Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

It's garbage how they come back to so little, so often. Talking resources and help. I've lost faith they ever will.

Which is why priority #1 imo is to work to create fewer vets to begin with. Not talking WW type scenarios, but fighting over oil or BS...just hell no. Tell all the rich politicians "you first" and we'll see how their solution suddenly changes to foreign wars not directly involving us.
Most wars are fought over resources..it isn't just BS when your nation depends on it.
Most wars are fought over resources..it isn't just BS when your nation depends on it.

It's absolutely ridiculous and 100% about money for a country with the resources and oil/natural gas production capabilities to spend over 20 years actively fighting wars to protect our ability to use up and keep prices relatively low on Middle Eastern oil. Plus the additional 30+ years of meddling in the region.

Ì get that liberals make it as hard as possible now to drill in the U.S. but they weren't doing that much pre 2000's and TX, Gulf of Mexico and responsible drilling domestically in many areas, but especially AK, along with coal, nuclear power plants and the natural gas from TX & LA produce plenty to power our country.

There are also plenty of South American countries we could improve relations with who produce large amounts of oil (Venezuela) and we could use our leverage to improve lives of the people in those countries, unlike our futile or non-existant attempts inbthe M.E.

Only reason to care so much about M.E. oil and buy outside of the Western Hemisphere is the "use up theirs, save ours" philosophy that science is making look sillier by the year and as a reason to have military assets close to Israel.
It's absolutely ridiculous and 100% about money for a country with the resources and oil/natural gas production capabilities to spend over 20 years actively fighting wars to protect our ability to use up and keep prices relatively low on Middle Eastern oil. Plus the additional 30+ years of meddling in the region.

Ì get that liberals make it as hard as possible now to drill in the U.S. but they weren't doing that much pre 2000's and TX, Gulf of Mexico and responsible drilling domestically in many areas, but especially AK, along with coal, nuclear power plants and the natural gas from TX & LA produce plenty to power our country.

There are also plenty of South American countries we could improve relations with who produce large amounts of oil (Venezuela) and we could use our leverage to improve lives of the people in those countries, unlike our futile or non-existant attempts inbthe M.E.

Only reason to care so much about M.E. oil and buy outside of the Western Hemisphere is the "use up theirs, save ours" philosophy that science is making look sillier by the year and as a reason to have military assets close to Israel.
Ok..but what I posted is still true.
It's absolutely ridiculous and 100% about money for a country with the resources and oil/natural gas production capabilities to spend over 20 years actively fighting wars to protect our ability to use up and keep prices relatively low on Middle Eastern oil. Plus the additional 30+ years of meddling in the region.

Ì get that liberals make it as hard as possible now to drill in the U.S. but they weren't doing that much pre 2000's and TX, Gulf of Mexico and responsible drilling domestically in many areas, but especially AK, along with coal, nuclear power plants and the natural gas from TX & LA produce plenty to power our country.

There are also plenty of South American countries we could improve relations with who produce large amounts of oil (Venezuela) and we could use our leverage to improve lives of the people in those countries, unlike our futile or non-existant attempts inbthe M.E.

Only reason to care so much about M.E. oil and buy outside of the Western Hemisphere is the "use up theirs, save ours" philosophy that science is making look sillier by the year and as a reason to have military assets close to Israel.
I agree with everything you said..but what I posted is still true.

I hope we never abandon Israel.
On the subject of war, which will probably get moved to the PF, but since y'all are talking about it, never start a war you're not willing to win. Korea, Vietnam, even Afghanistan, we were unwilling to do what it would take to win. That's not on the soldiers who fought valiantly, that's on the political leaders who set limits that prevented victory.
The more I learn about him..the more I hate that dude..
I’m kinda the opposite. LBJ was a bully, but he was the kinda guy I’d like to have had dinner or drinks with.
He entered the job after a disaster…..and left it during a disaster. He couldn’t really succeed. He had no chance.
Woke up to a stunning orange sunrise this morning. That combined with the cooler weather has me ready for some Football Time in Tennessee!!!! LFG
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On the subject of war, which will probably get moved to the PF, but since y'all are talking about it, never start a war you're not willing to win. Korea, Vietnam, even Afghanistan, we were unwilling to do what it would take to win. That's not on the soldiers who fought valiantly, that's on the political leaders who set limits that prevented victory.

