War in Ukraine

2 minutes of hate...

Brits Erect Penis-Headed Putin Statue, Throw Eggs At "Bellend Of The Year" | ZeroHedge

Yeah I’ll bet you were seething while reading it Moe. And think of those beautiful eggs all over Pootin’s phallic cranium a perfect use! This part probably really pissed you off. Great story thanks for sharing!

The co-ordinator said they plan to create and sell miniatures of the statue to raise money for a charity supporting Ukrainian refugees.

“I’ve seen over the course of the year the devastation that has happened in Ukraine and that so many lives that have been displaced as a result of the war,” they said.

“So I thought, ‘I really want to help out and I want to do my bit and I want to try and raise some money to help those individuals’.” -PA News

“The question is not whether the Russian Federation will launch a new offensive in the direction of Moldovan territory, but when it will happen: either at the beginning of the year, in January, February, or later, in March, (or) April,” Musteata told TVR Moldova, which released a teaser ahead of the Monday evening broadcast.

“But, judging by the information we have,” he said, “Russia can go further to create a corridor with the Transnistrian region, which is the territory of Moldova.”
Damnit... will someone tell the Russians that they are supposed to be running our of missiles???

Russia has enough missiles for 3-4 more mass strikes, official warns

Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksiy Danilov told Ukrainian news outlet Pravda on Monday that Russia has "at most two or three, maybe four more to spare."

"But then they will be completely without missiles, which is unacceptable, because they may have completely different challenges, and they have to leave at least some reserve," Danilov said.
After a year..Russia cannot mount any offensive other than the slaughter of their personnel who dont even want to have this fight.
This **** is over and they will never win..even if they win some offensive.

Shall we make a list?

Might have agreed with you but have been reading some recent intel summaries that are disturbing. It seems during the first high level contacts since Vlad invaded, the Russians' attitude was that Putin doesn't care how many people are killed, he intends to stay the course because he believes NATO won't have the will to continue supporting Ukraine through 2 winters, 3 winters, whatever it takes. His belief being that we will quit first.

There are already people on this board that are right wing (the natural war constituency) and say we shouldn't be spending the money to give the Ukrainians the support they need. So he may be right. After all they lost 20 million in WW2 and 20 million were executed in Stalinist purges and he made it to a semi-natural death.

But even if this is true, the Russian military has been shown to be 2nd tier without its nukes. All the people who have said our military would be crushed by Russia might want to rethink that. Especially in light of the current budget numbers in the 2023 defense appropriations bill, Russians about $60 billion, US $750 billion.
But even if this is true, the Russian military has been shown to be 2nd tier without its nukes. All the people who have said our military would be crushed by Russia might want to rethink that. Especially in light of the current budget numbers in the 2023 defense appropriations bill, Russians about $60 billion, US $750 billion.
Doesn't mean a damn thing.
It does mean something but as we've seen in the past you can't just spend yourself into victory. Now with that said, the Russian armed forces are incompetent. Their officer corp is even more corrupt and incompetent than ours so they wouldn't stand a chance.
You are just pulling stuff out of your azz. You can't make a judgement about their officer corps from your recliner, nor can you cope with the fact that the Russian Federation is winning and able to outproduce us at a far lower price tag.
You are just pulling stuff out of your azz. You can't make a judgement about their officer corps from your recliner, nor can you cope with the fact that the Russian Federation is winning and able to outproduce us at a far lower price tag.

I sure can make that judgement from recliner. If the Russian officer corp was halfway competent this would have been over by mid summer. When you have a conscript Army without a professional NCO corp AND your officers are corrupt and incompetent this is what you get.
You are just pulling stuff out of your azz. You can't make a judgement about their officer corps from your recliner, nor can you cope with the fact that the Russian Federation is winning and able to outproduce us at a far lower price tag.
Yeah I've noticed we have quite a few Armchair Privates in this group.

The fact remains we are still wasting our time and money on Ukraine when we have worse problems at home. We should be cleaning up our own mess before we go and try to fix the rest of the world.
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I sure can make that judgement from recliner. If the Russian officer corp was halfway competent this would have been over by mid summer. When you have a conscript Army without a professional NCO corp AND your officers are corrupt and incompetent this is what you get.
The recliner of the right place for any American to be analyzing this fiasco. And it doesn’t take a military career background to look at the Russian military and see they’re a bunch of incompetent clowns who were drastically over rated.
I sure can make that judgement from recliner. If the Russian officer corp was halfway competent this would have been over by mid summer. When you have a conscript Army without a professional NCO corp AND your officers are corrupt and incompetent this is what you get.
You are sitting here judging the Russian military but yet we didn't win in Vietnam, Afghanistan or the second time in Iraq. And how long were we there combined in those 3 wars?
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I sure can make that judgement from recliner. If the Russian officer corp was halfway competent this would have been over by mid summer. When you have a conscript Army without a professional NCO corp AND your officers are corrupt and incompetent this is what you get.
Th Russians didn't go in with the original intent of shock and awe and bombing the Ukrainians to the stone age. You do realize that, right? They originally went in hoping to get Kyiv/3elensky to capitulate quickly. That didn't work. Then when the UK and US shot down the deal that they were going to have in late March, they refocused. After the Kerch Bridge and Nordstream bombings, the Russians finally turned up the heat to where the American would have to an extent.

The Russians are now, sadly, put in a position where the Kyiv regime and the US are running waves of men into the meat grinder and having them take these ridiculous stands when they should be surrendering or retreating.

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