The Russian Empire much like the Austrian and Ottoman Empires were relics of the past that were merely delaying the inevitable. World War 1 just sped up that process for the three fledgling empires. Russia had just been embarrassed military by the Japanese at the turn of the century. France had a much larger military than Britain at the start of the war and wanted revenge for the loss of the Franco Prussian War that unified Germany. They were threatened by the growing power of a unified German state. Germany’s mistake was allying itself militarily with the Austrians. Once the British entered the war on the side of the French, Garmany’s loss was inevitable as well. The US just sped up that process. Ironically, the British Empire was the only empire to survive the war, although the French tried to hold onto their colonies following the war they never recovered militarily. France hasn’t recovered militarily to this day and I don’t know that Germany will post WW2. In some ways, US foreign policy is to be blamed for Europe’s feckless military strength post the Cold War. We simply do not have the economic capacity to fight another Cold War against Russia and China this time. Our economy has changed dramatically since the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, we simply cannot rely on our manufacturing might to overwhelm our enemies like it once could. We cannot afford to continue to be the World’s police force when other nations are more than capable of contributing much more than they currently are.