War in Ukraine

You are a real genius. You have no idea about timelines or cause and effect. One more time for the people in the back of the class, there would have been no Russian intervention had it not first been US State Department intervention that resulted in the Kyiv coup. Had the coup not occurred, Donbas would not have had the desire to breakaway.

Either you really did sit in the back of the class growing up or you are just showing your anti-Russian bias and will find anyway you can to justify your flawed thinking.

Everything starts with the 2014 coup. That is where you timeline needs to start... at a minimum.

Why are you upset that I showed you one obvious example of the US intervening in the same manner as Russia is right now? What difference does it make if it was last year or 200 years ago?

I tell you what, I'll stop using the Texas revolution if you guys stop harping about Neville Chamberlain and appeasement. Because you all constantly use that as justification for not engaging in diplomacy.

No, everything started with Yanukovych reneging on his promise to align with the EU. That is where all of this started. Sure I'm not saying that our State Dept didn't help fan some flames after Yanukovych was brought off by Putin but it's ludicrous to believe our State Dept is capable of organizing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in protest.

The US didn't intervene in the Texas war of independence. No US troops were sent to Texas. And please find one post of mine harping on NC and appeasement? Go ahead, I'll wait.
Look at the mental gymnastics these clowns have to resort to. 900 troops is not an invasion. Cortez had roughly 600 men when they went after Montezuma. I guess that isn't considered an invasion either. There were less than 20 hijackers on 9/11. I guess that isn't an invasion.
Well you have 150,000 men fighting as "not a war" so it seems there is hypocrisy on both sides....

And Cortez had ten of thousands of locals helping him, and about 500 years of technological advances his opponents didnt. Hardly apples to apples when talking about the colonizers.
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Yes, neither should invade Taiwan. Taiwan should be free to trade and align themselves with whoever the citizens choose.
Just another quick question. If Taiwan told the U.S. and the West to screw off and they decided to no longer do business with them then you'd be okay with that?
No, everything started with Yanukovych reneging on his promise to align with the EU. That is where all of this started. Sure I'm not saying that our State Dept didn't help fan some flames after Yanukovych was brought off by Putin but it's ludicrous to believe our State Dept is capable of organizing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in protest.

The US didn't intervene in the Texas war of independence. No US troops were sent to Texas. And please find one post of mine harping on NC and appeasement? Go ahead, I'll wait.
He was actually trying to align with the EU and do business with Russia. What's wrong with that?
Those Russians have been living in that eastern part of Ukraine for centuries.

Most of Ukraine at one time belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Until about 1795. I think it was also known as the Lithuanian- Polish Commonwealth. The region that didn't belong just happened to be much of the areas that Putin is occupying.

Then Ukraine was split up. Some of the western part belonged to Austrian Galicia at one point.

If they lived in Ukraine for centuries they were Ukrainians and not Russian. My family has been in the "New World" since the early 1700s I'm an American not an Irish/Scotsman even though that's where I can trace my lineage.
Just another quick question. If Taiwan told the U.S. and the West to screw off and they decided to no longer do business with them then you'd be okay with that?

"Okay with" is a stupid term you like to use a lot. No, I would not be okay with that but would respect the decision and wonder what our idiots in DC did to make them come to that decision.
If they lived in Ukraine for centuries they were Ukrainians and not Russian. My family has been in the "New World" since the early 1700s I'm an American not an Irish/Scotsman even though that's where I can trace my lineage.
Not all of the current territory inside the borders of Ukraine belonged to the current nation of Ukraine. What is currently known as Ukraine was basically founded by Lenin. Crimea was given to them sometime after Stalin was out of power.

You can be Irish/Scotsman if you want.
You sound silly. Those people had been living there one day under the USSR and one country and at the collapse of the USSR became citizens of Ukraine through no fault of their own. You know the history. You talking that BS about them just uprooting and leaving is the most ridiculous argument you have made... well, outside of saying that 900 troops isn't an invasion, or that Putin started the troubles in 2014 when we all know Obama's State Department was orchestrating things behind the scenes.

Ukraine was one of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, those living there were Ukrainian.
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for the last time, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets is NOT a coup. Its social inertia and cannot be stopped. 14.000 russians had not died in the Donbass. That number includes combatants on both sides and Ukrainian speakers killed by rebel shelling AND the passengers on the airliner THEY shot down.
They didn’t over throw the government they are part of it. They did exercise their power and cast out a Pootin lapdog
Septic is going to have to scold you and Hill over your guys use of multiple non sequiturs in the past 12 hours. I'm sure he's disappointed right now.
Not all of the current territory inside the borders of Ukraine belonged to the current nation of Ukraine. What is currently known as Ukraine was basically founded by Lenin. Crimea was given to them sometime after Stalin was out of power.

You can be Irish/Scotsman if you want.

I can call myself a woman if I want but that doesn't make me a female.
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He refused to sign the EU agreement and aligned with Russia against his constituents wishes.
He was trying to align with both the EU and Russia based on the wishes of his constituents. He didn't just have to side with the fascist EU.

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