War in Ukraine

So NATO is "pissing" over Russia because former Warsaw Pact countries wanted to join to avoid another round of Russian domination? Again Russia has no say on what sovereign countries can or can not do.
We had an opportunity 30 years to welcome them into the western world and help them move on from what communism did to them. Instead we’ve done the opposite and backed them into a corner of sorts. It’s unfortunate because they could be a useful partner against our true enemy, the Chinese
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DISPATCH: Ukrainian Civilians Train To Resist a Russian Invasion

If Putin launches an invasion it will be a bloody affair and probably the worst conflict since WWII. The Ukrainians will fight and will send Russians home in body bags, the question will be how much will Putin and the Kremlin be prepared to stomach?

I cannot fathom Putin being that stupid..he isn't. But if there was some multi front gambit with China as well, who knows. All China has to do is blockade Taiwan, sans Cuba. NK would sit out unless a hot war,
I think a strategy would be to avoid a direct confrontation but destroy our alliance commitments and then Pax Americana would be teetering.
You mean the same Russians that have been battle tested in Syria?

Are you saying fighting ISIS insurgents is anything remotely similar to fighting a full scale conventional war against a near peer rival that has also became battle hardened from 7 years of war and has also upgraded their military capabilities?
We had an opportunity 30 years to welcome them into the western world and help them move on from what communism did to them. Instead we’ve done the opposite and backed them into a corner of sorts. It’s unfortunate because they could be a useful partner against our true enemy, the Chinese

Putin is a ex-KGB Cold Warrior through and through, there was never a chance to actually have solid relations with Russia. Maybe if a different leader had taken over in the early 2000s maybe we could have been friends.
We had an opportunity 30 years to welcome them into the western world and help them move on from what communism did to them. Instead we’ve done the opposite and backed them into a corner of sorts. It’s unfortunate because they could be a useful partner against our true enemy, the Chinese
It's part of "The Global Chessboard" and The Great Game. This is all about control of Eurasia and pulling the teeth out of Russia. The British Empire tried this close to 200 years ago and then we picked up the baton after 1990. This has nothing to do with the safety, security and prosperity of the average American on Main Street. This is all theatre for a bigger game by powerful people. It is a shame how we wasted our good name and good will and became subversive irritants all across this planet.
Putin is a ex-KGB Cold Warrior through and through, there was never a chance to actually have solid relations with Russia. Maybe if a different leader had taken over in the early 2000s maybe we could have been friends.
Putin was an interpreter from what I understand. Not the KGB version of James Bond or Rambo.
I'll let you defend that stance. The Russians are not the only ones that knew of this unwritten agreement. Again, what does that say about us as a people when we don't keep our word, but instead hide behind "I had my fingers crossed"/"It wasn't in writing"?

What ****ing government “keeps it’s word”?
You all called the referendum a joke when the people voted to leave Ukraine. Nobody in Crimea is complaining right now about joining Russia and it's been 7 plus years going on 8.

Complainers tend to disappear, die, get thrown in jail over there.
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What ****ing government “keeps it’s word”?
I thought we were the exceptional ones?

If I gave you my word in a face to face conversation and then I broke that word, how much respect would you have for me if I say "We didn't shake on it" or "It wasn't in writing". See, this is way bigger than regular diplomacy. This is about someone keeping their word.
I thought we were the exceptional ones?

If I gave you my word in a face to face conversation and then I broke that word, how much respect would you have for me if I say "We didn't shake on it" or "It wasn't in writing". See, this is way bigger than regular diplomacy. This is about someone keeping their word.

You have yet to show where we ever gave our word.
Complainers tend to disappear, die, get thrown in jail over there.
But that never happens in America, right?

Let me back up... we are more safisticated over here. We just send the IRS after you or prosecute you on bogus charges while we drain you dry trying to pay the lawyers defending you.
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After Germany surrendered at the end of WWII we should have turned the German army around, rearmed them and drove the Soviets back to Moscow. We have Rosevelt and Truman to thank for the scourge of the communist which left us Putin and the current Chinese leaders.
Putin is a ex-KGB Cold Warrior through and through, there was never a chance to actually have solid relations with Russia. Maybe if a different leader had taken over in the early 2000s maybe we could have been friends.

We’ve swapped places with Russia...Once the communist had missiles on our doorstep in Cuba....now Russia is under attack by a communist western bloc led by us. Players are the same....the game is the same....the capitalistic divide is the only change.
After Germany surrendered at the end of WWII we should have turned the German army around, rearmed them and drove the Soviets back to Moscow. We have Rosevelt and Truman to thank for the scourge of the communist which left us Putin and the current Chinese leaders.


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