War in Ukraine

So the Poseidon is a nuclear capable underwater UAS I don’t understand why a nuke capable UAS would be useful here unless the Russians are considering targeting NATO country capital ships IE carriers.

Russian submarine Belgorod (K-329) - Wikipedia
If true it looks like the move of a man who is wanting to negotiate his way out of this. I'm no expert but I don't believe their nuclear subs carry battlefield nukes. No way are they going to land a first strike a NATO capitol or military base.

Edit: Guess I should have read the article first eh?
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If true it looks like the move of a man who is wanting to negotiate his way out of this. I'm no expert but I don't believe their nuclear subs carry battlefield nukes. No way are they going to land a first strike a NATO capitol or military base.
Reading up on the weapon it has a dirty bomb configuration so that it could be used as a coastal population center strike. The two prominent uses appear to be carrier strike group or coastal population strike. This is all highly speculative though since there’s a question on if the weapon is actually developed and ready to deploy too
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1. Going to war or provoking war with a nuclear power (China) is a greater risk than developing our own domestic chip production. In the meantime, maybe... just maybe, we would be better served to not be provocative and instead employ diplomacy.

2. Well your last sentence is ridiculous and has nothing to do with the message I am saying, which is that the countries you mentioned that are in that area have just as much of an interest in the China/Taiwan relationship as we do. Suggesting they put the most skin in the game isn't outlandish. Suggesting they do ALL of the load carrying in their region isn't outlandish either.

3. Nothing in this last rant of your refuted what I posted. You saying that there will be bargains available in the next half decade goes in line with what I said about most investors begging for a 15k DOW.

That's a case of national "leadership" not paying attention and not heeding the past. Nobody here was interested in keeping wages under control and keeping jobs here because too many were profiting from cheap foreign manufacturing. Despite everything staring people in the face, there's really no effort or will in government or Wall Street to correct anything, and one day (probably not in my lifetime and possibly not yours) the bill will come due. The warning signs are flashing and there are few people in positions to make a difference doing a thing about it.

We've heard about not putting all the eggs in one basket all our lives, yet that's what our corporate "leadership" aided and abetted by government has done time after time. Maybe we have used a few different baskets, but that makes little difference when they are still in the same region and that region is increasing dominated by one power - and is the big basket in most cases. China is too smart to do it at the present, but I'd absolutely love to see them nationalize some of our holdings there, and really drive the point home to the idiots controlling US policy. We sell them land and holdings here and it's not at all like our building plants in a totalitarian country. It's like a slow motion train wreck happening, we are all watching it, and corporate leadership is too damn stupid (and greedy) to react.
Yeah, the German peoples will. The people that work to supply the German army, won’t rise up against the NAZI government. You act like an army and government are completely separate from the civilian population and that’s ignorant.

No it’s not a reasonable assumption, it’s ****ing stupid.

Ras's thinking on that completely ignores our antiwar movement during Vietnam and ultimately the policy - and Ras's own thinking about our later actions around the globe. Ras may be in the minority here about US policy, but there are countless others of us who believe that our military actions in the sandboxes were complete futile wastes of time, energy, resources, and most of all, lives.

Another point about this particular war in Ukraine and our support is that for once we are playing the proxy war instead of being victim to a proxy war - specifically Korea and Vietnam and the "wars of liberation" sponsored by the Soviets. For another, we are finally at long last supporting an ally who is willing to fight for themselves against a major power (or supposedly so).
Live to strategically regroup another day 😂
large numbers didn’t live though, Russian corpses littered the land.

Russia has always thrown bodies into wars. There is lots of cannon fodder there just like you'd suppose of China. It's the reason for the warning about never being drawn into an Asian land war. And it's certainly the reason for euthanizing any political or military leader stupid enough to talk "war of attrition" when fighting an Asian enemy.
There a about a 15% chance russia drops one, and if they do, they wish to die.

If and when nuclear war ever happens, I hope it isn't over Ukraine lol or any other useless European nation including England. If I am going to die a slow, painful death I hope it's because we were attacked.
If and when nuclear war ever happens, I hope it isn't over Ukraine lol or any other useless European nation including England. If I am going to die a slow, painful death I hope it's because we were attacked.
i say lets go ahead and get it over with, but let everyone know when its gonna happen. I wanna spend my last hours on earth on a high note
Except that's not true anymore. They have declining populations.

Well Russia certainly doesn't have bodies from Ukraine and all the other ex-Soviet satellites to throw into the fray, but they've always seen life as cheap when it comes to the non-ruling class, so you have to think they'll sacrifice what they have and anybody else (like Belarusians) that they can buy or otherwise drag in. Who knows, Putin seems to think a lot of Ukrainians are Russian anyway - same with Crimea. Your point may also be why Putin is pushing the nuclear threat - he understands that the cupboard is not as well stocked with cannon fodder as his will to push them into battle, and you have to suppose facing the reality that his thoughts about being a dictator don't go nearly as far these days as they used to.
Well Russia certainly doesn't have bodies from Ukraine and all the other ex-Soviet satellites to throw into the fray, but they've always seen life as cheap when it comes to the non-ruling class, so you have to think they'll sacrifice what they have and anybody else (like Belarusians) that they can buy or otherwise drag in. Who knows, Putin seems to think a lot of Ukrainians are Russian anyway - same with Crimea. Your point may also be why Putin is pushing the nuclear threat - he understands that the cupboard is not as well stocked with cannon fodder as his will to push them into battle, and you have to suppose facing the reality that his thoughts about being a dictator don't go nearly as far these days as they used to.
belorusians would riot and the minorities in the east +the muslims are already sick of it
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I don’t get it. According to our rezident Putin apologists, Russia is winning this war on all fronts. Why the nuclear weapons talk? Instead of conscripting cannon fodder, where are all the supposedly elite Russian troops that were recently playing war games with China and India?

It was solid gold when they said that the war was already decided. That Russia had already won. LOL!
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Ras's thinking on that completely ignores our antiwar movement during Vietnam and ultimately the policy - and Ras's own thinking about our later actions around the globe. Ras may be in the minority here about US policy, but there are countless others of us who believe that our military actions in the sandboxes were complete futile wastes of time, energy, resources, and most of all, lives.

Another point about this particular war in Ukraine and our support is that for once we are playing the proxy war instead of being victim to a proxy war - specifically Korea and Vietnam and the "wars of liberation" sponsored by the Soviets. For another, we are finally at long last supporting an ally who is willing to fight for themselves against a major power (or supposedly so).

That right. This is the way it has worked for decades now. Russia supported our enemies in NK and Vietnam. We have faced Russian weapons in about every conflict since WWII. We helped the Afghans in the 80's and Ukraine now. I guess payback is a biotch!
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Well Russia certainly doesn't have bodies from Ukraine and all the other ex-Soviet satellites to throw into the fray, but they've always seen life as cheap when it comes to the non-ruling class, so you have to think they'll sacrifice what they have and anybody else (like Belarusians) that they can buy or otherwise drag in. Who knows, Putin seems to think a lot of Ukrainians are Russian anyway - same with Crimea. Your point may also be why Putin is pushing the nuclear threat - he understands that the cupboard is not as well stocked with cannon fodder as his will to push them into battle, and you have to suppose facing the reality that his thoughts about being a dictator don't go nearly as far these days as they used to.
It's true they're (to some degree) treating the soldiers like canon fodder. My point is that with demographics now (probably unlike the past) Russia really can't afford to lose a large number of productive-age males to either the war or (fleeing from it.)

The country is literally flushing its future down the drain.

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