant from DC provided the answer, the only one that I'll ever likely get. She said, "You bother with it because you are a glutton for punishment."
She's right too. That pretty much sums it up. That's exactly how it feels. Everytime this bunch running the show screw up and I mean all of them, going back to Kiffin and Co., it feels like a punishment. What did Vol fans do to deserve all of this grief?
All we can do now is hope the real punishment, the NCAA spanking, won't be too harsh. Hamilton fell on the sword so we all might be spared, right? Gimmie a break, in basketball, I believe they call it a flop. Heck, he looked relieved.
Serrano fans can now worry, Holbrook fans can feel a bit better, at least that's what Rogers and Haney wrote today.
I think Holbrook, well, he too falls into the "why come into this mess" group. He's got a sweet thing going at SC, the wife's family is there. Parlay this stuff into a nice raise, sit tight and wait for a more stable opening.
Schlossnagle, McDonnell, I didn't think we had a chance with them before, it wouldn't seem like it would be better today.
Maybe Burke interviewed yesterday, but that just seems silly, right? Was Hamilton there knowing he'd be gone the next day?
Sorry for the rant. GBO!