What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

The 1965 you would have found MLK a worthless pile of ****** then.

I wouldn't have. Even if I don't agree with someone I tend to respect people who put their safety and freedom on the line for what they believe in, MLK faced actual danger and walked into it. Obama has never put his ass on the line for anything in his entire life.
Sure, but it's much more likely they're wrong both times. As is the case here.
Mlk fought for one thing equal rights for blacks, Obama divided the country, gave away some military supremacy, made America look weak, wrote E.Os that were illegal and he said so himself, shuffled hundreds of millions to terrorists, bowed to terrorists and you are comparing him to mlk? Mlk cheated on coretta, his worst crime. Barry goes down with scandal ridden administration that harmed the country and politicized the abc agencies. There is no comparison between the two. But nice try.
Mlk fought for one thing equal rights for blacks, Obama divided the country, gave away some military supremacy, made America look weak, wrote E.Os that were illegal and he said so himself, shuffled hundreds of millions to terrorists, bowed to terrorists and you are comparing him to mlk? Mlk cheated on coretta, his worst crime. Barry goes down with scandal ridden administration that harmed the country and politicized the abc agencies. There is no comparison between the two. But nice try.
That's not the opinion shared by most and that will not be the opinion written into history. That's the opinion shared by the demographic that had what they considered to be legitimate arguments against MLK in the 60's.
That's not the opinion shared by most and that will not be the opinion written into history. That's the opinion shared by the demographic that had what they considered to be legitimate arguments against MLK in the 60's.
Its funny how every view and opinion that you personally have, you claim most have............while its clearly not.
That's not the opinion shared by most and that will not be the opinion written into history. That's the opinion shared by the demographic that had what they considered to be legitimate arguments against MLK in the 60's.
Mlk is already long in history. Obama is already in history. You are comparing equal rights for blacks to the way Obama ran the country. They are non sequiters. If Hillary would have won the socialist selling out of America would have continued. Mlk fighting the demographics of his time in the 60's will not be repeated because there is no mlk in 2018.
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You've got him now!!! o_O
We all know how this works by now.
"I could shoot someone in times square and my faithful followers would still love me."
At the time, I thought that was one of the stupidest comments ever spoken; I failed to consider the audience.
Its funny how every view and opinion that you personally have, you claim most have............while its clearly not.
It's the old raise a concern, call a conservative wrong based on nothing, declare victory. winner winner tofu dinner.
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There is a huge difference between ‘65 and ‘18. MLK wanted equal and civil rights. Barry wanted division and special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence, and destruction. The only segregation today involves excluding white people.

100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.
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100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.
The only reason history may be kind to barry is because you all screamed racism for 8 years anytime someone criticized him for anything, so most people were, are and will always be scared to say anything bad about the first half black president.
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100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.

Doubt it. I don’t think MLK is anything like Barry and to compare the two is quite frankly idiotic. Plenty of people see Barry for what he is and it will be shown in history. I’m sure the late 1700s white folks didn’t view our founding fathers as racist but the victimhood gang of today sure do. Actually the lib race baiters of today go out of their way to find something to be offended by on a daily basis.
100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.

98% chance those same white folks in ‘65 were liberals . 99% chance the same party that caused the segregation and the two tier Justice system in the first place are the ones now screeching that Systematic Racism / white lash is real and alive in 2019 , therefore we need reparations .. 100% irony .

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