What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

98% chance those same white folks in ‘65 were liberals . 99% chance the same party that caused the segregation and the two tier Justice system in the first place are the ones now screeching that Systematic Racism / white lash is real and alive in 2019 , therefore we need reparations .. 100% irony .

Yes, only the hippies and beatniks of the 60's wanted segregation. The bible-thumpin' southern conservatives were the last bastion of hope for MLK's fight for equality.

Doubt it. I don’t think MLK is anything like Barry and to compare the two is quite frankly idiotic. Plenty of people see Barry for what he is and it will be shown in history. I’m sure the late 1700s white folks didn’t view our founding fathers as racist but the victimhood gang of today sure do. Actually the lib race baiters of today go out of their way to find something to be offended by on a daily basis.

Doubt it all you want, if this were 1960 - I'd wager a paycheck that you'd have called Dr. king everything but a black man for what he was attempting.

I've seen your posts, don't front.
We all know how this works by now.
"I could shoot someone in times square and my faithful followers would still love me."
At the time, I thought that was one of the stupidest comments ever spoken; I failed to consider the audience.

Nominate for post of the year.
Yes, only the hippies and beatniks of the 60's wanted segregation. The bible-thumpin' southern conservatives were the last bastion of hope for MLK's fight for equality.


Can’t spin history . I know it’s fun to try but what has been done can’t be undone . Screeching everybody is racist will only take you so far before people tune it out and it becomes just another left wing propaganda tool to be ignored . We are the most diverse country on the planet but if you listen to the lefts propaganda machine we are barley one level removed from slave trading on a daily bases . Barry did nothing , not one thing to help that image , even though he had the ability to gather the masses together . What a waste of a talented community organizer .
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The only reason history may be kind to barry is because you all screamed racism for 8 years anytime someone criticized him for anything, so most people were, are and will always be scared to say anything bad about the first half black president.
You sound just like the that old white man in '65 complaining about MLK.
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Doubt it all you want, if this were 1960 - I'd wager a paycheck that you'd have called Dr. king everything but a black man for what he was attempting.

I've seen your posts, don't front.

Hard to say as I try not to live in the past especially a past I was never a part of.
Not really. If someone demanded something from me I'd tell them to go F### themselves, especially if there was ZERO legal reason to do so..regardless of what I said in the past.

It doesn't bother you that he had no intention of releasing his taxes and lied over and over again when he said he would, just to get elected?

This is not the same thing as saying "I promise to improve the economy." This is specifically promising to release particular information and then reneging on that promise.

It doesn't bother you that he had no intention of releasing his taxes and lied over and over again when he said he would, just to get elected?

This is not the same thing as saying "I promise to improve the economy." This is specifically promising to release particular information and then reneging on that promise.

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No. Because I have never cared about any previous Presidents taxes. Also, I would not want to release my taxes, EVER. Not that I have anything to hide but because its private. And after that rediclious Russian Collusion witch hunt he has every right to tell the democrats to pound sound.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. No Republican ever has voted for a Republican because they promised to release their taxes. Why? BECAUSE NONE OF US CARE about what you did or didnt pay in taxes. That is for the envious commie left wing nutjobs.

Did you fly off the handle after Obama promised to close Gitmo and it never happened? He promised to stop torture. It didn't happen? Are you filled with rage over torture or taxes?
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100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.
Hilarious. 😂😂😂
100% chance that '65 white folks viewed MLK as divisive and wanting special rights while promoting lawlessness, violence and destruction. History has been kind to Dr. King and it will also be kind to Obama.
I think history will show Obama to be a fairly inconsequential President in terms of what he achieved while in office. Note that doesn't mean bad, just relatively inconsequential. He'll always be remembered as the first black President but I don't think things that occurred during his Presidency will drastically shape the country for the decades to come.

IMO, Obama had a less consequential Presidency than pretty much all of the recent Presidents before him.
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I think history will show Obama to be a fairly inconsequential President in terms of what he achieved while in office. Note that doesn't mean bad, just relatively inconsequential. He'll always be remembered as the first black President but I don't think things that occurred during his Presidency will drastically shape the country for the decades to come.

