War in Ukraine

Even if that is true (which it isn't), Russia is still a trading partner with China. China can fill in any gaps and deficiencies that Russia's manufacturing base has.

You can't sanction a country that has China as a trading partner. Russia will be fine. Russia will have heat this winter. Russians will eat this winter. Can those green clowns in Europe say the same?

We are China's piggy bank and if we had a president with some stones a quick phone call would end any hope of Russia receiving aid from China.
They are also trading partners with India and Pakistan. I'm also reading reports that Indonesia will also become a major trading partner. That's 3 countries with a population over 1.5 billion combined.

Yeah, huge industrialized nations they got for partners......
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That's BS. A few of the trolls on here, yourself possibly included, have made statements such as "Russians are getting killed and we aren't even sending our own troops to do it". So the statement I made is not absurd based on the posting history of the Ukrainian trolls here.

And by the way. You and two others responded to my statement when I mentioned trolls. So I'm glad to see you and two others actually admit to be trolls now. Thank you Proctor.
Lol your comprehension really does suck doesn’t it Curly. They are getting killed in defense of their country and had nothing to do with us. That’s it. And of course I responded to your usual stupidity mocking it is some of my most basic fun here 🤡
It's was Putin's fault people were getting killed in the Donbas. Had he not encouraged and armed the rebels there wouldn't have been a rebellion or at most a short lived one.
Hey silly... are you paying attention here in America after the 2016 election and 2020 election? People don't really need much poking or prodding from an external force when an election is overturned or when one side thinks the other side got into power by deceptive means. You do understand this simple azz concept, right? So when the Obama State department came in and overthrew the elected president, Vladimir Putin didn't need to do anything at all to get the people worked up and have them reject the govt of Kyiv. I know I know... this is too hard for your biased mind to comprehend.

Also, how many times do I have to say this before it sinks in to that skull of yours??? But the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics had referendums several weeks after the coup in 2014. They voted to join Russia at that tme. But Putin did not recognize those referendums and instead pushed for the Minsk ceasefire agreements. He could have very easily made this move 8 years ago, but instead hoped that diplomacy would solve the issue. Meanwhile, 8 years later, after a steady build up of arms and equipment to Ukraine and 8 years of attacks on the people of Donbas, Putin finally made a move.
I think you're trying way too hard. There isn't anything complex about any of this. There is no reason for people to have crocodile tears, you don't really care. Not really.
I have never said I did care, that's been an assumption by you this entire time. I probably post on half a dozen threads on this forum, and about the same number in other forums on this site. Pretty much none of them effect my life. In fact the only one that bothers me I stay out of.

I like to stay informed, and I like to discuss, that is about the extent of my caring. Along those lines I LOVE calling put Ras's blindspot when it comes to Russia, I hate that it has spread to others. The US AND russia can both be bad guys and do bad things. This one particular thread is about Russia being the bad guy in Ukraine starting in February 2022. There were other threads, that you didnt participate in, that discussed the Russians buying off the Ukrainian preisdent. If you care about the why I suggest one of those threads. This is a current events thread bogged down by too much name calling and what-about-isms to take away from the actual events.
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WTF was "setting up shop" in Ukraine? Ukraine hadn't applied for NATO membership and NATO wouldn't have granted it had they applied. There was no threat to Russia in Ukraine, only an imagined one.
You know good and damn well what I'm talking about. They were preparing to use Ukraine as a launching spot for a future military conflict with Russia. It is obvious by now that the plan seems to have always been to use Ukraine as a proxy in an effort to drain Russia of military resources and make it a Vietnam/Afghanistan style quagmire. You do recognize this, right? If you don't recognize this, then again: gaslighting or ignorance on your part.
You know good and damn well what I'm talking about. They were preparing to use Ukraine as a launching spot for a future military conflict with Russia. It is obvious by now that the plan seems to have always been to use Ukraine as a proxy in an effort to drain Russia of military resources and make it a Vietnam/Afghanistan style quagmire. You do recognize this, right? If you don't recognize this, then again: gaslighting or ignorance on your part.

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I absolutely can call a spade a spade because I have spent plenty of time criticizing our government over the years.
Your problem is that you are biased and intellectually dishonest when it comes to this subject. If you were a fair and balanced individual, you would put America in the same shoes as Russia has been in for the past 8 years and wargame exactly how America would react if a neighboring govt was overthrown and replaced with a puppet regime that is openly hostile to you. And that same govt is also attacking American expats in that country, banning the English language, and all kinds of other authoritarian actions.

You chose not to see it from the Russian perspective because for some reason, many of you simply have a visceral hatred for Russians (I am on the fence right now and am close to saying many of you have a disdain for Slavic peoples as a whole for some reason, because you sure as hell don't seem to care about Ukrainians or Serbs).
You know good and damn well what I'm talking about. They were preparing to use Ukraine as a launching spot for a future military conflict with Russia. It is obvious by now that the plan seems to have always been to use Ukraine as a proxy in an effort to drain Russia of military resources and make it a Vietnam/Afghanistan style quagmire. You do recognize this, right? If you don't recognize this, then again: gaslighting or ignorance on your part.
There was never going to be any military conflict. Putin saw Russia sliding into irrelevance and acted to prevent being supplanted as Europe's energy supplier.
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Your problem is that you are biased and intellectually dishonest when it comes to this subject. If you were a fair and balanced individual, you would put America in the same shoes as Russia has been in for the past 8 years and wargame exactly how America would react if a neighboring govt was overthrown and replaced with a puppet regime that is openly hostile to you. And that same govt is also attacking American expats in that country, banning the English language, and all kinds of other authoritarian actions.

