War in Ukraine

BTW, as soon as you address the preemptive wars of Israel, the US and NATO, then we can address Russia after that. There is a timeline and some of these people are still alive. So until you go back and deal with those people, you can close your d**ksucker about Russia.
We can't talk about Russia's naked aggression in the Ukraine, until we have played what-about-ery to your satisfaction? LOL.

No, this thread topic is "War in Ukraine" and therefore, the primary topic should remain the "War in Ukraine."
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We can't talk about Russia's naked aggression in the Ukraine, until we have played what-about-ery to your satisfaction? LOL.

No, this thread topic is "War in Ukraine" and therefore, the primary topic should remain the "War in Ukraine."
And since it's about Ukraine we can talk about the factors that lead up to this conflict, such as U.S. and western involvement and the killing of civilians in the Donbas by Ukrainian forces. Its also okay to point out hypocrisy based on past events.
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And since it's about Ukraine we can talk about the factors that lead up to this conflict, such as U.S. and western involvement and the killing of civilians in the Donbas by Ukrainian forces. Its also okay to point out hypocrisy based on past events.
I'm still waiting on your links to sources of information which explain how the "US and European countries were the initial aggressors in the Ukraine."

The Bull $hit flag is on the field.
You act like Ukraine is another planet, or some other world. Russia is probably closer to the USA than any other country. They are off the west coast. They are in central and south America. With intent.
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I'm still waiting on your links to sources of information which explain how the "US and European countries were the initial aggressors in the Ukraine."

The Bull $hit flag is on the field.
1. You are more than welcome to go back in this thread and watch or read any links that are posted.

2. It probably doesn't matter what I post as your mind is more than likely made up and if the narrative isn't coming directly from your political party or preferred media outlets then I'm just wasting my time.

3. When people do not ask me something in a respectful or professional manner or they are demanding then I'll post or not post as I please.
1. You are more than welcome to go back in this thread and watch or read any links that are posted.

2. It probably doesn't matter what I post as your mind is more than likely made up and if the narrative isn't coming directly from your political party or preferred media outlets then I'm just wasting my time.

3. When people do not ask me something in a respectful or professional manner or they are demanding then I'll post or not post as I please.
Wait a minute, you said you could post links to information which confirmed that the US was the initial aggressor in the Donbas region in 2014 .... now, it seems like you realize that the veracity of your "information" won't hold up to scrutiny, and you are just making excuses for not posting it. That's weak sauce, dude.
You act like Ukraine is another planet, or some other world. Russia is probably closer to the USA than any other country. They are off the west coast. They are in central and south America. With intent.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Canada and Mexico might, just might, be closer to the US than Russia. Pure guess.
Wait a minute, you said you could post links to information which confirmed that the US was the initial aggressor in the Donbas region in 2014 .... now, it seems like you realize that the veracity of your "information" won't hold up to scrutiny, and you are just making excuses for not posting it. That's weak sauce, dude.
I never said the U.S. was the initial aggressor in the Donbas in 2014. Once again you, like others in this thread, are outright twisting people's statements or completely misinterpreting them. Or just lying in an attempt to smear. So please go back and read my statements again.

Second I'm going to mention 3 names of people who were/are highly educated when it comes to the origins of the conflict in Ukraine and what occurred during 2013 and 2014. I say were/are because 2 of them passed in recent years. One was a journalist and the other 2 scholars in their respected fields.

Robert Parry - passed away in 2018
Stephen F Cohen - passed away in 2020. There are interviews Cohen did in the past with Democracy Now that you are more than welcome to go watch.
John Mearsheimer- still alive today and has done some interviews.

