Web Censorship and Political Bias

Trump was elected because he isn’t a typical politician. Those that consider him a POS are usually the worst ones.
Who doesn't consider him a POS?

He did show us that there are far worse things than a typical politician.

7 Signs Trump Will Landslide 2020
Kevin McCullough | Mar 03, 2019 2:00 PM

If the 2020 election were held today President Donald Trump would win by a bigger margin than in 2016, carrying the most number of states since the Re-election of President Ronald Reagan.


"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime!" - House Dems Follow Stalin's Beria-Style Persecution
UNJUSTLY FIRED Comedian Roseanne Talks About #MeToo Women and Kamala Harris With Candace Owens

Entire Video:
Over the last decade, watching the Republican Party turn into a bunch of whining snowflakes crying about being victimized by the left has been almost as disappointing as Tennessee Football.

Very True, but watching the Dems recede to the depths of Hell has their true colors ablaze for all to see.
Crush the Demons with their own vile hate
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Try to watch the video but you cant. It makes you go to YT and even there disables all the features. Anyone seen this happen before?

Try to watch the video but you cant. It makes you go to YT and even there disables all the features. Anyone seen this happen before?

I could watch the video but some people apparently did not like. Seems to be deemed hate video.

In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

Limited features for certain videos - YouTube Help
I could watch the video but some people apparently did not like. Seems to be deemed hate video.

In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

Limited features for certain videos - YouTube Help
Im not very familiar with the guy in the video, but I found another of his videos, also blocked, and it was shorter so I watched it. It didn't seem like "hate speech," but I think you're right that is why it was blocked.

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