War in Ukraine

No you think Ukraine is virtuous I don't. I remember President Obama doing exactly squat in 14 but you seem to give him a pass and blame President Trump for "not getting it back?" How 7th grade of you.

Virtue has no bearing on the historical facts that Russia began its invasion in 2014, and has been killing Ukrainians ever since.

The US leveled sanctions against Russia, not enough, but Merkel and Hollander were against thrm, and Obama was weak on foreign policy, but contrary to your ignorance, those sanctions did have an effect.

You can spin up whatever mental gymnastics you use to justify your support of Russia in its invasion, but it won't change the facts.
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Lol weird flex 😂

I’m doubly screwed. A rural East TN public school. Followed by the University of Tennessee too
Rural TN (not east tn) public school grad, University of Tennessee grad, and another Tennessee public university post-grad. I know I will never be as smart as @vols40, even though he went to private school and doesn't know how capitalization works.
Ukraine to hold elections after war ends, says Zelenskyy

Saint Vlad postponing election until after the war ends. I'm telling you there is no good side in this conflict.

The constitution of Ukraine prohibits holding elections while martial law is in effect (the article you linked says as much).

Would you be ok if President Trump postponing the election until the war on terror ended?


Surely you see the difference between our domestic experience of the "War on Terror" and the existential struggle in which the people of Ukraine are now engaged on their own soil.
Virtue has no bearing on the historical facts that Russia began its invasion in 2014, and has been killing Ukrainians ever since.

The US leveled sanctions against Russia, not enough, but Merkel and Hollander were against thrm, and Obama was weak on foreign policy, but contrary to your ignorance, those sanctions did have an effect.

You can spin up whatever mental gymnastics you use to justify your support of Russia in its invasion, but it won't change the facts.

My work here is done. The mentally inferior can't help whenever someone thinks of something outside of the way you see it ( through the lens of corporate media) they always tap out by saying you "support Russia.

For the record I am on the side of What is going on with Russian nukes first. My second wish, is there any outcome that doesn't destabilize Europe while taking out both of these 2 💩 holes.
The constitution of Ukraine prohibits holding elections while martial law is in effect (the article you linked says as much).

Surely you see the difference between our domestic experience of the "War on Terror" and the existential struggle in which the people of Ukraine are now engaged on their own soil.

Lmao yes that was the funny part. "The Constitution" what are the chances martial law is still declared well past when the Presidential election is supposed to be held?
Rural TN (not east tn) public school grad, University of Tennessee grad, and another Tennessee public university post-grad. I know I will never be as smart as @vols40, even though he went to private school and doesn't know how capitalization works.

Don't sell yourself short. It's good to have goals.
I'm sure "your" very successful due to the fact that you attended "P"rivate "S"chool.

Jealousy is not a good color on you. I this journey you are going to have to learn that you have to want to be better just for that reason. Don't want what I have, if that's your goal you will always be less than me. I have way more faith in you.
Jealousy is not a good color on you. I this journey you are going to have to learn that you have to want to be better just for that reason. Don't want what I have, if that's your goal you will always be less than me. I have way more faith in you.
This is not a coherent sentence. "P"rivate "S"chool education really not paying off here.
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So are we all agreed that Progozhin's only chance to be alive this time next year is if Putin is out of power?

If we think that, certainly he does, too.
Lmao yes that was the funny part. "The Constitution" what are the chances martial law is still declared well past when the Presidential election is supposed to be held?

Probably pretty high, unless the Russians fold quickly. Martial law isn't going to be suspended while there's a war raging on Ukrainian soil.
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Insurrectionists are hard to beat. Vietnam was a great example, but a lot of people forget our own revolution. It was touch and go in the northeast, but when the Brits decided to start in S Carolina and go north, they got their butts handed to them basically guerilla style. Washington won at Yorktown, but it's always seemed to me that the real battle was lost in the Carolinas and Yorktown was mop up.
CV is getting there. Little by little. It's what I do. I push people out of their comfort zone (safe space I think it's called today) and make them better versions of themselves.

You must be a truly incredible person. And I mean that literally.
Probably pretty high, unless the Russians fold quickly. Martial law isn't going to be suspended while there's a war raging on Ukrainian soil.

So Ukraine this past weekend had the greatest 25,000 mercenaries in the world marching "towards Moscow" not "spilling any blood" yet Ukraine did nothing. You contend that Russia may be on the verge of potentially "folding quickly?"

There is zero chance that with the current President we have Martial law ends in Ukraine before the US Presidential election of 2024.

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