What do you guys think about the no huddle offense?

Florida had their version of the spread, plenty of Florida guys over here that could give you their take on the defense. Would be interesting to hear.

The 2 MNCs it brought them speaks, even if they aren't.

But I said, "with few exceptions."

Trying to constructing an argument in such a way that the very facts that disprove it, prove it, may seem brilliant but it's really not.

Florida ran a power spread, based on the Big back, Tebow attack.

Interesting that CBJ has referred to his O at UT as the... "Power Spread".

You weren't watching Oregon.

I wasn't watching them what? Put their best talent on offense? Yes I was.

I always felt the more conservative style lent itself to a more conservative defense.

Your argument so far:

  1. A coach that died before these offenses were ever invented, said...
  2. I always felt...


Plus the Talent level at Florida was ridiculous.

So, talent plus coaching = wins? I wonder where I've seen that stated in this thread?
florida did not go up tempo or run a hurry up offense.

one topic at a time.

Follow whichever topic you want, but keep up with the one you're quoting about. This one is about the effects of a spread o on their d.


When Oregon first went to the "no-huddle" I thought we were in trouble. I thought "no way we can keep a QB healthy with that offense. But..................... In retrospect that concern about injuries has been unfounded. Actually, it appears the players are in better shape and actually suffer fewer injuries. I don't have any stats on that statement, but it just seems that way.

As for slow football where everyone has time to check emails between snaps, honestly it's not nearly as much fun to watch.

I love the fact that opponents that aren't in great shape get run off the field. I love that the Ducks go deep into the depth charts in every game to keep players fresh. It means more kids getting more snaps.

Some teams talk about the "two deep" chart. If you're playing the spread and fast you'll need to have players "three deep" to keep fresh.
are we talking about the spread or the no huddle?

i thought the thread was about the no huddle.
Of course we should use it if we can run it. I'm just not sold on hurrying up with a new offense with marginal skill guys and a defense that needs to be on the field as little as possible.

I think we will be able to run it well enough to stay in the field against the "big boys".

Our skill guys on offense will be ok, the spring game did not show what our offense will really be like.:hi:
are we talking about the spread or the no huddle?

i thought the thread was about the no huddle.

Good point, I did interchange spread with no huddle. For the Ducks it's one and the same. Still I think everything in my previous post applies to the no huddle regardless of the offensive set.
Timeouts and feigning a cramp whenever it is necessary will help defend against the hurry up.

Yea, Stanford made the fake injury a clear part of their defensive strategy against the Ducks a couple years ago.

I think they'll need a rule requiring a player claiming injury to remain out of the game for a period of time or number of plays. Or a team needs to be charged a time out when a player claims injury. Certainly these things will need to be addressed at some point.
Yea, Stanford made the fake injury a clear part of their defensive strategy against the Ducks a couple years ago.

I think they'll need a rule requiring a player claiming injury to remain out of the game for a period of time or number of plays. Or a team needs to be charged a time out when a player claims injury. Certainly these things will need to be addressed at some point.

Or we could have a few rules that favor the defense. Sorry, it's this SEC thing over here.
are we talking about the spread or the no huddle?

i thought the thread was about the no huddle.

There is the main thread, and then a spawn.

The main thread is about the no-huddle.

TUSK brought up the "spread defense". I called him out on it, and he's been digging his hole ever since. That's how the parallel, spread offense, discussion.
Or we could have a few rules that favor the defense. Sorry, it's this SEC thing over here.

Not sure I understand your point. This isn't a "conference" thing, it's about. No huddle offenses.

I don't think any football fan wants to see players "faking" injuries to gain an advantage.
Not sure I understand your point. This isn't a "conference" thing, it's about. No huddle offenses.

I don't think any football fan wants to see players "faking" injuries to gain an advantage.

You don't know some Bama fans. They were cool with cheating and still hold a grudge about getting turned in, as opposed to being ashamed they cheated.

You saw it in this thread.
Not sure I understand your point. This isn't a "conference" thing, it's about. No huddle offenses.

I don't think any football fan wants to see players "faking" injuries to gain an advantage.

And I don't want to see defenses at a disadvantage because they are unable to substitute because of pace. The offensive rules were instituted long before the idea of everyone running the 2 minute, hurry up drill, the entire game. Time for substance over gimmick.
And I don't want to see defenses at a disadvantage because they are unable to substitute because of pace. The offensive rules were instituted long before the idea of everyone running the 2 minute, hurry up drill, the entire game. Time for substance over gimmick.

For purity of the game, man against man, if the offense doesn't substitute, the defense doesn't substitute. So it's true man against man football. Rather than gimmick football where teams keep switching players playing chess rather than playing football.
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And I don't want to see defenses at a disadvantage because they are unable to substitute because of pace. The offensive rules were instituted long before the idea of everyone running the 2 minute, hurry up drill, the entire game. Time for substance over gimmick.

If we can not cheat like you did in the past to get players, we will use any gimmick that we can come up with to try to level the playing field. You want to keep your advantages, the rest of us want to find ways to counter your advantages, and we will.
For purity of the game, man against man, if the offense doesn't substitute, the defense doesn't substitute. So it's true man against man football. Rather than gimmick football where teams keep switching players playing chess rather than playing football.

You would think all that pure duck football would have translated into at least one national championship by now? Chess anyone?
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And I don't want to see defenses at a disadvantage because they are unable to substitute because of pace. The offensive rules were instituted long before the idea of everyone running the 2 minute, hurry up drill, the entire game. Time for substance over gimmick.

gim·mick (noun \ˈgi-mik\):

1.) an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle

2.) a trick or device used to attract business or attention

Either definition leads to an increase in viewers. Football is dynamic, and more importantly, a business. As long as new fans want to see fast paced offense, big plays, and less violence we will continue to follow that path, for better or worse.
For purity of the game, man against man, if the offense doesn't substitute, the defense doesn't substitute. So it's true man against man football. Rather than gimmick football where teams keep switching players playing chess rather than playing football.

He is trying to REASON with a Bama fan! :eek:lol:
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Tennessee there are 132 Walmart stores and in Alabama there are 117. Face it amigo, the masses love them some Walmart. You can't stop us, you can only pretend to be disguise. But I see you.

Lol......did you really just look up how many Walmart's are in Tennessee and Alabama?

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Then Nicky shouldn't have anything to worry about.

if only (sigh)

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You would think all that pure duck football would have translated into at least one national championship by now? Chess anyone?

I don't know why you'd say that, we're very new to winning and building a program. We've been very slowly building our program for the last 30 years, obviously we haven't accomplished much yet. We'll just try and keep getting better. We've certainly got a lot left to prove.

Is this where you start telling me about all the history, tradition and national championships the red tide have won? LOL

Impress me, I'm waiting......
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