War in Ukraine

The packed flights out of Russia, the insane lines at borders to get out......... Come on man, this just makes you look silly. This is Baghdad Bob level of denial.

I don't deny there are many pro-western young people in Russia. We discussed this months ago. The fact that there are lines of people leaving isn't surprising either. In a nation of 150 million people roughly, it isn't surprising that there are millions who don't support this war or Putin.

If the US had a draft today, you don't think you would see the same thing here? Even if the majority of Americans supported the action?
I don't deny there are many pro-western young people in Russia. We discussed this months ago. The fact that there are lines of people leaving isn't surprising either. In a nation of 150 million people roughly, it isn't surprising that there are millions who don't support this war or Putin.

If the US had a draft today, you don't think you would see the same thing here? Even if the majority of Americans supported the action?

I think the support you cite is much more "Luke warm" than you believe. I think the true supporters are a minority. I think many more fear KGB style visits and retribution if they voice any opposition, and why shouldn't they? It's happened across the country to high profile dissenters.

If the US invaded Mexico or Canada it would not be popular and you would see similar results if they were to announce a draft. The difference between us and Russia, one of many, is that we have no problems what so ever voicing our opinions. It's a very poor, very flawed comparison to attempt.
I don't deny there are many pro-western young people in Russia. We discussed this months ago. The fact that there are lines of people leaving isn't surprising either. In a nation of 150 million people roughly, it isn't surprising that there are millions who don't support this war or Putin.

If the US had a draft today, you don't think you would see the same thing here? Even if the majority of Americans supported the action?

I'm still trying to get my head around what these people want?. I mean the less Russian equipment and troops they have the more deadly it will become for the Ukrainians.

Ah the good ole "the victim shouldnt have fought back, that way the aggressor wouldnt be bleeding" argument. I hope you dont have any females you care about in your life. I tell mine to go straight for the nuts and the eyes, bite, scratch, knee, headbutt, do everything you can, you must tell yours to bend over and make it as easy as possible. It's like the Dems disarming the population, if they dont have guns to defend themselves fewer people would die.

What a wonderful bunch of people we have here.
I do have a wife and two daughters and what you have described is a disgusting character attack. I don’t know why you think it would be appropriate to say something so indecent. Also, I did not advocate for anyone not defending themselves.
If you can't get the first part right even, why would anyone care about the prediction?

So you’re down to splitting hairs? Call em’ what you want. And I was only quoting articles stating 300,000 reservists. I’ve said from the get go we needed to be very careful about how involved we got in this mess and I don’t like sending $100B when we’re drowning in debt here. But don’t s*** your pants over a term that doesn’t suit you. Seems like a trivial argument.
So you’re down to splitting hairs? Call em’ what you want. And I was only quoting articles stating 300,000 reservists. I’ve said from the get go we needed to be very careful about how involved we got in this mess and I don’t like sending $100B when we’re drowning in debt here. But don’t s*** your pants over a term that doesn’t suit you. Seems like a trivial argument.

They are not sending 300,000 of those guys to the Ukraine bro.
This is gonna play well with the serfs. For those calculating at home, that's 1.6% of those mobilized coming from Russia's two biggest cities. Moscow and St. Petersburg have well over 10% (18 million of 144 million) of the entire Russian population.

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Same could be said here, so?
No one here fears dissention when it comes to our government. When left is in control look at social media, when the right is in control look at social media...... And that's just the stuff that Facebook and Twitter don't sensor...... We are comfortable posting much worse that no one ever sees.
Well they called them up, nonetheless. Why would you call up reservists if you have no plans on using them? I don’t gaf either way. So, explain to me why your nitpicking and parsing of words makes such a big difference in your world. Dozens of articles like below saying what I said.

Putin doubles down on war in Ukraine, calls up 300,000 Russian troops to escalate conflict

In the United states reservist are more often than not used to back-fill the regulars that get deployed. I would say this is generally my experience, of course units do get sent for deployment and it depends. Either way, you are not going to see anywhere near 300,000 of those guys even close to doing combat there in the Ukraine.
No one here fears dissention when it comes to our government. When left is in control look at social media, when the right is in control look at social media...... And that's just the stuff that Facebook and Twitter don't sensor...... We are comfortable posting much worse that no one ever sees.

At the end of the day government are in charge via force, force is always fearful when you go against the wishes of the State. It doesn't matter where the hell you live.

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