On Joan Cronan's first day as interim AD, she had three meetings. This is how the first one went.
Joan walks into a large conference room." Hi, I'm Joan Cronan. I see some familiar faces, some not so familiar, and there's no time for a proper introduction. Let's get down to it. Where's Burnie?
Blackburn: "Here"
Cronan: "Well.........let's get to it. What's first?"
Burnie: "Gotta get a new baseball coach. We have a list of possible candidates."
Cronan: "Who are these people in the corner Burnie?"
Burnie: "Um...that's the baseball committee, they've been here, working day and night."
Man in the corner stands up and begins to speak:" Yes maam, uh...we were down at the courthouse for jury duty, and this nice police officer asked us if we wanted to get out of it. We all said yes, he loaded us in a van and brought us here."
Cronan: "I see....(she whispers to Burnie) "and who do they like Brodie?"
Burnie: "It's Blackburn...but ah...they like Chris Burke"
Cronan: "Who's that?"
Burnie:" He's a former Vol..."
Cronan: Gooooooood"
Burnie: "Played major league ball"
Cronan: "Excellent! And he coaches where?"
Burnie: "Louisville"
Cronan: Wow, and we can get the head coach from Louisville?
Burnie: "Weeellllllll, he's actually a volunteer assistant"
Cronan: "Neeeeeexxxxxttttt!!!!"
Burnie: " Then there's uh...I like this guy...Chad Holbrook."
Cronan: "What's the story on him Bartie?"
Burnie: You can call me Dave, but...he's the associate head coach at South Carolina, a top notch rec (Cronan interrupts)
Cronan: What's an associate head coach? Yer either the head coach or an assistant. Pat would never go for this...NeeeeeeexxxxT!!!
Burnie: "Bobby Pierce"
Cronan: "Is he a head coach for crying out loud?"
Burnie: "Yes he is, he's the head coach at Troy"
Cronan: Off to a heck of a start Doug, what else, sell me...did he play ball like Burke?"
Burnie: :It's Dave, but...as a matter of fact, he did, he played at Alabama.
Cronan: "No dang way, I'm not taking that on, forget it! Neeeeexxxxt"
Burnie: (coughs) "Dave Serrano..." (clears throat)
Cronan: Well, dang it Dan, we ain't got all day, the committee's got stuff to do."
BBC: Stands, gives her a round of applause.
Burnie: " He was a former assistant at UT, when Helton....uh...Todd...Todd Helton was here, you dooooo know who he is?
Cronan: "Should I...., big contributor?"
Burnie: Yes, he's the Peyton Manning of Vol Baseball"
Cronan: Just testing you Dickie, sure...OK, So Serrano?"
Burnie:He's been to the College World Series TWICE...with two different teams!!!
Cronan:NOW YER TALKIN' Dickburn! (Loud disturbance)
BBC: (Shouting)"We want to see his birth certificate."
Burnie: "Sorry Joan"
Cronan: "What are they talking about Blackie?"

whispers so as not to offend) "I think they mean, his degree."
Cronan: "What about it?"
Burnie: "It's from a diploma mill"
Cronan: "Is that one of those Juco colleges, Pat doesn't like those...Neeeeexxxtttt!!!"
Burnie: "uh...that's pretty much the list..." Long pause...
Cronan: So, let me...you mean to say...We have one Volunteer, a cock with no record, a bammer and a guy with no degree...That's the List!!!!???? What's next Burnie?
Burnie: Well uh...the COI with the NCAA....2bcontinued.