You chose not to see it from the Russian perspective because for some reason, many of you simply have a visceral hatred for Russians (I am on the fence right now and am close to saying many of you have a disdain for Slavic peoples as a whole for some reason, because you sure as hell don't seem to care about Ukrainians or Serbs).

We've been there and done that. Ever heard of Cuba? We played Putin's game for awhile trying to support and encourage internal rebellion, even trained a rebel force but we never invaded. Cuba was used as a refit for Russian nuclear subs for decades, did we invade?

Talk about intellectual dishonesty.
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They have no such agreements with Finland. They don't necessarily have a so so about what NATO does other than the Ukraine. LOL

This isn't complex, you might not like it or agree with it... but everyone knows why they attacked. You might not like it and they don't really care. 20+ years of warnings.
Where is this agreement on Ukraine? And who all was involved in this agreement?

And when did Ukraine get as far as Finland has gotten in joining NATO?
No, it doesn't make me a hypocrite because we didn't invade Syria to conquer land or change a regime. We have a minimal force over there and I will again vote against the people keeping them there. Plus the US soldier is my team, I'll never root for our soldiers to be killed. Ukrainians killing Russian invaders is admirable.
You are a boldfaced liar. So we didn't go into Syria for regime change? Really?

And playing along with your lie, why did we invade Syria? Tell me the justification for American boys to have to go halfway across the globe to some near 3rd world sandbox.
You are a boldfaced liar. So we didn't go into Syria for regime change? Really?

And playing along with your lie, why did we invade Syria? Tell me the justification for American boys to have to go halfway across the globe to some near 3rd world sandbox.

If we did the regime would have changed. Fact.
You chose not to see it from the Russian perspective because for some reason, many of you simply have a visceral hatred for Russians (I am on the fence right now and am close to saying many of you have a disdain for Slavic peoples as a whole for some reason, because you sure as hell don't seem to care about Ukrainians or Serbs).
I don't have a visceral hatred of the Russians, or the Slavic countries, or actually any country in Europe for that matter. I simply don't GAS about anyone over there more than my own country as I think most Americans believe. I don't know where this government support for Ukrainians comes from and the desire to send them billions of Biden bucks, but I'm sick of it. Let Europe deal with Europe, and we'll not deal with our border.
We are China's piggy bank and if we had a president with some stones a quick phone call would end any hope of Russia receiving aid from China.
China doesn't need us as much anymore to do diddly-squat. They have very little need at this point to buy US debt/treasuries.

You guys really do not understand how the economies of China or Russia work. They have real economies based on manufacturing, mining and agriculture. The United States runs on a FIRE economy (finance, insurance and real estate). We are not a self-sufficient country anymore. This is not the United States of the post-WWII. If anything, we need China more than they need us in 2022. Two years ago, we literally couldn't wipe our azzes because of toilet paper shortages. This past winter, we couldn't stock baby formula.

But you guys are running your lips about China and Russia...
You know good and damn well what I'm talking about. They were preparing to use Ukraine as a launching spot for a future military conflict with Russia. It is obvious by now that the plan seems to have always been to use Ukraine as a proxy in an effort to drain Russia of military resources and make it a Vietnam/Afghanistan style quagmire. You do recognize this, right? If you don't recognize this, then again: gaslighting or ignorance on your part.
Just because you are paranoid, or Russia, doesnt mean people are out to get you.

The Allies had nukes and a military in place to roll up the USSR in 1945 and didnt. The USSR collapsed in 91. NATO didnt invade. Ukraine lost its nukes in 94, NATO didnt invade. If you believe the western media which I am sure you believe the western states do, Russias military is flailing around in Ukraine, and no NATO invasion will happen. Putin needs an outside threat to stay in power. NATO will always be that threat that will never materialize that Putin hangs around his people's neck.

You believe whatever propaganda you are told as long as the US is the bad guy. You didnt believe Russia would invade, they did. You didnt believe Ukraine would hold, they did. *You believed there was massive civilian support for a Russian invasion, there wasnt. *You didnt believe Ukraine was capable of a sizable counteroffensive, I didnt either, but they are. At some point you have to admit that your Russian sources may not be telling the entire truth when it comes to THIS conflict.
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China doesn't need us as much anymore to do diddly-squat. They have very little need at this point to buy US debt/treasuries.

You guys really do not understand how the economies of China or Russia work. They have real economies based on manufacturing, mining and agriculture. The United States runs on a FIRE economy (finance, insurance and real estate). We are not a self-sufficient country anymore. This is not the United States of the post-WWII. If anything, we need China more than they need us in 2022. Two years ago, we literally couldn't wipe our azzes because of toilet paper shortages. This past winter, we couldn't stock baby formula.

But you guys are running your lips about China and Russia...

In 2021 spent almost $600 billion dollars with China the next was Japan at $151 billion and China doesn't need us anymore? You are so full of **** you can't see nothing but brown.
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Yeah, huge industrialized nations they got for partners......
The streets of San Francisco and Seattle are no cleaner or safer than Calcutta and Mogadishu right now. This winter, Western Europe will be plunged into the Dark Ages again with no industry and no energy.

Your arrogance and ignorance are on full display right now.
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