If anything, the European energy crisis has revealed (and not the first time either) that our governments are in fact acting as agents of the oligarchy. If the population in a given society can be persuaded that men can get pregnant, they can also be persuaded that auctions that blow up wholesale prices 9-fold is the most efficient way to keep prices low, and that such transparent markets work to the best advantage of everyone in the system. But allowing one group of vested interests to plunder the society will have widespread adverse effects: high energy prices will cause large segments of the European economy to shut down or, at the very least will render their products noncompetitive in world markets. In effect, we have the situation where a parasite has been allowed to kill the host. The unscrupulous selfishness of each agent in the system will not produce the best outcome for all; it might in fact collapse the system. But explain that to the people who think men can get pregnant.