IMO, Obama had a less consequential Presidency than pretty much all of the recent Presidents before him.
He will also be remembered as the president who finally forced the health care crises to be addressed. History will show ACA was a step in the right direction.
He will also be remembered as the president who finally forced the health care crises to be addressed. History will show ACA was a step in the right direction.
It'll be seen as a rather insignificant band-aid that didn't solve or even address the underlying problem, and whose core provision (the individual mandate) was overturned by law a few years later.
It's the old raise a concern, call a conservative wrong based on nothing, declare victory. winner winner tofu dinner.

Then come the banners, T-shirts, and the pyro-maniacal rallies that involve at a minimum the burning of flags and effigies (sometimes cars and businesses) ... libs do love their "victory" celebrations.
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The only reason history may be kind to barry is because you all screamed racism for 8 years anytime someone criticized him for anything, so most people were, are and will always be scared to say anything bad about the first half black president.

Exactly, and let's not forget Obama was our first half-Kenyan president ... so much for "all American" and the perversion of natural born citizen.
The country is not going to rise or fall over Trump's taxes. Demanding them is no more than a political stunt. That's what we've come to, both sides pulling stunts trying to defame the other rather than focusing on the country itself. It's nothing more than a power struggle, with the common citizen caught in the middle.
No. Because I have never cared about any previous Presidents taxes. Also, I would not want to release my taxes, EVER. Not that I have anything to hide but because its private. And after that rediclious Russian Collusion witch hunt he has every right to tell the democrats to pound sound.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. No Republican ever has voted for a Republican because they promised to release their taxes. Why? BECAUSE NONE OF US CARE about what you did or didnt pay in taxes. That is for the envious commie left wing nutjobs.

Did you fly off the handle after Obama promised to close Gitmo and it never happened? He promised to stop torture. It didn't happen? Are you filled with rage over torture or taxes?

Several states have pending legislation attempting to keep Trump off ballots unless he releases tax info, but the supreme court has already ruled that neither states nor the federal government can create new requirements for congressional candidates. I feel every bit as strongly as you do about releasing tax records ... they are private; but if forcing release by a presidential candidate included congress and the judiciary, I could definitely waffle on that. I'd sure love to know how congressional critters become millionaires (or more) on congressional salaries.

Dims in congress would flip on a dime if they saw themselves being caught up in the disclosure game.
Several states have pending legislation attempting to keep Trump off ballots unless he releases tax info, but the supreme court has already ruled that neither states nor the federal government can create new requirements for congressional candidates. I feel every bit as strongly as you do about releasing tax records ... they are private; but if forcing release by a presidential candidate included congress and the judiciary, I could definitely waffle on that. I'd sure love to know how congressional critters become millionaires (or more) on congressional salaries.

Dims in congress would flip on a dime if they saw themselves being caught up in the disclosure game.
Every candidate has to submit a financial disclosure that is investigated. Trump did that.
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Just out of curiosity, all this demanding of Trump's taxes, is the left suggesting that the IRS is incapable of doing their job? Getting beyond this all being a political stunt, why does Congress feel the need to second guess the government agency in charge of taxation?
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Just out of curiosity, all this demanding of Trump's taxes, is the left suggesting that the IRS is incapable of doing their job? Getting beyond this all being a political stunt, why does Congress feel the need to second guess the government agency in charge of taxation?
Because they can if it justifies their narrative.
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I’m not a Trump fan in the least, but there isn’t one good argument for compelling him to release anything. Precedent ain’t it. I would even guess the reason he won’t is because it would show he isn’t everything he bloviates about on Twitter.
Several states have pending legislation attempting to keep Trump off ballots unless he releases tax info, but the supreme court has already ruled that neither states nor the federal government can create new requirements for congressional candidates. I feel every bit as strongly as you do about releasing tax records ... they are private; but if forcing release by a presidential candidate included congress and the judiciary, I could definitely waffle on that. I'd sure love to know how congressional critters become millionaires (or more) on congressional salaries.

Dims in congress would flip on a dime if they saw themselves being caught up in the disclosure game.

They get someone to write a terrible book then get billionaire activists to buy them.

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