Uh. If it comes to a stop now it is still a pretty big victory for Ukraine. Bigger than I had assumed, but I thought it was going to be small. I am still not sure if it changes the game, but this is still a pretty clear victory.We will see how much crow will be on the menu for you in the next week or so once this Kharkiv offensive is neutralized.
At the rate things are going, why would they need to expand it? The longer this goes on, the Europeans will suicide themselves. They are running low on military assets, they are deindustrializing and have no ability to sustain a war effort and they are going to spend the foreseeable future deciding on if they should throw what few resources they have at either eating or heating.Other than using nukes Russia has proven that they are incapable of expanding the conflict outside of Ukraine. Europe should be paying for Ukraine's defense, not us.
You completely ignoring Russia’s violating the Budapest Memorandum for starters. None of this exists if Russia keeps their word. No don’t bother with your “Butwhatabout..,” reply that’s exactly the point. They are responsible for their own actions.What issues need calling out? Entertain me.
Imagine @Rasputin_Vol's shrieks if America did this.Trying to annex Ukraine, interfering in other country’s elections, lack of democracy, extensive corruption, etc.
The point is that you look ridiculous and hypocritical saying anything about Russia when the US has done more invading of sovereignty countries and his heading down the path of tyranny far faster than Russia.
You guys act like Putin is Hitler or Mao, while screaming at the top of your lungs how good and virtuous America (allegedly) is.
Putin helped to bring back the Russian Orthodox church after 70+ years of communism. Is America seeing a revival in the church right now or are we a hedonistic and demonic country right now? Putin actually has helped to create a real domestic economy and has then essentially energy independent. Can the United States make that claim? In Putin's Russia, there are only 2 genders. Can you goofy American nuthuggers make that same claim?
In my lifetime, going back to Nixon, I would trade Putin for most of the POTUSs we had outside of Reagan and Trump. And depending on what day it is, I might even prefer him over Trump. Any attack you level at Putin can be equally leveled at the majority of the clowns we had on Pennsylvania Avenue. You all are just to dumb or bigoted to see the truth.
So it just another whataboutism post? If it makes you feel better I agree that we as a country have done some really bad ****.
At the rate things are going, why would they need to expand it? The longer this goes on, the Europeans will suicide themselves. They are running low on military assets, they are deindustrializing and have no ability to sustain a war effort and they are going to spend the foreseeable future deciding on if they should throw what few resources they have at either eating or heating.
I tend to see Russian failure in ukraine as a tactic more than essential ineptitude of the russians. Preventing the conflict from spreading has a greater value, and if the conflict does spread we would have send the resources anyway on worse terms.Other than using nukes Russia has proven that they are incapable of expanding the conflict outside of Ukraine. Europe should be paying for Ukraine's defense, not us.
I tend to see Russian failure in ukraine as a tactic more than essential ineptitude of the russians. Preventing the conflict from spreading has a greater value, and if the conflict does spread we would have send the resources anyway on worse terms.
As if nothing hasnt justified our actions.The US did not have justification for many of these invasions. At least Russia waited 8 years before going in to save the people in Donbas and address the NATO threat on their border. Hell, we can't even get the US to GAF about its own southern border, yet we are being drained of billions trying to worry about Ukraine's border. Stupid as hell.
Any country speaking about any other countries borders is funny.But that is not the whole story, the "their border" is only a thing because of the prior agreements... that is the only reason the Ukraine even exists in its current state. I mean is the United States in its own border with that base down in Cuba? I think the Cubans disagree.
The United States or their citizens criticizing what other countries do with their border or warfare is kind of funny and sad at the same time.
Uh yes they did. They signed a 100 year lease in 1903 after we gave them their independence from Spain. And the CMC happened well before 2003. Since then?Only if they comply with other parts of the agreement which Russia doesn't believe it being complied with and has said so for about 20 years. Either way, its their problem, not ours.
Cuba had no agreements with the United States, and the United State had a naval blockade. LOL
Uh yes they did. They signed a 100 year lease in 1903 after we gave them their independence from Spain. And the CMC happened well before 2003. Since then?
LSU's entire argument is that same 30 years of Russian foreign policy regarding Ukraine. How long does a country have to exist to be valid?Why is annexation the stipulation? The very fact that we invaded these areas is the point.
And LOL at you not having any kind of historical knowledge about "Ukraine". Outside of the past 30 years and briefly after WWI, there was no such thing as "Ukraine". Those lands have been under Russian or Soviet control since the days of Catherine the Great.
Yanukovich was elected because he ran on promises of closer ties to the West. Clearly it was the Russians that bought him.The best way to save the lives of troops is to not send them into harms way, genius. Obviously, the US GAF about US lives far less than even you want to admit.
Russia is fighting an existential threat on their border. The Obama State Department overthrew the democratically elected leader there in 2014 and established a govt in Kyiv that would be friendly to allowing NATO troops on Russia's doorsteps... not to mention the 8 years of Kyiv attacks on the people of Donbas. I wouldn't expect the US to sit idly by and allow Cuba or Mexico to join a military alliance with Russia or China, so why in the hell do you think Russia would allow the same on their border? And the US wouldn't stand for Americans living in Mexico to be attacked for 8 years, so why are you criticizing the Russians for doing the same?
I'm not sure if some of you take these hypocritical positions because you're just plain stupid or if you just have a visceral hatred of Russia/Russian people. And as I think about it, by you guys supporting Ukrainians being used as cannon fodder, I'm not so sure if you GAF about Ukrainians.