No excuse not to win the Vietnam war. They had one city which we couldn’t touch. If we had attacked that city with our might, it would have even over in a year or 2.
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No excuse not to win the Vietnam war. They had one city which we couldn’t touch. If we had attacked that city with our might, it would have even over in a year or 2.
The excuse was that the war was a complete lie and we never should have been there. Just like every other US war in the past 80yrs
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No excuse not to win the Vietnam war. They had one city which we couldn’t touch. If we had attacked that city with our might, it would have even over in a year or 2.
To completely win a war, you must take the enemy's territory and hold it. That brings up the question of the 300,000 Chinese soldiers in N. Vietnam and the million plus more that would have streamed across the border if we had went full ground invasion in N. Vietnam. Proxy wars are no win situations, just a lot of lives lost and destroyed. Afghanistan , the politicians absolutely ****** ** on that one.
The excuse was that the war was a complete lie and we never should have been there. Just like every other US war in the past 80yrs

I do agree, I'm talking tactics only. Not the why.... in hindsite, most wars should not be fought. Yet it happens all the time. I always think about Mark 13:7-8

But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. [8] For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.

We will always have wars going on, no matter how many peace deals were made
To completely win a war, you must take the enemy's territory and hold it. That brings up the question of the 300,000 Chinese soldiers in N. Vietnam and the million plus more that would have streamed across the border if we had went full ground invasion in N. Vietnam. Proxy wars are no win situations, just a lot of lives lost and destroyed. Afghanistan , the politicians absolutely ****** ** on that one.

We could have damaged ther infrastructure beyond repair.
Dude, they closed schools due to rampant sickness before Covid. Call it the flu if it makes it sound more reasonable, but spread is through the roof in NC. I could see it being a reasonable scenario and not political. At a certain point you don't have the staff or subs to cope.
I am still ticked because I got the flu before everyone else, and when I got back legit 80% of the teachers and staff were out, and like 50% of the student body. They kept the school open because there was some state tournament going on, and if the school shut down the team forfeited. weren't enough teachers to actually hold class so we all just stayed in the cafeteria for like 2 or 3 days. they gave us busy work. kids out at that point didn't have to make up work, but I had to make up the work while I was out.
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I am still ticked because I got the flu before everyone else, and when I got back legit 80% of the teachers and staff were out, and like 50% of the student body. They kept the school open because there was some state tournament going on, and if the school shut down the team forfeited. weren't enough teachers to actually hold class so we all just stayed in the cafeteria for like 2 or 3 days. they gave us busy work. kids out at that point didn't have to make up work, but I had to make up the work while I was out.
Your gift of great timing paid dividends even in your youth.
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We could have damaged ther infrastructure beyond repair.
When I look at what they were willing to endure by coming down the trail and fight in the south, I do not think that a destroyed infrastructure would have made them give up. Also they were getting better and better with their SAMs. The Air Force lost over 2,000 fixed wing planes in that war of which 31 of them where B-52s. Huge un-substainable personnel losses is the only thing that would have them give up. Which we had them at that point after TET and May of 1968, but Walter Cronkite and other media sources convinced them that the American public would make the Americans blink first.
When I look at what they were willing to endure by coming down the trail and fight in the south, I do not think that a destroyed infrastructure would have made them give up. Also they were getting better and better with their SAMs. The Air Force lost over 2,000 fixed wing planes in that war of which 31 of them where B-52s. Huge un-substainable personnel losses is the only thing that would have them give up. Which we had them at that point after TET and May of 1968, but Walter Cronkite and other media sources convinced them that the American public would make the Americans blink first.
I don't think it would have been an issue about willpower but more of taking out their assets and their support. That would have crippled them a great deal it would have been better than what we were doing.
I’m kinda the opposite. LBJ was a bully, but he was the kinda guy I’d like to have had dinner or drinks with.
He entered the job after a disaster…..and left it during a disaster. He couldn’t really succeed. He had no chance.
Wilson, FDR, and LBJ were three of the four most destructive presidents in U.S history. The other you get three guesses and the first two don’t count.
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I don't think it would have been an issue about willpower but more of taking out their assets and their support. That would have crippled them a great deal it would have been better than what we were doing.
Interestingly there is a comparison proxy war taking place right now, only the roles are reversed. How would Russia win this war?

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