Clearly, the USA is dysfunctional regarding race relations. Even aside from the riots and looting, the FBI says black Americans, 13% of the US population, commit more murders than everyone else combined. The median net worth of black residents in Boston is $8. White Americans gloat and say it's a success story.
That was no typo: The median net worth of black Bostonians really is $8 - The Boston Globe
When the USA, the self-annointed Holiest of Holies and the most self-righteous country in the world, is incapable of successfully integrating its black population into its society, how can you expect "the most evil country to ever exist" to attempt it? Why would the Russians, the Japanese, the Koreans, and others even try when the Americans and the British have failed so miserably despite our self-righteous gloating?
We don't have anywhere near the race problem you are describing. We have an inner-city problem. That 13% is really 6% as most murders are done by males. The cities have poor education and poor opportunities. Why is that? It is because they are run by one party that never has to worry about being voted out. There is no incentive to ever change anything as long as the people in power can just promise stuff to them every election. and never have to worry about delivering anything.