Now I don't agree with their views on some other topics but it's hard to disagree with them when it comes to the recent events in the last decade plus in Ukraine and who bears responsibility. And I definitely trust them more than I would Volnation posters who obviously haven't done the proper research on this topic like me and others have done. And I definitely trust them more than I do news anchors and commentators on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, TYT, NY Times and Breitbart.
Russia was not the initial aggressor in this conflict. It is well documented that the U.S. and other European countries were the initial aggressor in all of this going back to 2012 thru 2014. Proof of this has been shared multiple times but many in here refuse to believe it.
You didn't mention the Donbas region, but what else could you have been talking about? Russia's annexation of Donbas is where this conflict began in 2014. Now, instead of splitting hairs, why don't you post some links to actual sources of news reporting that support your claims ... like you said you could do, about 10 posts ago.
Sometimes it's worthwhile to tie down an enemy by holding rather than really intending to fight a battle. Something like old fashioned siege warfare to keep a force bottled up rather than trying to take the stronghold. Use a minimal force to hold Russians in place around Bakhmut-Soledar while making life miserable for them with artillery. Attack elsewhere to cut off supplies and let the Russians wither on the vine and die in place, or attack elsewhere to force Russians to abandon one place because another is more important. Fight where you want to fight perhaps to cut off logistics and own the strategic ground first - just taking ground with no real strategic purpose is dumb - much like the Japanese troops on bypassed islands finding they had no one to fight and no logistical support.
I agree tying them down has a value. But we wont know if it was "worth" it until after the war.

In this case however, it's the Ukrainians under siege, and under threat of getting cut off, at some point. And we don't know the relative deployed strength of each force to know if Ukraine is tying down enough Russians to matter.

We have seen Ukraine launch one big offensive while Bakhmut was being fought for. But it didnt change much, we are still where we were essentially. But they havent been able to cut off the guys besieging them. And that's what could make a difference. Again going back ti Stalingrad, the reason it was a big victory for the Russians is that the Germans were not allowed to leave and a huge number got cut off and eventually captured.

To put it in football terms, right now Bakhmut may have been a turnover by the Russians. But it may not have been a pick six in the end zone that was a 14 point swing.

I dont see how the Russians can talk it up as a good thing currently. But also the Ukrainians havent been able to really turn the tables with it.

Right now it really seems to just be a battle.
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You didn't mention the Donbas region, but what else could you have been talking about? Russia's annexation of Donbas is where this conflict began in 2014. Now, instead of splitting hairs, why don't you post some links to actual sources of news reporting that support your claims ... like you said you could do, about 10 posts ago.
And I'm going to say this again. When you decide to respond back or conduct yourself in a more professional and respectful manner and ask nicely I'll be happy to post it for you. But since you are not only demanding again but also decided to respond with name calling and insults this morning then I'll wait a little longer.

By the way. I mentioned Stephen Cohen and his interviews with Democracy Now. They are from 8 years ago and are still available to watch on YouTube.
Wait, I thought it was Nazis?

I guess it does change weekly.
Chemical Weapons
Biolabs that make you gay
Gay pigeons
Gay pigeons that will make you gay
NATO expansion (oops!)
Gay Nazis
Gay Nazis that will make you gay
The Donbass
Ukraine exercising constitutional rights but it hurt our feelings
The USA did it though
The Nazi Jews
Western Death Cults
Tactical retreats as gestures of goodwill
And I'm going to say this again. When you decide to respond back or conduct yourself in a more professional and respectful manner and ask nicely I'll be happy to post it for you. But since you are not only demanding again but also decided to respond with name calling and insults this morning then I'll wait a little longer.

By the way. I mentioned Stephen Cohen and his interviews with Democracy Now. They are from 8 years ago and are still available to watch on YouTube.
Tell us you're FOS without actually admitting to being FOS.
Just what I figured. The Kyiv regime will be defeated by the time these alleged tanks arrive from the US. Meanwhile, the Germans allowed themselves to get played again.

Tell us you're FOS without actually admitting to being FOS.
Not at all. When people respond demanding that I do something then I'll take my time and post as I please. Plus he's capable of going back in this thread, using Google, searching YouTube or even Rumble and find this information himself.

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