War in Ukraine

What do you mean we are not forced to buy from them? You do realize how much of what we buy is manufactured in China right?

He doesn't understand the current system is just in time manufacturing with globalization.... and cheap CREDIT. Once the global credit system goes... mad max time.

No US troops invaded Cuba.
Right right right... proxies.

But we did arm and train them, right?

You guys should be lawyers because you live on looking for loopholes and nuisances. You are a clown if you don't call the Bay of Pigs a US invasion...
Right right right... proxies.

But we did arm and train them, right?

You guys should be lawyers because you live on looking for loopholes and nuisances. You are a clown if you don't call the Bay of Pigs a US invasion...

Under their stupid theory, Russia gives Cuba a tactical nuke... sets it off right outside of Gitmo. No harm, no foul as Russia just gave it to them. LOL

These people are so bonkers... hey, let's just disconnect everyone from the federal reserve system. LOL
Take 600 billion from their economy and it collapses.
Just like Russia's economy was supposed to collapse after we stole $350 billion of their reserves?

$350 billion taken out of the Russian economy is a far proportionally bigger hit than $600 billion out of the Chinese economy. If Russia hasn't buckled and collapsed after that, WTF makes you think China will?

Again... leave this conversation to the smart guys at the head of the class.
I have read all this back and forth, it's entertaining. China has peaked in case you didn't know it. Their economy is an illusion at this point just like ours. If we stopped buying from them, they would be in a world of hurt. Russia never reached it's potential because if it's leaders. The U.S. is in decline because of its morality or lack there of, along with its' leaders in business and government selling out for the short term buck instead of planning for the long term.

Yes, the U.S. has made horrible foreign policy mistakes in the last 60 years. However, none of those justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

For those of you who look forward to the day the U.S. printing presses stop, you are in for a rude awakening. When that happens you will see chaos like we have never seen. The world order of relatively stable countries will collapse and we will be back to having wars everywhere over resources.

At the rate we are producing ignorant people who can not sustain themselves without government resources, the end for all of us is much nearer than we want to admit.
Right right right... proxies.

But we did arm and train them, right?

You guys should be lawyers because you live on looking for loopholes and nuisances. You are a clown if you don't call the Bay of Pigs a US invasion...

Right by proxies, much the same as Putin did in Ukraine for several years. When he realized that wasn't getting anywhere he launched his invasion, we didn't invade Cuba when our proxies failed.
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Just like Russia's economy was supposed to collapse after we stole $350 billion of their reserves?

$350 billion taken out of the Russian economy is a far proportionally bigger hit than $600 billion out of the Chinese economy. If Russia hasn't buckled and collapsed after that, WTF makes you think China will?

Again... leave this conversation to the smart guys at the head of the class.

I said 24 months for China. It's been only 6 for Russia and during those 6 months Europe has still been buying their oil and gas so....
Right by proxies, much the same as Putin did in Ukraine for several years.
And your point? I thought you supported Lend-Lease?
When he realized that wasn't getting anywhere he launched his invasion, we didn't invade Cuba when our proxies failed.
The reason we didn't invade is because it would have been politically impossible to try another scheme like that. Don't make it out as though the United States at that time was above doing it again based on some moral judgement. Patrice Lumumba, Salvador Allende and Rafael Trujillo come to mind.
And your point? I thought you supported Lend-Lease?

The reason we didn't invade is because it would have been politically impossible to try another scheme like that. Don't make it out as though the United States at that time was above doing it again based on some moral judgement. Patrice Lumumba, Salvador Allende and Rafael Trujillo come to mind.

For whatever reason the fact remains we never invaded Cuba. We could have but we didn't.
I said 24 months for China. It's been only 6 for Russia and during those 6 months Europe has still been buying their oil and gas so....
I think it would only cause a mild recession, at best in China. No way it would crash their economy in 24 months. Hell, 24 months is plenty of time to find new markets or develop your domestic economy.
For whatever reason the fact remains we never invaded Cuba. We could have but we didn't.
Stop saying that. That is lawyer talk. We armed and trained the Cuban exiles. Invasion by proxy.

The US can't throw the stone and hide their hands on that.

China has developing markets from Africa to Indonesia to trade with, plus they have a domestic market that has plenty of room to grow.
All of Affricas GDP is 2.6 trillion. Indonesia is another trillion.

3.6 against our 20.9

And oh yeah that GDP per capita ratio....

20,900,000,000,000÷330,000,000=63,333 per capita in the US.

3,600,000,000,000÷1,500,000,000=2,400 per Capita for Indonesia and Africa

indonesia and africa arent going to be buying too many widgets with wealth 26 times smaller than ours.
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Right right right... proxies.

But we did arm and train them, right?

You guys should be lawyers because you live on looking for loopholes and nuisances. You are a clown if you don't call the Bay of Pigs a US invasion...
The russians trained and armed the Cubans. So that clearly means the Russians were bringing a nuke to our shores.
Yep. And I also see how much is moving into SE Asia and South America too. Because we aren’t forced to deal with China Curly.
You're right. We are not forced to deal with them. And they are not forced to deal with us either.

But you guys aren't being very bright wishing for any kind of confrontation with China or messing with them economically in any way.
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Just like Russia's economy was supposed to collapse after we stole $350 billion of their reserves?

$350 billion taken out of the Russian economy is a far proportionally bigger hit than $600 billion out of the Chinese economy. If Russia hasn't buckled and collapsed after that, WTF makes you think China will?

Again... leave this conversation to the smart guys at the head of the class.
It seems the head of the class are me, you, Volgr, LSU-SIU, Big Orange Train, and Clifton.

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