War in Ukraine

Here ya go lunchbox. Your pedo veggie prez is 100% responsible for this sh!tshow. View attachment 658095
You said grocery prices doubled. Clearly you don't understand that means a 100% increase. That didn't occur. You were exaggerating by 4x the actual amount.

Regarding the source of inflation, it began under Trump when he dropped interest rates to effectively 0% during COVID. He pumped several trillion dollars in M1 (money supply). Remember those "free money" checks from Trump and Biden you got in the mail? This resulted in substantial inflation pressure thereafter.

Anyone with any sense whatsoever recognizes this.
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Can we afford Ukraine winning the war? We’d be stuck with the rebuild cost.

There never was a good outcome from this the second Russia entered the East side of the country, its all about how much they lose. I would say they are on a path to lose it all.

There simply is no good outcome here. The sooner they cut a deal the better, if even possible at this point. The problem with cutting a deal is foreign debt holders and Black Rock already own it. Further, they should expect to shut out of the EU and probably sanctioned.

Its hard to imagine things working out for the Ukrainians.
Wrong sanctions: Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus

Moreover, speaking about Russia’s successes in terms of trade surplus, it is worth noting that it was achieved not only and not so much through the traditional export of raw materials, primarily hydrocarbons. Thus, at the end of last year, the Russian Federation became the fourth country in the world in the export of agricultural products, took first place in the sale of wheat abroad and became one of the world leaders in the production of meat products. Russian agricultural products are supplied to approximately 150 countries around the world, despite external difficulties and obstacles imposed by the West.

In fact, the country has achieved almost complete food security, except that bananas still have to be imported. Total revenue from agricultural exports amounted to $43,5 billion last year. But in the summer of 2022, Moscow agreed to conclude the so-called grain deal precisely so that the West would lift the ban on food exports from the Russian Federation. Our former partners deceived us again, but Russia coped with this too. Some “wrong” sanctions were imposed on our country.
Wrong sanctions: Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus

Moreover, speaking about Russia’s successes in terms of trade surplus, it is worth noting that it was achieved not only and not so much through the traditional export of raw materials, primarily hydrocarbons. Thus, at the end of last year, the Russian Federation became the fourth country in the world in the export of agricultural products, took first place in the sale of wheat abroad and became one of the world leaders in the production of meat products. Russian agricultural products are supplied to approximately 150 countries around the world, despite external difficulties and obstacles imposed by the West.

In fact, the country has achieved almost complete food security, except that bananas still have to be imported. Total revenue from agricultural exports amounted to $43,5 billion last year. But in the summer of 2022, Moscow agreed to conclude the so-called grain deal precisely so that the West would lift the ban on food exports from the Russian Federation. Our former partners deceived us again, but Russia coped with this too. Some “wrong” sanctions were imposed on our country.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy went to CNN to criticize Donald Trump’s Vice President pick, J.D. Vance suggesting that Vance ‘doesn’t understand what war means.’Reporter:“Vance said that even if you got the $60 billion in aid, it is not going to fundamentally change the reality on the battlefield. What's your response to that?”Zelensky:”I’m not trying to make him understand what's going on here. And we don't need any rhetoric from people who are not deeply in the know, in the war.To understand, that is to come to the frontline to see what's going on; to speak with the people; then go to civilians and what will be with them, and then what will be with them without this support.He will understand that millions of people will be killed.”

You don't have a plan, there is no reason to visit unless you're going to hand him cash in person.



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